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.Your Haskell." He wanted to scream his joy to the night."Oh, look at you.""Been.I thought." Those eyes looked right into him, seeing him."I been asleep a long time.""A long while.You're here now, though." He leaned down, because he just damned well had to,and took a kiss, tasting that sweet mouth for the first time in too long.Truett mighta beensleeping for a long time, but that kiss? That kiss was wide awake.He cupped the back of True's head, fingers sinking into the thick hair, tilting so he could getmore.True moaned into his lips, probably still chattering away somehow even as they rubbedtogether.Bless him, they kissed for a long while, just leaning against each other again, beforeHaskell pushed True back, looking over that too-skinny body to check for changes.There were scars now -- the round bullet, slashes and tears that were long healed.The little darkmole on True's belly was still there, though, just like always.Stroking it, Haskell hummed, thesound more cat than man."I love you, True." He needed to say it, just in case."Love.I dreamed about you.I thought you were gone.""No.Hell, I thought you were dead, lover." He hugged again, tighter this time, needing thecontact."I was." True's hands wrapped around him, hands sliding down his spine."Not now.I've got you." The moon went behind a cloud, and Haskell held his breath, terrifiedthat True would slide right back into the cat.True shivered, but stayed with him, kissing him so hard his knees buckled."You do.You foundme.""I had almost given up." Truth was, he had given up.The world was a strange and wonderfulplace.Fur and Fang - 72 True pushed against him, licking his mouth, hands sliding up his arms."You found me.""I did.I'll never let you go again." He wasn't a young fool anymore.He would follow True to theends of the earth.True laughed for him, hands sliding over his skin."No.Never again.No cages."He felt True's shudder."No.Just us." His hands started moving over True with more intent now; he was unable to stophimself.He'd missed the chattering and all, but he'd missed the touching, too."Hask." His lover felt right, warm and solid against him."Mine." They stumbled, hanging on so hard to each other that they weren't sure where they were.Haskell finally just dragged Truett back to their den, sinking to the ground with him.Truett's laugh pushed into his lips, his mate's cock heavy and full against his belly.Hot.Oh.Love.He grasped Truett's cock, hand sliding up and down, feeling its weight, its heat.True fithim like no one else had, ever.Those pretty eyes went wide, wild, hot as the noonday sun."More." Demanding man.Of course, after so long.He grinned wildly, pulling harder, loving the soft skin over thehardness, loving how True moaned for him.True yowled, bucking up under his touch, nailsdigging into his shoulders.He was fascinated by the way the flat belly rippled, the musclesstanding out as his True humped his hand.He wanted True's completion, wanted to see and smelland.Oh.Bending almost double, he put his mouth right there, right at the head of True's prick."Haskell!" Heat flooded his lips, the eager cock now slick and salty.Moaning, he sucked harder, closing his eyes and letting himself feel it.Oh, he couldn't believe hehad this again.True twisted and shifted, moving so that hungry mouth could wrap around hiscock, the suction sure and strong, enough to make him yowl.His body arched like a bow, his lips moving around True, his fingers sliding along those leanthighs, all the way up between to cup the fuzzy balls.He could feel True's cries, vibrating aroundhis cock, down around his balls.The long hands tugged at him, pulled him deeper and deeperinto that hungry mouth.They became a circle of pleasure, sucking and licking, deep purrs reverberating around their den.They rocked, both of them groaning, sucking, trying to outdo the other with need.Lightly furredthighs framed his face, so soft, so warm, surrounding him with Truett's scent.Haskell felt his release rising up his spine, True's mouth pulling it out of him, and he slid hisFur and Fang - 73 fingers back beyond True's balls, tapping the tight hole.He knew that drove Truett mad.True'smuscles went tight, hard all around him, the growl around his cock so damn sweet.All he coulddo was let go and find his pleasure, his prick throbbing hard in Truett's mouth.He shot until hewanted to scream, but he wanted True with him, so he didn't let go.When the flavor hit his mouth -- strong and bitter and familiar and his -- he growled, entire bodyshaking as True came for him.Love.Mate.His.That was what he'd needed ever since they found each other again.True's tongue slid along his cock, cleaning him lazily."Hask.""Mmm.Truett." He nuzzled in, scenting them, the tightness in his belly easing.Slippingaround, he curled his arms about True and squeezed."Missed you.""I.I'm sorry I didn't come around.I was." Truett shrugged, looking a tad confused."Sleeping.""You were resting.Building strength." How could True think Haskell would blame him? "Youknow what I want?"Truett hummed softly, rocking him a bit."Mmm?""Cornbread and coffee.When you're ready, we'll go into town.But not until you're ready." Theycould survive on their hunt until then, and on foraging."Soon, Hask.Soon.I.I can feel the cat, right under my skin.""Then we'll let him come.As long as I know you'll come back to me.I need this." He'd alwaysbeen more of the alpha, but he'd always been more the man, too.It was like, no matter what hewas, Haskell was rooted deeply in either."You're mine.You find me, when I get lost [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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