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."Yes." He barely heard the cuffs rattle over Frank'shissed, happy agreement.He fucked Frank's tight little hole over and over.Thewords went away, leaving incoherent cries, headybegging.He spread Frank's ass wider with his fingers,letting them dig into his lover's ass as he pushed histongue in deeper.Frankie was close, body moving witha sure, sharp rhythm.He rumbled, letting the vibrationstravel through Frank's body."Make me fucking crazy."Yeah.He hoped so.He loved it when Frank wascrazy."Soon." Frankie twisted, heels digging in deep.He pulled out and leaned up, grinning at Frank."If Ilet you.""Can't stop me.So fucking close."Oh, now, that was a challenge if he'd ever heard one.He grabbed hold of Frank's balls and twisted them.Push - 290 "Hey!" Frank's cuffs jangled furiously."I stopped you.""Ass."He patted Frank's ass."Yep.Yours is particularlynice."Frank stuck his tongue out."Better than your formerlovers?""Nobody I know has a better ass than you, Frankie.""Good." Frank sounded fierce, proud.He slid his hand along Frank's cock."You have thebest everything, babe."Frank's eyes crossed, lips parting.He pushed histhumb into the tip of Frank's cock."Gordon." Frank looked at him, eyes serious."Yougonna put that thing in me again?""I am."Frank groaned, legs shifting."I've thought about it.Alot."His heart was going to stop."Yeah?" He rolled histhumb around the slit."Yeah.It was big.""I have much bigger ones."Frank stared at him."What? Do you have a secretstash of sex toys?""Not secret -- you know where the drawer is.""How much shit can you keep in there?""Feel free to check it out anytime." He grinned."Well, when you aren't tied up, that is."Frank flipped him off, with both hands.He put hishead back and laughed."Fucker." Look at that man grin."Your fucker." He rubbed his cheek against Frank'sinner thighs again."Scratchy fucker."Push - 291 "Would you rather I did this?" He turned and bit theskin he'd been rubbing with his stubble."I." Oh, someone didn't know."This?" He rubbed with his stubble."Or this?" He bit."Fuck! Stop it!" Frank's cock was leaking, drippingon the flat belly.Oh, he didn't think so."Tell me which one is better."He turned to Frank's other thigh, rubbing it and thenbiting."The biting.Asshole.""Biting.Good." He nipped his way up Frank's innerthigh from knee to the point where it met the man'storso.He was going to move up, leave his marks, find thesounds.He grabbed one of Frank's balls between his lipsand sucked it in."Oh.Oh, fuck.Gordon." Frank rattled his handcuffs,moaned.He sucked hard, slapping the ball in his mouth withhis tongue.Frank jerked, trying to yank away.Hegrowled around the orb in his mouth.Frank stilled,shivering, shaking a little.He nodded, let the ball go andput a soft kiss on it.Then he took the other one in.Thistime Frank stayed still, stayed quiet.Submitting.To him.He hummed around the orb, giving Frank thesensation of vibrations.Harsh little sounds tore fromFrank's throat, so he kept going.He hummed andsucked, then sucked some more, his fingers kneadingFrank's thighs.Frank spread wider, knees bending."Fuck, fuck,Gordon.Please."He let that ball pop out of his mouth."You beg soprettily.""Gordon! I don't."Push - 292 He managed to bite back his snort, instead filling hismouth with the base of Frank's cock, licking the skinthere.He knew it would feel good, but it wouldn't benearly enough.Nothing like a blow.Nothing at all likethat sound, stretching him, filling that pretty cock up.Itmade him growl, just thinking about it.He wanted tohear Frank wild with it.He nibbled his way up Frank's cock.The big veinrunning along the side throbbed for him, pulsed underhis lips.It felt so good, was so hot.Gordon rolledFrank's balls in one hand and pressed into the slit withthe thumb of his other hand.Frank hissed, bucked, hipsrolling up toward the touch.Oh yeah, he needed to getthe sounds out.He'd start with the same size as last timeand then increase it.He sucked the bitter, clear drops off the tip of Frank'scock, then used his thumb again, working that sweet slit."You need like a star, Frank.So fucking sexy.""More.More, man.Please.""I'll give you more, babe.I swear.""Please.I need.""I know."He got up and went to the drawer, pulling out thelittle kit of sounds he'd bought.Frank watched him,focused on him, not ignoring it this time."This is the one we'll start with.It's the one I used lasttime." He took out the sound."Start with?""Mmmhmm.Start with." He sat on the bed, draggedthe sound over Frank's belly.Frank groaned."You make me so fucking hard.""I know, babe." Grinning, he bent to take Frank'smouth.Frank kissed him back, tongue fucking his lips.Soneedy and desperate.It was hot.Push - 293 Groaning, he tore his mouth away."Gonna fill younow."Frank held his eyes."It's unreal, the things I let youdo.""It's sexy as hell, old man."He lubed up the sound, then used his thumb to pushsome lube into Frank's slit."That stings." That wasn't a no.Or a stop.Or even an'I don't like it.'"Yeah, I bet it does." He pushed a little more lube in.Frank's breath got heavier, more serious.He wrappedhis fingers around Frank's prick, turning that slit into an'o'.The air was electric, like a storm was coming."Here we go." He put the tip of the sound into thehole in Frank's cock."I.I.Fuck.Fuck." Frank was shivering."You're doing great, babe." He kept pushing thesound in."I know.Wigs me the fuck out."Gordon chuckled and let the sound slide the rest ofthe way in.Frank gasped, cuffs rattling, eyes rolling.Gordon pulled the sound partway out and let it dropagain.Frank was amazing like this."Gordon.Jesus, fuck." The tip of Frank's cock wasswollen, red."Yeah, Frankie.So good." He watched Frank ripple,arch, respond to him.He pulled the sound partway outand let it drop in again, did that again, then again,fucking Frank's hole with the metal."Please.I can't do this.So fucking hot.""You're not doing it, babe, I am." He winked at Frankand let the sound drop all the way back in again.Frank grunted, eyes rolling back, heels digging intothe mattress.Push - 294 "Nice.But I think you're ready for more." He slippedthe sound right out and picked up the next one up."What? What? No.""Yes." He lubed up the new sound and held Frank'scock to make the 'o' out of his slit again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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