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.At least, she had told her discouraged troops as they returned to the camp, they had to be getting close to the breach if the demons were so intent on stopping them.She wished her heart did not tighten so painfully still every time she thought of a breach closing.She had helped close three breaches in the year and half since she had left Lakeview.All three times, when she had stood close to the breach itself, almost close enough to touch, the same thought had crossed her mind—what if she jumped 112Blurred Bloodlines [2nd in Blurred Trilogy]by Kallystenthrough? Would she find Blake on the other side? Would she die like he had?Pressing the heels of her hands to her eyes, she chased away the memory of that rectangle of light, and the two silhouettes stumbling to the other side.They would find the next breach soon.Then they would close it.Thinking of what or who might be on the other side of that breach helped nothing.A year and half.Simon had never found anything.He had invented three dozens spells that Kate knew of—and she suspected he had sometimes tried without telling her—but while they all seemed to work when he cast them on other people, he'd never been able to tell if Blake was alive, never been able to pinpoint his location.It didn't mean anything, he assured Kate every time.Blake was in a different dimension, the rules of magic might be different there; everything might be different.A year and half.Simon still hoped.Kate wasn't sure she did.Without thinking, in a gesture that had become as habitual, as necessary as breath, she touched the two raised scars on her neck with the tips of her fingers.Sometimes, she could hardly remember what Blake's smile had been like—his real smile, the one he reserved for intimate moments, when he wasn't playing or teasing anymore and was simply happy.Did Marc remember, she wondered at times.Did he still think of Blake, like she did, every time he raised his sword, every time he fought a demon? Did he still think of her, like she still thought of him?113Blurred Bloodlines [2nd in Blurred Trilogy]by KallystenA loud trill chimed on her night table.She reached for the phone without thinking, expecting to hear Daniel, surprised when it was Simon's voice instead that rose from the receiver.He sounded agitated."Kate, you've got to come down to Central Command.Fast."She sighed.She was tired, and she had earned her day off."What is it?"The phone changed hands; next thing she knew, Daniel was repeating Simon's words."You have to come down here, Kate.You've got to see this."With another sigh, she promised him she'd be right there.By pure habit, she strapped her knife sheaths to her arm and leg after getting dressed then headed out.She doubted she would have to fight, but she always felt naked without the knives.Central Command was across the street, and she slowed her pace as she exited the barracks, turning her face up to enjoy the sun a little more fully.As soon as she stepped into the building, she headed toward Daniel's office on the left, but quickly noticed the unusual commotion on the right of the main corridor, where the conference rooms were located.She changed course and forced her way through a circle of onlookers that were gathered around the entrance to the largest room.Dark mutters followed her, but she paid them no mind.When she entered the room, she noticed the box lying on the conference table at once.It was roughly the size and shape of a coffin, and her stomach flipped unpleasantly at the 114Blurred Bloodlines [2nd in Blurred Trilogy]by Kallystenthought.She averted her eyes, and saw that Simon was standing at the back of the room close to the wall, as though he wanted to push through it or maybe disappear.His complexion had a distinct green undertone; it had been a long time since she had seen him so scared.She turned her attention to Daniel, who was talking sotto voce with one of Leawood's leaders.He nodded when he saw she was there, and she waited for him to be finished, looking back at the box.It seemed rather rudimentary, she now noticed, the planks that formed the sides and top all of irregular widths.A band of metal had been nailed around the sides, as though to hold them together.A second band secured the top in place."Kate.Thanks for coming so fast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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