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.The creation of the United States Constitution through a coup d'etat of a tyrannousgroup lead by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, bent on creating a document whichwould favor the rich and powerful, doomed American "democracy" to failure from thebeginning.Earlier efforts by Perennialist teachers or those inspired by Perennialist teachings wereprimarily for the purpose of preserving humankind and assisting in its intellectual andspiritual advancement and evolution.In some instances, principles and practices of acommonwealth were articulated by these advanced groups, such as Plato's Commonwealth,but the purpose of those efforts was not to create an actual new society but to assist indeveloping humankind's intellectual and philosophical capabilities so that a commonwealthcould be created when that became a possibility and a necessity."The philosopher remains quiet, minds his own affair, and, as it were, standingaside under shelter of a wall in a storm and blast of dust and sleet and seeingothers filled full of lawlessness, is content if in any way he may keep himself freefrom iniquity and unholy deeds through this life and take his departure with fairhope, serene and well content when the end comes.""Well," he said, "that is no very slight thing to have achieved before taking hisdeparture.""He would not have accomplished any very great thing either," I replied, "if itwere not his fortune to live in a state adapted to his nature.In such a state only willhe himself rather attain his full stature and together with his own preserve thecommon weal."Plato, The Commonwealth, Book 6The Invisible Saving RemnantAs our present "dark age" grows ever more barbaric, it may be necessary for thesaving remnant to organize itself as an "invisible" group in which to preserve anddisseminate the Perennial wisdom.Alexis Carrel, a twentieth-century Nobel Prize winner,thought that such a "survival society" might have to adopt the structure of earlierorganizations such as the Knights Templar."A group, although very small, is capable of eluding the harmful influence of thesociety of its epoch by imposing upon its members rules of conduct modeled onmilitary or monastic discipline.Such a method is far from being new.Humanity hasalready lived through periods when communities of men and women separated fromothers and adopted strict regulations, in order to attain their ideals.Such groupswere responsible for the development of our civilisation during the Middle Ages.There were the monastic orders, the orders of chivalry, and the corporations of247 artisans.Among the religious organisations, some took refuge in monasteries, whileothers remained in the world.But all submitted to strict physiological and mentaldiscipline.The knights complied with rules varying according to the aims of thedifferent orders.In certain circumstances, they were obliged to sacrifice their lives.As for the artisans, their relations between themselves and with the public weredetermined by exacting legislation.Each corporation had its customs, itsceremonies, and its religious celebrations.In short, the members of thesecommunities renounced the ordinary forms of existence.Are we not capable ofrepeating, in a different form, the accomplishments of the monks, the knights, andthe artisans of the Middle Ages?"Man, the Unknown, 1935"You do not know and will never know who the Remnant are, or where they are, or howmany of them there are, or what they are doing or will do.Two things you do know, andno more: first, that they exist; second, that they will find you."Albert Jay Nock, Free Speech and Plain Language, 1937The Supernal Features of the Saving RemnantThough ordinary humans are rapidly losing the ability to understand reality, a smallcontemporary group is accessing supernormal knowledge through portals into HigherConsciousness.These are the true representatives of Plato's vision of philosopher-leadersand our current conception of a saving remnant.They are making knowledge availableabout what is actually going on in the world--beyond what the cabal media lies say is goingon.And, of critical importance, they are preserving higher knowledge in books and Websites which will be available when conditions have degenerated to the point where a rudelyawakened mass of people will suddenly say: "How can we get out of this intolerablesituation? What knowledge do we need to rebuild a sane and progressive world?"These supra-humans have undergone a spiritual transformation through initiation intoa Higher Consciousness and are harbingers of the evolutionary Supra-Human.Thefoundations of this transformational knowledge lie within the Perennial Tradition.Thesesavants are now creating a saving remnant--a new culture--which is overcoming thecurrent Dark Ages and laying a foundation for a future commonwealth a new culture.After humankind had degenerated during the Dark Ages, Perennialist teachers madeavailable to the West the teachings which spurred Renaissance literature and art, science,and the Enlightenment.The Enlightenment provided the impulse which brought about theAmerican revolution and its transformative documents, the Declaration of Independence,the Preamble to the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.248 These and the additional embodiments of the Perennial tradition--the Hermetic,Platonic, and Esoteric Christian, among others--have inspired humankind ever since andtoday give proof to people worldwide that a New World is being realized in an invisible wayand is overcoming the demonic cabal."This Remnant may remind our children and grandchildren of a truth known to ourancestors: individual 'freedom' expresses itself as harmonious, integrated socialbehavior.If you refer to an etymological dictionary, you will discover  as I did manyyears ago  that the words 'peace,' 'freedom,' 'love,' and 'friend' have interconnectedorigins [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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