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.):Access (W-CDMA), 129 packaged solutions, 433Windows (peer-to-peer networks), virtual private networks, 431244 249 WAP portals, 431Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wi-Fi, 432389 391 Wireless IP, 434 437access points, 2 Wireless Knowledge, 403PDAs, 272 Wireless LAN security, 437 444Wi-Fi, 413 authentication via RADIUS, 440wireless LAN security, 438 442 closed systems, 441 442WLANs, 452 encryption enhancements, 439 440Wireless Access Communications firewalls, 442 444System (WACS), 251 key change administration,Wireless Application Environment 440 441(WAE), 397 399 Wireless LANs, 444 454Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): applications, 444 445i-Mode, 160 configurations, 447 450Internet-enabled mobile phones, DECT, 8643, 44, 46 operation, 446 447PCS, 265 standards, 450 454specialized mobile radio, 394 401 technologies, 445 446wireless Intranet access, 431 Wireless local loops (WLLs), 454 464Wireless application service providers architectures, 458 463(WASPs), 401 405 base station, 461 462Wireless bridges, 425 427 cordless, 72Wireless cable, microwave, 216 DECT, 84 86Wireless Centrex, 405 409 MTSO/MSC, 458 459features, 406 407 operations, administration andservice, 407 408 maintenance, 462 463Wireless Communications Services proprietary networks, 460(WCS), 409 411 PSTN-based direct connect, 458Wireless Device Server, 433 RSS, 460 461Wireless E911, 392 394 Wireless local number portability,Wireless Ethernet Compatibility 464 465Alliance (WECA), 438, 454 Wireless management tools, 465 468Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), 411 414 Wireless Markup Language (WML), 46GPRS, 130 WAP, 395, 397routers, 308 wireless Intranet access, 431wireless Intranet access, 432 Wireless Medical Telemetry ServiceWireless Internet access, 414 422 (WMTS), 468 470methods, 415 420 Wireless messaging, 470 473service caveats, 420 421 e-mail over paging nets, 471 472Wireless Internet service providers integrated applications, 472(WISPs), 422 425 Wireless mMode, 161Wireless Internetworking, 425 430 Wireless PBX, 473 481bridges, 425 427 applications, 473 474routers, 427 429 call handoff, 478 479Wireless Intranet access, 430 434 standards, 478 479Bluetooth, 432 system components, 474 478 INDEX 541Wireless routers, 427 429 World Wide Web ConsortiumWireless Telecommunications Bureau (W3C), 399(WTB), 14 15, 100, 481 483 WorldCom, 183, 185, 233, 234Wireless telecommunications Worldwide Digital Cordlessinvestment fraud, 483 486 Telephone (WDCT), 87avoiding fraud, 484 486 Worldwide Geodetic System 1984warning signs, 484 (WGS-84), 133Wireless Telegraph and Signal WTB (see WirelessCompany, Ltd, 353 Telecommunications Bureau)WISPs (see Wireless Internet serviceproviders)XWLLs (see Wireless local loops)XO Communications, 204WML (see Wireless MarkupLanguage)YWMLScript, 398 399Yahoo, 264WMTS (see Wireless MedicalTelemetry Service)ZWorld Radio Conference 2000 (WRC-ZoneAlarm, 4432000), 190, 191 This page intentionally left blank. About the AuthorNathan J.Muller is an independent consultant specializingin telecommunications technology marketing, research, andeducation.A resident of Sterling, VA, he serves on theEditorial Board of the International Journal of NetworkManagement and the Advisory Panel of Faulkner Infor-mation Services.Among the 24 books he has authored areThe Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications andNetwork Manager s Handbook.Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Click Here for Terms of Use [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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