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.Logan leaned in and kissed her mouth. Will you be okay in here?Should only take us half an hour to load up everything. I ll be fine.Don t worry.The light cheery bell to the door sounded again and three ladiesentered, heading straight for the table with the bolts of cloth.Clarissadrifted to the back of the suddenly very lively store, passing not onebut three tables piled with different types of cloth.The busy little bell above the door pealed once again as shestudied the rest of the store s contents, searching for flower seeds.Toher left and behind a tall shelf hiding the front of the store, she founda row of shelves housing some books and stationery, pens and ink forwriting and other items found in desks.Clarissa picked up a dime novel western and scanned the firstpage.Books were another luxury she s never been able to afford.Hermother had taught her to read at a very young age, but the only booksshe d ever been around were the ones in the library where she dworked as a maid s helper.Upon reflection, spending time alone in the library like a newborn hungry pup ready to read any book had led to her ruin.Choosing the library versus the parlor to clean one dreary day hadgotten her fired when, Bernard Pearson, the eldest son of the familyshe worked for came home unexpectedly on holiday from college andpromptly ruined her life in a single afternoon. 68 Elle Saint JamesSuck my cock until I come and swallow every drop, you whore& Mail Order Bride For Two 69Chapter 11The ugly phrase she d almost forgotten traipsed across her mindwith vivid clarity.The scene from only a few months ago, whichchanged her life forever played out in her head as she stared unseeingat the book in her hand.And in truth it could have been worse.Amy,the maid she trained with for over a year, had suffered far worse a fatewhen the two young men came strolling into the room that fatefulday.Spring was only a promising hint in the chilly air when, Bernard,arrived home with his equally rich and spoiled friend, Andrew, intow.Loud bragging all the way down the family home s centralhallway heralded their arrival into the library.Amy apparently,understood what might happen and thrust Clarissa out of sight in acloset with a view.She peeked out of the keyhole in time to seeAndrew unzip his pants and demand she  suck his cock and swallow what he gave her.Amy had resisted at first, but then Bernard had shoved her to herknees to aid his reprehensible friend.Still in the closet, Clarissawitnessed oral sex for the first time.Poor Amy hadn t spent long on her knees long before Andrewgrabbed her hair and pulled her off his still stiff cock.Without sayinganything, he dragged her up to her feet and promptly pushed Amyover the back of the library s leather sofa.He flipped her skirts up andpushed himself against her over and over.From the closet, Clarissa witnessed her first ever demonstration ofthe sex act.When Bernard had opened his trousers and his pink stiff 70 Elle Saint Jamesrod protruded from the front of him, Clarissa had gotten her first lookat the male sexual organ first hand.When he d thrust his cock toward Amy s mouth from the oppositeside of the sofa, Clarissa had fallen against the door in shock and itpopped open, revealing her hiding place. What are you doing there? Spying on us?Hard cock bobbing in his open pants all the way across the room,Bernard grabbed her from the floor and dragged her to the sofa. On your knees, whore! The brandy from his breath would setthe room on fire if a single match were lit.Waves of stench poured offof him as if he d been on a three day drunk and only had arrived tocause trouble.Amy spoke up quickly as if there weren t a man pounding hiscock into her pussy against a sofa. No.Wait.She s an innocent.Please, Mr.Bernard.Come over here and I ll see to you.Clarissa was thrust to her knees already by a drunken, angryBernard.Her words either didn t register or he ignored Amy s plea. Suck my cock until I come and swallow every drop, you whore,or so help me god, I ll make you sorry.He grabbed his cock and thrust it at her face.Before Clarissa hadbeen forced to take his dick into her mouth, the double doors to thelibrary had burst open with a forceful bang.And that was how Bernard s very prim and prudish mother foundthe four of them so engaged seconds later when she ushered her threesociety friends into the library for tea.Clarissa remembered the rush of relief that had washed down hershaking limbs at being saved from violation by the lady of the houseat the last possible moment.Margaret Pearson was a force to be reckoned with in the uppercrust of New York s stalwart society.No slander had ever beenattached to her name, at least not until this unfortunate incident.If witnesses hadn t been present in the form of the committeemembers of the ladies league and rule number one of their by-laws Mail Order Bride For Two 71had stated members must be imbued with the most sacrosanct of piousbehavior, Mrs.Pearson might have been saved the humiliation.Unfortunately, she was not saved.Amy was dismissed before she lifted from the sofa or got herknickers back in place.Andrew fastened his trousers and exitedwithout a word, leaving Bernard to face his furious mother alone.Clarissa had stood on wobbly legs, turned to face Mrs.Pearsonwith heartfelt gratitude ready to spill from her lips.Before she couldutter a word, Mrs.Pearson lifted her arm pointed one bony finger inaccusation and said,  Get out of my house this instant! But I didn t do anything, ma am.Honestly, I didn t.Her eyes widened as if further incensed that Clarissa would darespeak [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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