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.Gienapp writes, Whatever the pat-versity of Missouri Press, 1999), 42 44.tern, by the end of the decade the basic out-9.Considered at the time some of the line of a new party system had taken shapebravest and most honorable soldiers in the throughout the North.Following Lincoln sU.S.armed forces.The Mississippi Dragoons, election in 1860, the Republican Party camewhich were represented at Jackson s eulogy in to national power, and the Civil War quicklyVicksburg, won commendation from Jackson ensued.Such a cataclysmic event had beenfor their willingness to ride full speed up to difficult to imagine as long as the Whig andenemy lines during a battle and fire upon the Democratic parties remained dominant, forsoldiers.See Allen, Jefferson Davis, Unconquer- both were national organizations committedable Heart, 41.to sectional harmony, and each enjoyed wide-10. Funeral Ceremonies of Saturday, spread popular support in the North andSentinel and Expositor, July 8, 1845.South.The collapse of the Whig party her-11.Vicksburg Tri-Weekly Whig, June 26, alded the onslaught of a realignment era inJuly 1, 1845, in The Papers of Jefferson Davis, American politics from which the RepublicanVol.2, ed.James T.McIntosh (Baton Rouge: Party ultimately emerged. See William E.Louisiana University Press, 1974), 264n.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican Party,12. Funeral Ceremonies of Saturday, 1852 1856 (New York and Oxford: OxfordSentinel and Expositor, July 8, 1845.University Press, 1987), 11.13.Ibid.31.Mott writes, The early history of the14. Eulogy on the Life and Character of New York Associated Press is filled with its ef-Andrew Jackson, Vicksburg Sentinel and Ex- fort to control the news-gathering field, if notpositor, July 15, 1845, in The Papers of Jefferson to monopolize it; this effort was fairly success-Davis, Vol.2, ed.James T.McIntosh (Baton ful by 1853.When the Western Union Tele-Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1974), graph Company was organized in 1855, agree-266.ments were made which gave the A.P.low rates15.Andrew Burstein, The Passions of An- and the Western Union a monopoly of news-drew Jackson (New York: Alfred A.Knopf, paper business. See Mott, American Journal-2003), 3.ism: A History 1690 1960, 251 252.16.Ibid., 266 275.32.Christopher J.Olsen, Political Culture17.Ibid., 273, 276.and Secession in Mississippi: Masculinity,Notes Chapter 5 187Honor, and the Antiparty Tradition, 1830 1860 55.Ibid.(New York Oxford: Oxford University Press, 56.Mott, American Journalism: A History2000), 183.1690 1960, 340.33.Ibid., xi.57.Ibid., 281.34. The Speech of Senator Douglas. 58. Republican Convention, New YorkBrooklyn Eagle, July 13, 1858.Times, February 26, 1856.35.Ibid.59.Mott, American Journalism: A History36.Ibid.1690 1960, 179.37.Ibid.60.Elbert B.Smith, Francis Preston Blair38.Dr.Hermann Von Holst, The Consti- (New York: The Free Press, 1980), 216.tutional and Political History of the United 61. Frank P.Blair. Philadelphia Press, Oc-States: 1859 1861; Harper s Ferry to Lincoln s tober 3, 1860.Inauguration (Chicago: Callaghan, 1892), 222.62.John Hopkins University, The Johns39. The Speech of Senator Douglas. Hopkins University Studies in Historical andBrooklyn Eagle, July 13, 1858.Political Science (Baltimore: John Hopkins40. Lincoln and Politics of Black Colo- University Press, 1914), Vol.32, 230 231.nization, Michael Vorenberg in For a Vast Fu- 63.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republicanture Also: Essays from the Journal of the Abra- Party, 1852 1856, 447.ham Lincoln Association, Thomas F.Schwarz, 64. The Licentiousness of Party, Lan-ed.(New York: Fordham University Press, caster (Pa.) Daily Evening Express, January 17,1999), 44.1861, in Northern Editorials on Secession, Vol.41.John Moncure Daniel, The Richmond 2, Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.