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.She walked into a dark room.The only light came from a single beeswax candleon the bedside table and a low fire in the grate.The draperies were drawn, the bedturned down."I want you to remove all your clothing, slowly, for me." Lucien's honeyed voicefell about her like her favorite cashmere shawl."Why do you.?""No talking," he warned.She couldn't see him, for he was completely in shadow.It made this interludequite intriguing.Serenity began to loosen the bodice of her dress.As she lowered it over herbreasts, Lucien growled his approval."Touch your breasts."She did as he bid."Squeeze your nipples until you cannot take anymore."Serenity took her breasts in hand and rolled her nipples between her thumb andforefinger."Ah," she purred, enjoying something she'd never done before.She'd become lost in her own world when Lucien ordered her remove the rest ofher clothes, slowly.His tone was mellow, his voice deep and sensual."Take your hair down, darling."She did, combing her fingers through it as it cascaded over her shoulders."Now, go to the bed and settle yourself against the pillows." She did as he asked."Yes, that's fine.Now, raise your knees and spread your legs wide.That's theway.How does it feel being naked and having your legs spread so wantonly?""It feels wonderful.Why don't you join me?""Soon enough love.First, I want you to pleasure yourself.You do rememberhow?""I believe I suffered your wrath for doing just that.But yes, indeed I rememberhow."Without another word, Serenity slid her hands down her body, over her stomachand lower.The very thought of doing this in front of Lucien made it feel evennaughtier.She fingered her moist folds, dipping two fingers into her sheath before thesame two fingers found her clitoris and began circling."Oh, yes, love, that's the way I want you to do it.Do you feel the heat risingwithin you?""Yes." Her voice came out rough-edged."Do you wish it were me?""Yes, please.""Close your eyes and keep them closed."She did as he bid her, then she felt silk covering her eyes.Mmm.Delicious.Hertongue jutted out over her bottom lip, a blatantly sensual gesture."Trust me," he whispered."No harm shall come to you."He secured her hands with silk ties to the bedstead, followed by her ankles.Shewas provocatively spread to Lucien's view, and she loved the feeling."Please, Lucien, help me.""Shh."She felt the end of the bed dip as he joined her.He settled himself between herthighs, using his fingers to open her silky folds.Then she felt his tongue, jolting herwith the sparks of pleasure.Serenity moaned as he came in contact with the very spotshe yearned for him to touch. "Oh, Lucien, yes."His tongue circled her clitoris, tantalizing her.She arched her back toward hismouth.He inserted two fingers inside her and hooked them upward.Within seconds,she was lost, her body inundated with sensations made sharper by the restraints andthe blindfold.She tensed, the fire of release building, crawling up her spine and downagain.She tugged on the ties around her wrists, but they held firm, and she could holdback no more."Oh.my.God!"Lucien held on through her intense climax until she finally settled back onto thebed, breathing heavily.Her mind reeled with what he had put her through, and shewanted more.She felt his hands on her breasts, kneading the aching mounds, teasing thenipples with tiny pinches.She became confused when she felt his mouth on her breastsand on her nether lips."Lucien, what is happening?""Shh, love, just enjoy it.""Please tell me.""I am fulfilling another of your fantasies, dear." His voice wasn't as close to herear as she'd expected.She felt hands releasing the bindings on her ankles.They he lifted her bottom offthe bed and slid a pillow underneath her."Oh, yes," Lucien murmured as his oiled finger slid into her anus."I shall never tire of that feeling." Serenity gasped as Lucien stroked her andfeasted on her.Someone else was ravaging her breasts."Lucien, I wish to see what is happening, please.""Your senses are greatly heightened by the darkness.You feel things that withsight you might overlook.""I suspect what you are doing, and I don't want to miss anything.Please."She felt the silk loosen from around her eyes, and in a moment she gazed into the eyes of the most beautiful woman she'd even seen in her life.Her flaxen blonde hair andicy crystalline blue eyes made her a classic beauty.Serenity's eyes went wide withamazement as her gaze darted from the woman to Lucien.From his position between her thighs, he grinned wickedly."This is LadyPatience Churchwood.She wished to meet you."Serenity noted they were both clothed.He went back to laving her clitoris, while Lady Patience continued to torment hernipples.He brought her to climax once again, his finger still buried deeply inside heranus.She bucked wildly, lost in the rapture Lucien so adeptly wrought upon her.Heslithered up her body, taking her lips in a claiming kiss.He tasted like her, and shereveled in it.She'd come to adore his mouth upon her, in any fashion he wished.Histongue teased her mouth open [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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