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. You have it all figured out, huh? Absolutely.In fact&  He slipped his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted herhips.His cock slid inside her. We should probably make love as often as we can for atleast a couple of weeks.Just to be sure. Only a couple of weeks.He grinned. To start.41 Lynne LaFleurGail arched her back as he began a gentle thrusting.Spreading her legs wider, shewrapped her arms around his neck. You always have such good ideas.The End42 About the AuthorLynn LaFleur s writing career has included winning several writing contests.Shewas a semi-finalist twice in the prestigious Golden Heart Contest of Romance Writers ofAmerica.She served on the board of the RWA Chapter in Sacramento, California, forfour years, as secretary and activities director.Lynn can t imagine ever writing anything except romances. I love writing about aman and a woman falling in love.If you enjoy the story I tell enough to smile in places,shed a tear at times, or get a warm and fuzzy feeling, that is my greatest reward.After living on the West Coast for twenty-one years, Lynn is back in Texas.Sheworks for her small-town newspaper during the day and writes books of romance atnight.Lynn welcomes mail from readers.You can write to her c/o Ellora s CavePublishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502. Also by Lynn LaFleurEnchanted Rogues anthologyHappy Birthday, BabyHoliday Heat anthologyRent-A-StudTwo Men and a Lady anthology Discover for yourself why readers can t get enough of the multiple award-winningpublisher Ellora s Cave.Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit ECon the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave youbreathless.www.ellorascave.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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