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.Not asbright as your eyes, but so dark and so archy.Quan's frown deepened. Maybe I should get the healer. No.I'm tired, Quan.I need to rest and sit and stopbleeding for a day or two.I need a day without a challengeand my only concern when your next kiss will be. Hecrouched into the water with a sigh, forcing himself to focus,to quit rambling. I do not need the healer.With my luck,he'd challenge me for you.Quan fussed over him, cupping his hands and pouringwater over Jael head and face.He was muttering below hisbreath, Jael catching the occasional word of complaint andworry. You're going to make your hair grey with worry, Quan.He reached out and stroked the thin stomach gently. I'mfine.194 Where Flows the Waterby Sean MichaelQuan pressed into his touches like a sleek cat asking formore. I do not like being the reason for your pains. Theblue eyes met his, emotion strong in them. I love you, Jael. I love you, my One. He continued the soothing, easytouches.It was an addiction, the pleasure in those eyes whenhe touched the fine, smooth skin. So beautiful.Quan leaned forward and touched their lips together in agentle kiss. Let me get your wounds bound before youutterly distract me.Jael moaned softly, capturing Quan's bottom lip with hismouth and sucking gently. Distract you? Jael. Mmm? You're hurt.I need to bind the wounds. Yes, my One. He nodded, tongue exploring the corner ofQuan's mouth, lapping and tracing. Wounds. You're cheating. Quan was melting against him, hissoaked clothing between them, keeping their skin from slidingtogether. How am I supposed to resist you in the water? Don't resist me.Touch me. Jael took the kiss he needed,hands loosening Quan's hair from its knot. Taste so good. You're hurt, protested Quan a moment before his lipsclosed over Jael's in a long, slow kiss.He murmured againstQuan's lips, mouth opening to invite his lover inside,swimming in sensation.Tongue pressing into his mouth, Quanbegan to touch him, hands warm beneath the cool caress ofthe water. Oh. He shivered and arched into the touches.How hadhe resisted this pleasure so long? Why had he?195 Where Flows the Waterby Sean MichaelQuan's hands slid over his skin, fingers finding his nipples,already hard from the cold touch of the water, and tugged onthem, the sensation bright and warm.His eyes closed and hegasped for air, cock filling even in the cool water.Quan'stouch echoed within him as he pressed into those teasingfingers, begging for more.Quan somehow managed to pull offhis own clothing, even as he kissed and stroked Jael.Jaelwasn't sure how Quan did it, but his hands were veryappreciative, reaching out for the wet, smooth, slick skin,petting and stroking.Quan moaned into his mouth, pressingclose.His hands found the rounded curves of Quan's buttocks,cupping the soft flesh, fingers pressing into cool flesh.Theyrocked together, hot and cool and water and skin and hungrylips all melded together in desire.Quan wrapped his legsaround Jael's waist, the water making his weight nothing.Thekiss continued, passionate and deep and better than anymedicine.He sank deeper and deeper into the water,moaning and rocking against Quan's skin.The sliding thrustsof Quan's tongue into his mouth were addictive, sweet andhungry.Quan's hands were everywhere, pinching his nipples,stroking his belly, grabbing his buttocks, each touch makinghim warmer, needier.The kiss grew sharper, his teeth nippingat Quan's lips, testing the texture of the slick flesh.Theflavour shared between them changed, grew the edge ofwildness, fresh honey and blood and crushed grasses and Jaelmoaned as time seemed to slow, his hunter's instincts aliveand focused on his One.Quan moved against him like he was196 Where Flows the Waterby Sean Michaela part of the water, fluid and sensual, hot and eager againsthim. My One.Need you.He pulled Quan's hips into his tighter, groaning againstQuan's swollen, open mouth. Here, I'm here. Quan's words were mumbled into hismouth, the slender body moving faster against him, rubbingtheir erections together, so hot together.He arched, takinganother deep, long kiss as he came, drinking in the beautyand pleasure and need that was his One.Quan moaned intohis mouth, growing stiff in his arms and more heat spreadbetween them to be stolen by the water.His strength dissolved as his need ebbed and Jael slowlysank to his knees in the cool water. Love you.Quan's legs slid away, his One once again supporting him. And I love you.A soft kiss was pressed to his lips and then Quan wastugging gently. Come, my Protector.I need you to get to thefurs under your own power and then you can let yourweakness have you. Not weak. He couldn't see the sense in standing up.Hewas perfectly happy right where he was, the water supportingand cradling him. Protect my One. Yes, my hunter, I misspoke.I meant give in to yourwounds.You must heal so that you can meet the nextchallenge.I will not accept another hi'icha. No.None other can care for you as I do.I was made tostand by your side. He struggled and found his feet, lettingQuan lead him from the water. One day they will understandthat the winds are with me and they will stop coming.197 Where Flows the Waterby Sean Michael My wish is for that day to come soon.I do not like it whenyou are hurt. Quan got him to the furs and settled himamong them.His wounds were quickly dressed with salve andbound, Quan had become quite proficient at nursing him aschallenge after challenge was mounted and met.Warm andsated and cared for, Jael relaxed, muscles unknottingreluctantly.The salve smelled of mint and the spicy orangeflowers that grew around his grandmother Hali's tent. Will you eat? Quan asked him as a fur was settled overhim, tucked carefully in on all sides. No, my One.I only hunger for your touch. He workedone hand free, stroking the still-damp skin of Quan'sstomach, comforting and comforted by the familiar touch.Quan slipped beneath the furs, pressing close, hands slidingover Jael's skin. Mm.tell me a tale of where you came from, my One.Where were you travelling to when you found me? He wasalready half-asleep, entire focus on the motion of warm handsupon his body.He didn't care what story Quan told, he simplywanted the oddly lovely voice to fill his head. I was looking for you, Jael, though I didn't know it wasyou until I found you. Quan chuckled, his breath soft againstJael's skin. How did you know? Why didn't I know? He strokedQuan's long, silky hair, letting the midnight strand fall uponhis face, his chest. Why couldn't I see? For so long I lived with the after-effects of the magic onmy own.I believed there was someone out there who wasmeant as my mate, who could ease my pains and so I198 Where Flows the Waterby Sean Michaelsearched for that person.Every day was a small agony, eachone a little harder than the last, but I had lived for so longwith the need to be eased that I had forgotten how it felt notto hurt. Quan's hands stroked him more firmly, distractingand soothing, his One knowing it was hard for him to hear ofeven past hurts. The first touch of your hand on me was abalm, though I was so panicked from the bear I did notrealise it right away.But slowly you were undoing years oftension and pain. And now, my One. Jael forced his eyes open, searchingthe beloved face. You have no pain, Quan? You are at ease?His One smiled down at him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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