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.And West had promised to spoil him.He'd made a joke ofit, but he had to admit, he was kind of looking forward to it.And this? Flying first class? This rocked.His seat was nearly as comfortable as his old recliner backhome, he was working on his second beer, and he thoughtmaybe the male steward, pardon him, flight attendant, wasflirting with him.On top of that, West had brought his laptop with him, buthadn't broken it out yet.He grinned over. This is great, West.Thanks for invitingme along, buddy.""I'm glad you came. West winked, leaning back. We'll goparty hardy, Ardie." Ardie chuckled. I'm not sure I've got the duds for partyinghardy, West.""Then we'll buy you some.Mmm.Leather pants."He laughed out loud at that. Leather pants.Me? Can youimagine. Oh, that was a good one."Oh, we'll have to.You're built, Ard.I? Look like a dork.""You look like a racehorse.All lean lines. He shut hismouth.Vacation didn't mean his brain had to go south.West snorted. I'm skinny and tall and going grey, but thankyou.Brian used to say I cleaned up nice.""You don't do so bad dirty either. He gave West a wink andwondered what to do about his sudden inability to keep hismouth shut.The air host, or flight host, or whatever it was he wanted tobe called, came by and Ardie got himself another beer. You got something to eat? This liquid lunch is going tomake me sleepy."West chuckled,  Not to mention goofy and cute.""Goofy? He laughed. I'm too old to be goofy or cute,West." "You're adorable. West chuckled, eyes laughing and atease.He rolled his eyes, but he was grinning, too, pleased."If you don't watch it, that steward'll pick you up.""Me? Oh, no, he's just playing. And for once, Ardie waskind of playing back."You.And that's intense playing, Ard."He blinked a moment. He's not just flirting, West? Surelythe man was just flirting.Ard wasn't really an old man, buthe was next to that kid."Lord, lord.I'm going to have to get you laid, man, if youcan't tell."Ardie felt his cheeks go red. I haven't exactly had thepractice, West.""Well, it still works, right?""West!""What? It's an honest question.""I'm not that old.Geesh, West.Of course it works. He tooka long sip of his beer. "Good to know. West chuckled, sipping a Bloody Mary.Bastard."So, where are we staying? he asked, changing thesubject before it got even more out of hand."Well, we could stay at my old place, but I thought we'd havemore fun in a ritzy hotel.""Yeah? Like with a mini-bar and bathrobes and stuff? Thatsounded like fun."Yeah.In-room hot tub.Room service.Great view.HBO onthe tube.All the perks.""I don't think I've ever been in a hot tub, West. He had toadmit, West knew how to have fun."Then it's about time, Ard.It's about damned time."Yeah, he thought maybe West was right.* * * *It was harder to be in Seattle than he thought it would be.Thank God Ard was there.It wasn't as if he needed protecting or anything, but it wasnice to have someone to show the city to.Someone to laugh with.Someone to talk to.Ard made things right.They were sharing a room at the Meridian, Ardie justdrinking it all in, from the hot tub, to the room service, to thebig old bath towels.Tonight they were having dinner at aseafood place, Ardie wearing the lobster bib and wieldinghis mallet, though the food wasn't in front of them yet.He hadn't laughed so long and hard in fifteen years. Oh,you? Are adorable.Utterly.""Oh, now don't you be laughing at me I'm sticking you withthe bill for this very expensive plastic bib I've got.""Oh, ho! Is that it? He'd ordered steak and shrimp, waslooking forward to it, too."Yep. Ardie gave him a wink. You know I've never hadlobster before? Looks like this is a trip of firsts.""It's a little challenging, but I bet you can manage.""Well, shucks now, I don't know, West.Does it involvemath? Ardie had let his accent go thick, words slow."Oh, don't make me beat you, Ardie Bodine. He'd helpedArd through all those classes, knew Ardie could do it. "I thought you said you weren't into that strange shit."West stopped, blinked, then started laughing hard. Youbitch.""Nope, Ardie said with a grin. Stud."They were still laughing as their food arrived and Ardie'seyes just about bugged out at the sight of the huge lobsteron his plate.West just rolled, cackling madly. Oh, sweet Christ.Yourface.""I thought the mallet was a joke.And this thing is huge.Ardie grinned at him and hefted his mallet, giving thelobster a good solid crack.They cackled and he helped Ard work through the processof getting the lobster opened and edible.God, this was hilarious.By the time they were done, they'd laughed themselves out,eaten a ton, and Ardie's hands and face were a mess. Thank God for the bib, Ardie said in all seriousness.West nodded, grinning over, warm and happy inside. Youknow it.We couldn't go dancing if you were a mess." "I'm still not sure about this dancing thing, West.I've neverreally done more than a few rounds in the front room withthe girls.And Luke, to teach him how. Ardie wiped hishands and mouth on his napkin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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