(Gloucester,Examiner During the War or, The Writings of Mass.: Peter Smith, 1964), 1045.John M.Daniel (New York: Printed for the 65. Southern Outrages, reprinted inAuthor, 1868), 120.Daily Chicago Times, December 14, 1860.In42.Ibid., 210.Northern Editorials on Secession, Vol.2,43. The Crime Against Kansas, Charles Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.(Gloucester, Mass.:Sumner in D.A.Harsha, The Life of Charles Peter Smith, 1964), 1041.Sumner: With Choice Specimens of His Elo- 66. Cause and Effect. The New Orleansquence, A Delineation of his Oratorical Char- Bee, February 9, 1860, in Southern Editorialsacter, and His Great Speech on Kansas (New on Secession, ed.Dwight Lowell DumondYork: Dayton and Burdick, 1856), 171.(Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1964), 236.44. Brooks and Sumner, Spartanburg 67.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican(S.C.) Spartan, May 29, 1856.Party, 1852 1856, 448.45.Ibid.68.Perkins, ed., Northern Editorials on Se-46. Letter from Sarah Helen Whitman, cession, Vol.1, 6 7.Providence, ALS, to James Ingram, Febru- 69.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republicanary 27, 1874, in John Henry Ingram s Edgar Party, 1852 1856, 448.Allan Poe Collection in the University of Vir- 70. The Great Battle, Chicago Daily De-ginia Special Collections.mocrat, November 5, 1860, in Northern Edi-47.Ibid.torials on Secession, Vol.1, Howard Cecil48.George Woodberry, The Life of Edgar Perkins, ed.(Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith,Allan Poe (Boston and New York: Houghton 1964), 76.Mifflin, 1909), 2:2, 444.71.Olsen, Political Culture and Secession in49.Richmond Examiner writer Judge Mississippi: Masculinity, Honor, and the An-Robert W.Hughes quoted in George Wood- tiparty Tradition, 1830 1860), 180.berry, The Life of Edgar Allan Poe (Boston and 72. The Cry of Disunion, Richmond En-New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1909), 2:2, 444.quirer, July 10, 1860, in Northern Editorials on50.George Woodberry, The Life of Edgar Secession, Vol.1, Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.Allan Poe (Boston and New York: Houghton (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1964), 140Mifflin, 1909), 2:2, 444.141.51.D.R.Anderson, ed., Richmond Histor- 73.Olsen, Political Culture and Secession inical Papers (Richmond, Va.: Richmond Col- Mississippi: Masculinity, Honor, and the An-lege, 1915), 1:1, 79 80.tiparty Tradition, 1830 1860), 181.52.Vorenberg, Lincoln and Politics of 74.Wyatt-Brown writes, To be sure,Black Colonization, 44.white supremacy & was the central theme of53.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican Southern culture.Yet the language for express-Party, 1852 1856, 446.ing it was largely framed in terms of honor54.Ibid.and shame. See Wyatt-Brown, The Shaping188 Notes Chapter 6of Southern Culture: Honor, Grace, and War,Chapter 61760s 1880s, 199.75.Dumond, ed., Southern Editorials on 1. A Hostile Meeting, Richmond DailySecession, xx.Dispatch, August 17, 1864.http://dlxs.rich76. Submit to the Constitution, But Re- mond.edu/d/ddr/ ( January 18, 2008) via Uni-sist the First Attempt to Enforce the Principles versity of Richmond Library Digital Collec-of the Republican Party, The (Lexington) tions.Kentucky Statesman, November 13, 1860, in 2.Ibid.Southern Editorials on Secession, ed.Dwight 3.Ibid.Lowell Dumond (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter 4.Richmond Examiner, August 12 16, in-Smith, 1964), 233.clusive, quoted in D.R.Anderson, ed., Rich-77. Newspaper Provocations, reprinted mond College Historical Papers (Richmond,in the New York World, November 28, 1860.Va.: Richmond College, 1915), Vol.1, No.1:In Northern Editorials on Secession, Vol.2, 82 83.Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.(Gloucester, Mass.: 5. A Hostile Meeting, Richmond DailyPeter Smith, 1964), 1037 1038.Dispatch, August 17, 1864.http://dlxs.rich78.Ibid., 1037 1039.mond.edu/d/ddr/ ( January 18, 2008) via Uni-79 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl milosnikstop.keep.pl
