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.Annoyed withhimself for pushing Luke into confessing something he obviously hadn t wantedknown, he bent and kissed him softly before pulling back a little and putting someof his weight back onto his arm.Most of his weight was on Luke, pressing him intothe lounge so he could feel every nuance of Luke s body, could tell when he wasrelaxed and when he tensed up.Like earlier.He knew he shouldn t have told Lukehe was his, but it had just slipped out.But that was how he felt.Luke was his, andas far as he was concerned, would always be his despite whatever happened in thenext few weeks.If Luke wanted to leave, Adam knew he couldn t stop him, but hewas still hoping he could persuade Luke to stay.He just hadn t figured out how yet. I m sorry, I should have told you. Luke still sounded upset, and Adamwanted to reassure him it didn t matter. Don t be sorry, I should have asked and not just assumed. He bent his headand found Luke s mouth again.He kissed him gently, only sliding his tongue insidewhen Luke opened up for him.He kept the kiss simple, slowly allowing Luke to Blind Passion 89relax before lifting his head. But you do want to, right? he asked, suddenlyanxious that Luke might say no. You ll let me fuck you? Luke s direct question had Adam smiling. I m not going to let you do anything.I want you to make love to me, Luke.Iwant us to do things together. Adam deliberately used the words make love, hopingLuke might get the hint, hoping somehow that Luke would begin to understand howAdam was starting to feel about him. Well? he prompted. Do you?Luke nodded, and Adam guessed he smiled, even if it was only a little. Yeah, Iwant to.I want to do everything with you too.Adam smiled back, secretly pleased. Good. Now he d get to do something withLuke that Luke hadn t done with anyone else before.He bent his head again,groaning in satisfaction as Luke lifted to eagerly accept his kiss.Luke s arms wentaround him, holding him tight, and Adam deepened the kiss before breaking it tocontinue what he d started earlier an exploration down the length of Luke s body.He knew he shouldn t waste the opportunity of sampling Luke s chest, butright now he desperately wanted something else.He wanted to suck on Luke s cock.Just a few licks and pulls, and then he d come back up and start over.Or maybenot.He quickly shifted position, putting himself between Luke s parted legs.Lukestarted trembling again, but this time, Adam knew it was because of the needslowly building in him, in both of them.Slipping his fingers beneath the loosewaistband of Luke s sweatpants, he slowly pulled them down, allowing his fingersto graze across Luke s heated skin.Because the sweats were too big on Luke, theycame off easily, and once again, Adam had Luke naked in his arms.The sudden power Adam felt pulsing through his body was both heady andfrightening.He literally had Luke ready and waiting beneath him, ready for Adamto pleasure him, waiting for Adam to touch him.It was a beautiful feeling, butAdam was all too conscious he wasn t the only one who was in control here.Andthat was why it was frightening, because he needed Luke.Without Luke, Adamknew he had nothing.A little awed by the intensity of how much Luke already meant to him, Adamtried to concentrate instead on what he had, not on what he may not get.He closedhis eyes and bowed his head, then ran his hands back up Luke s legs, pushing themwide open.Luke s rich aroma reached him, and Adam instinctively bent to breathein his scent.He moaned appreciatively and settled himself, one hand on Luke s hip,the other offering a light caress on Luke s balls. Keep your eyes open, Luke.I want you to show me what I m doing, heinstructed; then, unable to wait any longer, Adam grasped the beautiful length ofLuke s cock and began lowering his mouth to the soft, plump crown.He stoppedmere millimeters away, then pushed out his tongue to catch the drop of clearprecum he knew would be suspended there like a crystal jewel.It seeped onto histongue, and he moaned at the sweet, sensual taste and at the image Luke had senthim of the pleasure on his face.His tongue swept out again, and he licked the soft, 90 Penny Brandonspongy head, the caress as soft as a butterfly s wing but potent enough that Luke letout an explosive gasp. More. Luke s plea set Adam grinning just before he lowered his head furtherand brought the swollen tip into his mouth.Luke groaned and arched his back,pushing up his hips in an attempt to plunge deeper.Adam complied, and in oneswift move opened his throat and swallowed Luke s cock whole. Oh, fuck, Adam, fuck!Lips tight, his tongue swirling in teasing strokes, Adam sucked back up, Lukewrithing beneath him.The feel, the taste, the smell of Luke was like ambrosia tohis senses; he wanted more, and he wanted it all.Adam moaned, knowing thevibrations would shoot shards of pleasure to Luke s balls.He sank back down andfelt the light tickle of Luke s pubic hair against his nose and lips; then he inhaleddeeply.Luke s scent clouded his mind and wrapped him in a blanket of sexual need.He sucked back up, keeping the flat of his tongue against the thick vein that pulsedwith every hard beat of Luke s heart.Image after image flooded his mind.He was being given a shot-by-shotillustration of what Luke saw, and despite the mental pictures being sometimespeppered with other images of what Luke wanted Adam to do to him, he was able tounderstand what it was that made such an act erotic to watch.He loved doing thisto Luke, and if Luke s visions were accurate, it showed on his face.He smiled, andthe next image Luke sent him was of himself smiling around a mouthful of cock.Hepulled off and laughed, much to Luke s chagrin and disappointment if the sound hemade was anything to go by. Don t worry.There s more, Adam promised.He quickly moved back upLuke s body, kissing the man on the mouth in a need that was just as deep aswanting to be in him.Luke moaned under the assault, then ran his hands overAdam s back. Off.Get your clothes off, Luke panted, pushing his hands under the loosesweats Adam wore.Adam groaned and pushed back into Luke s questing palms.Luke responded by pulling his ass cheeks apart, and Adam nearly came undone. My God, Luke. He pulled away, but only because he needed to get out of hisclothes, and fast.Luke helped him, pushing down his sweats as Adam stripped outof his T-shirt.Adam didn t have a clue about what he was supposed to do next, butas he settled back between Luke s thighs, what was to come next didn t matter.Astheir cocks met they both froze, both moaned, both gasped in an agony of delight. Oh, God, I want you in me! Luke cried, his hips surging upward in both anentreaty and a demand.Adam reached down to cup Luke s ass, his fingers digging deep as he groundagainst the hot, full length of Luke s cock.His arousal spiked, and he fought hard tostop from coming as Luke continued to undulate his hips in a frenzied attempt tofuse their bodies together. Adam.Adam? Are you here? Blind Passion 91Shock hit Adam like a glacial blow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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