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.The idea of compulsory rebirth is horrible to the mind of the average man,and rightly so, for it violates his intuitive sense of the justice and truth ofthis great law of Life.We are here because we wished to be - in obedience tothe Law of Attraction, operating in accordance with our desires andaspiration - yes, often, longings - after our departure from our last fleshlytenement, and the period of rest which always follows a life.And we willnever be anywhere else, or in any other life, unless by reason of that samelaw, called into effect in the same manner.It is quite true, that the periodbetween lives gives us an opportunity to receive the higher knowledge of theSpirit more clearly than when disturbed by material things, but even with Fourteen Lessons in YogiPlease Share1903-By YogiPhilosophy and Oriental OccultismThis E-BookRamacharakaSPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.229this additional aid, our desires are often sufficiently strong to cause usto reject the gentle promptings of the Spirit, as to what is best for us(just as we do in our everyday lives) and we allow ourselves to be caughtup in the current of desire, and are swept onward toward rebirth insuch conditions as to allow us to manifest and express, those desiresand longings.Sometimes, the Spirit's voice influences us to a degree,and we are born in conditions representing a compromise between theSpirit's teaching and the grosser desires, and the result is often a lifetorn with conflicting desires and restless longings - but all this is apromise of better conditions in the future.When one has developed so far as to be open to the influence of theSpiritual Mind in his physical life, he may rest assured that his nextchoice of rebirth will be made with the full approval and wisdom of thathigher part of his mind, and the old mistakes will be obviated.As a general statement of truth, we may say that those who actuallyfeel within them that consciousness of having always existed and ofbeing intended for an endless existence, need fear nothing on the scoreof future unconscious rebirths.They have reached the stage ofconsciousness in which, henceforth, they will be aware of the wholeprocess of the future incarnations, and will make the change (if theywish to) just as one changes his place of residence, or travels from onecountry to another.They are "delivered" from the necessity of the un- Fourteen Lessons in YogiPlease Share1903-By YogiPhilosophy and Oriental OccultismThis E-BookRamacharaka230 YOGI PHILOSOPHY.conscious rebirth, from blind desire, which has been their portion in thepast, and which is the lot of the majority of the race.And now after this long preamble, let us see what Spiritual Evolution, astaught by the Yogis, really means.The Yogi Philosophy teaches that Man has always lived and always will live.That that which we call Death is but a falling to sleep to awaken thefollowing morning.That Death is but a temporary loss of consciousness.That life is continuous and that its object is development, growth,'unfoldment.That we are in Eternity Now as much as we ever can be.Thatthe Soul is the Real Man, and not merely an appendage or attachment tohis physical body, as many seem to regard it.That the Soul may existequally well out of the body as in it, although certain experience andknowledge may be obtained only by reason of a physical existence - hencethat existence.That we have bodies now, just because we need them - when we haveprogressed beyond a certain point, we will not need the kind of bodies wehave now, and will be relieved of them.That on the grosser planes of life farmore material bodies than ours were occupied by the soul - that on higherplanes the soul will occupy finer bodies.That as we live out the experiencesof one earth life, we pass out of the body into a state of rest, and after thatare reborn into bodies, and into conditions, in accordance with our needsand desires.That the real Life is really Fourteen Lessons in YogiPlease Share1903-By YogiPhilosophy and Oriental OccultismThis E-BookRamacharakaSPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.231a succession of lives-of rebirths, and that our present life is merely one of acountless number of previous lives, our present self being the result of theexperiences gained in our previous existences.The Yogi Philosophy teaches that the Soul has existed for ages, working itsway up through innumerable forms, from lower to higher, - alwaysprogressing, always unfolding.That it will continue to develop and unfold,through countless ages, in many forms and phases, but always higher andhigher.The Universe is great and large, and there are countless worlds andspheres for its inhabitants, and we shall not be bound to earth one momentafter we are fitted to move on to higher spheres and planes.The Yogis teachthat while the majority of the race are in the unconscious stage of SpiritualEvolution, still there are many awakening to the truth, and developing aspiritual consciousness of the real nature and future of Man, and that thesespiritually awakened people will never again have to go through the chain ofcontinued unconscious rebirth, but that their future development will beon a conscious plane, and that they will enjoy to the full the constantprogression and development, instead of being mere pawns on thechessboard of Life.The Yogis teach that there are many forms of life, muchlower than Man - so much lower that we cannot conceive of them.Andthat there are degrees of life so far above our present plane ofdevelopment that our minds cannot grasp the idea.Those souls who havetraveled over the Fourteen Lessons in YogiPlease Share1903-By YogiPhilosophy and Oriental OccultismThis E-BookRamacharaka232 YOGI PHILOSOPHY.Path which we are now treading - our Elder Brothers - are constantly givingus their aid and encouragement, and are often extending to us the helpinghand - although we recognize it not.There are in existence, on planesbeyond our own, intelligences which were once men as are we, but whohave now progressed so far in the scale that compared with us they areangels and archangels - and we shall be like unto them sometime.The Yogi Philosophy teaches that YOU who are reading these lines, havelived many, many lives.You have lived in the lower forms of life, workingyour way up gradually in the scale.After you passed into the human phaseof existence you lived as the caveman, the cliff dweller, the savage, thebarbarian; the warrior, the knight; the priest; the scholar of the MiddleAges; - now in Europe; now in India; now in Persia; now in the East; now inthe West.In all ages, - in all climes-among all peoples - of all races - haveyou lived, had your existence, played your part, and died.In each life haveyou gained experiences; learned your lessons; profited by your mistakes;grown, developed and unfolded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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