.Gienapp writes, Whatever the pat-versity of Missouri Press, 1999), 42 44.tern, by the end of the decade the basic out-9.Considered at the time some of the line of a new party system had taken shapebravest and most honorable soldiers in the throughout the North.Following Lincoln sU.S.armed forces.The Mississippi Dragoons, election in 1860, the Republican Party camewhich were represented at Jackson s eulogy in to national power, and the Civil War quicklyVicksburg, won commendation from Jackson ensued.Such a cataclysmic event had beenfor their willingness to ride full speed up to difficult to imagine as long as the Whig andenemy lines during a battle and fire upon the Democratic parties remained dominant, forsoldiers.See Allen, Jefferson Davis, Unconquer- both were national organizations committedable Heart, 41.to sectional harmony, and each enjoyed wide-10. Funeral Ceremonies of Saturday, spread popular support in the North andSentinel and Expositor, July 8, 1845.South.The collapse of the Whig party her-11.Vicksburg Tri-Weekly Whig, June 26, alded the onslaught of a realignment era inJuly 1, 1845, in The Papers of Jefferson Davis, American politics from which the RepublicanVol.2, ed.James T.McIntosh (Baton Rouge: Party ultimately emerged. See William E.Louisiana University Press, 1974), 264n.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican Party,12. Funeral Ceremonies of Saturday, 1852 1856 (New York and Oxford: OxfordSentinel and Expositor, July 8, 1845.University Press, 1987), 11.13.Ibid.31.Mott writes, The early history of the14. Eulogy on the Life and Character of New York Associated Press is filled with its ef-Andrew Jackson, Vicksburg Sentinel and Ex- fort to control the news-gathering field, if notpositor, July 15, 1845, in The Papers of Jefferson to monopolize it; this effort was fairly success-Davis, Vol.2, ed.James T.McIntosh (Baton ful by 1853.When the Western Union Tele-Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1974), graph Company was organized in 1855, agree-266.ments were made which gave the A.P.low rates15.Andrew Burstein, The Passions of An- and the Western Union a monopoly of news-drew Jackson (New York: Alfred A.Knopf, paper business. See Mott, American Journal-2003), 3.ism: A History 1690 1960, 251 252.16.Ibid., 266 275.32.Christopher J.Olsen, Political Culture17.Ibid., 273, 276.and Secession in Mississippi: Masculinity,Notes Chapter 5 187Honor, and the Antiparty Tradition, 1830 1860 55.Ibid.(New York Oxford: Oxford University Press, 56.Mott, American Journalism: A History2000), 183.1690 1960, 340.33.Ibid., xi.57.Ibid., 281.34. The Speech of Senator Douglas. 58. Republican Convention, New YorkBrooklyn Eagle, July 13, 1858.Times, February 26, 1856.35.Ibid.59.Mott, American Journalism: A History36.Ibid.1690 1960, 179.37.Ibid.60.Elbert B.Smith, Francis Preston Blair38.Dr.Hermann Von Holst, The Consti- (New York: The Free Press, 1980), 216.tutional and Political History of the United 61. Frank P.Blair. Philadelphia Press, Oc-States: 1859 1861; Harper s Ferry to Lincoln s tober 3, 1860.Inauguration (Chicago: Callaghan, 1892), 222.62.John Hopkins University, The Johns39. The Speech of Senator Douglas. Hopkins University Studies in Historical andBrooklyn Eagle, July 13, 1858.Political Science (Baltimore: John Hopkins40. Lincoln and Politics of Black Colo- University Press, 1914), Vol.32, 230 231.nization, Michael Vorenberg in For a Vast Fu- 63.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republicanture Also: Essays from the Journal of the Abra- Party, 1852 1856, 447.ham Lincoln Association, Thomas F.Schwarz, 64. The Licentiousness of Party, Lan-ed.(New York: Fordham University Press, caster (Pa.) Daily Evening Express, January 17,1999), 44.1861, in Northern Editorials on Secession, Vol.41.John Moncure Daniel, The Richmond 2, Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.