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. In that case, I tried it several times, a long time ago.I never got the hang ofit.Another few slow steps took him behind Warrick s chair.He leaned on theback. It s easy, he said, lowering his voice to not quite a professional tone, butdefinitely with an edge of threat.Or promise. Is it? Warrick didn t look round, didn t move at all. Oh, yes.You need to learn how to relax, that s all.To accept.To be taken.Tobe used.I bet you could do it with one hand tied& with both hands tied behindyour back. His mouth now only a few inches from Warrick s ear. With sometraining and a sufficient incentive. Mm.Which you think you could, ah, supply? Warrick was struggling to keephis voice level. I m sure I could. Despite the risk of the partly open door, he couldn t resistlowering his head the last short distance to nip at Warrick s throat.Warrickshivered, marble crumbling like clay.When Warrick spoke again, his voice was a whisper. Tonight? No. Toreth stood up. Far too much to do.I ll call you, maybe.Outside the door, he ran into Belqola, looking eager to be useful. We ve gotall the staff accounted for and interviews scheduled, Para. * * * * *Toreth left the SimTech staff interviews to his team.He returned to I&I andread the reports as they came in.Some of the staff alibied each other, although this time the directors did not.Asher Linton was confirmed by AERC security to have been in the building.Marcus had been at home with his wife  being a good boy, obviously.Most ofthe rest of the staff had also been at home at the time of death  quarter to nine or in other places that excluded them from being at the river.Times werelisted for checking with movement records, credit usage and securityrecordings; alibis, weak, strong or nonexistent, were noted for corroboration.Toreth studied a map of the city, watching as the system traced routes for him,highlighting those of the staff whose alibis left them a large enough window tohave been at the murder scene.The place itself wasn t too far from the edge ofcampus; quiet and unobserved, it would ve made a convincing enough placefor a suicide but for the intervention of the luckless Tracker.Most of the staff who came up as possibles had alibis for Kelly s death, and ofthe ones remaining, none had any special connection to Teffera or Nissim.Frustratingly, by the time the last of the interviews came in, there was no clearSimTech suspect.That left a team of commercial sabs as the strongestpossibility.Toreth hated chasing professionals  I&I tended to come up against theexpensive ones, which meant the good ones.Only one point argued against pros.Yang had left his house at eight-fifteen,captured on security camera leaving the building and heading in the directionof the river.He d been alone, but walking quickly, like someone late for ameeting.That suggested he had an appointment  hopefully, the man wouldn tbe stupid enough to meet someone he didn t know in such an isolated spot.Still, Toreth couldn t assume that, so he had to consider professionals.Thatmeant more names to pull up, of known and suspected contractors.Morewhereabouts to discover, credit reports and movements to analyse and names toeliminate.It also meant a lot of very long days.Saturday tomorrow, but he dno doubt be working through the weekend.Long days and, probably, bad nights. With a sigh, Toreth called Sara and asked her to arrange to have somethingdelivered to his office for dinner.I&I security didn t like random takeawayfood delivery staff arriving at reception but, frankly, screw them. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONEOn Monday, Toreth had hoped to get away from work early, meaning beforeseven o clock.With ten minutes to go, a call came through. Para-investigator Toreth?To his surprise, it was Officer Lee, looking tired but cheerful. What can I do for you? he asked, knowing that the early getaway wasdoomed. I have another body for you, Para.I think you might like to come and have alook at it.For a moment, Toreth considered sending Mistry instead, or even Belqola.He d had only the one nightmare last night, and he didn t fancy another visit tothe morgue so soon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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