(Gloucester,Examiner During the War or, The Writings of Mass.: Peter Smith, 1964), 1045.John M.Daniel (New York: Printed for the 65. Southern Outrages, reprinted inAuthor, 1868), 120.Daily Chicago Times, December 14, 1860.In42.Ibid., 210.Northern Editorials on Secession, Vol.2,43. The Crime Against Kansas, Charles Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.(Gloucester, Mass.:Sumner in D.A.Harsha, The Life of Charles Peter Smith, 1964), 1041.Sumner: With Choice Specimens of His Elo- 66. Cause and Effect. The New Orleansquence, A Delineation of his Oratorical Char- Bee, February 9, 1860, in Southern Editorialsacter, and His Great Speech on Kansas (New on Secession, ed.Dwight Lowell DumondYork: Dayton and Burdick, 1856), 171.(Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1964), 236.44. Brooks and Sumner, Spartanburg 67.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican(S.C.) Spartan, May 29, 1856.Party, 1852 1856, 448.45.Ibid.68.Perkins, ed., Northern Editorials on Se-46. Letter from Sarah Helen Whitman, cession, Vol.1, 6 7.Providence, ALS, to James Ingram, Febru- 69.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republicanary 27, 1874, in John Henry Ingram s Edgar Party, 1852 1856, 448.Allan Poe Collection in the University of Vir- 70. The Great Battle, Chicago Daily De-ginia Special Collections.mocrat, November 5, 1860, in Northern Edi-47.Ibid.torials on Secession, Vol.1, Howard Cecil48.George Woodberry, The Life of Edgar Perkins, ed.(Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith,Allan Poe (Boston and New York: Houghton 1964), 76.Mifflin, 1909), 2:2, 444.71.Olsen, Political Culture and Secession in49.Richmond Examiner writer Judge Mississippi: Masculinity, Honor, and the An-Robert W.Hughes quoted in George Wood- tiparty Tradition, 1830 1860), 180.berry, The Life of Edgar Allan Poe (Boston and 72. The Cry of Disunion, Richmond En-New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1909), 2:2, 444.quirer, July 10, 1860, in Northern Editorials on50.George Woodberry, The Life of Edgar Secession, Vol.1, Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.Allan Poe (Boston and New York: Houghton (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1964), 140Mifflin, 1909), 2:2, 444.141.51.D.R.Anderson, ed., Richmond Histor- 73.Olsen, Political Culture and Secession inical Papers (Richmond, Va.: Richmond Col- Mississippi: Masculinity, Honor, and the An-lege, 1915), 1:1, 79 80.tiparty Tradition, 1830 1860), 181.52.Vorenberg, Lincoln and Politics of 74.Wyatt-Brown writes, To be sure,Black Colonization, 44.white supremacy & was the central theme of53.Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican Southern culture.Yet the language for express-Party, 1852 1856, 446.ing it was largely framed in terms of honor54.Ibid.and shame. See Wyatt-Brown, The Shaping188 Notes Chapter 6of Southern Culture: Honor, Grace, and War,Chapter 61760s 1880s, 199.75.Dumond, ed., Southern Editorials on 1. A Hostile Meeting, Richmond DailySecession, xx.Dispatch, August 17, 1864.http://dlxs.rich76. Submit to the Constitution, But Re- mond.edu/d/ddr/ ( January 18, 2008) via Uni-sist the First Attempt to Enforce the Principles versity of Richmond Library Digital Collec-of the Republican Party, The (Lexington) tions.Kentucky Statesman, November 13, 1860, in 2.Ibid.Southern Editorials on Secession, ed.Dwight 3.Ibid.Lowell Dumond (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter 4.Richmond Examiner, August 12 16, in-Smith, 1964), 233.clusive, quoted in D.R.Anderson, ed., Rich-77. Newspaper Provocations, reprinted mond College Historical Papers (Richmond,in the New York World, November 28, 1860.Va.: Richmond College, 1915), Vol.1, No.1:In Northern Editorials on Secession, Vol.2, 82 83.Howard Cecil Perkins, ed.(Gloucester, Mass.: 5. A Hostile Meeting, Richmond DailyPeter Smith, 1964), 1037 1038.Dispatch, August 17, 1864.http://dlxs.rich78.Ibid., 1037 1039.mond.edu/d/ddr/ ( January 18, 2008) via Uni-79 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]