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.However, at the high dosage level, there has been some occurance of minor side effects, in-cluding overstimulation and insomnia, irritability, anger or anxiety, acne, and headaches.MelatoninMelatonin is a natural hormone made in the pineal gland, a pea-sized gland located in thebrain.Since its first discovery in 1958, melatonin has been studied extensively and has been shownto be widely beneficial to the body.As with all of the other hormones we're discussing, melatoninlevels decline significantly as we age.An interesting note on melatonin.The trigger for productionof melatonin is darkness total darkness.1 Any light in the room will inhibit production of yourbody's melatonin.Today, however, living in a world with nightlights in the bedroom, or street-lights sneaking through the window, we actually have an epidemic of people with insufficient me-latonin production, even at a very young age.Now here's the really interesting part.The problemdoesn't just come from light falling on our eyes while we sleep, but from light falling on any part1Without artificial light we would normally be in total darkness from 8-12 hours a night, producing melatoninduring all of those hours.Living in a city or suburban area may cut the hours of total darkness to 0-6, depending onhow light tight the bedroom is.Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved www.jonbarron.org Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 82 - Balancing Hormone Levelsof the body.Even if you wear an eye-mask, so that you are in total darkness, if light is falling onyour arms or chest or feet, that's enough to stop melatonin production.The benefits of supplementation include:Better SleepLowered levels of nighttime melatonin reduce the quality of sleep resulting in theneed for more sleep.If your pineal gland does not produce adequate melatoninearly enough in the evening, both the quality and quantity of your sleep may suf-fer.Lack of melatonin may make it difficult for you to fall asleep, or may causeyou to wake up too soon.Too much melatonin and you will feel yourself feelingexhausted, or "drugged" throughout the day.If secretion does not continue, youmay wake up too soon.By taking melatonin instead of other so-called sleepingaids, rapid eye movement sleep (REM=dreaming) is not suppressed nor does it in-duce "hangover" effects when used as directed.Enhanced Immune FunctionMany people report that supplementation with melatonin has significantly reducedtheir incidence of colds and infections.The exact way in which melatonin affectsthe immune system is not known.However, since much of the activity of the im-mune system takes place at night, some researchers have proposed that melatonininteracts with the immune system during sleep, helping to buffer the adverse ef-fects of stress on the immune system1.Powerful Antioxidant CapabilitiesMelatonin is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in the body.In addi-tion, since it is both water and fat soluble, melatonin can reach almost every singlecell in the body.On the down side, however, since it cannot store in the body, itmust be replenished daily.This would normally not be a problem, except for thefact, as we've already mentioned, that constant exposure to artificial light has sig-nificantly reduced production of melatonin in our bodies.Mood ElevatorNighttime melatonin levels are low in people with major depressive and panic dis-orders.Individuals with noticeable mood swings or who are melancholic also havedepressed melatonin levels.Both seasonal affective disorder and non-seasonal cy-clic depressions are related to the peaks and valleys of melatonin levels.Cancer FighterHelps the HeartRelieves Asthma Symptoms1It has been proposed by some that the increased incidence of cancer we are seeing is partially due to the ex-tended time we are exposed to artificial lighting.This is reflected in the fact that melatonin levels of breast cancerand prostate cancer patients are half of normal.Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved www.jonbarron.org Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 83 - Balancing Hormone LevelsAlzheimer'sCataractsEtc.General RecommendationsProgesterone: Whether you're still going through your menstrual cycles (or whetheryou're pre-menopausal, menopausal, or post-menopausal), you need to seriously con-sider supplementation with an all-natural1 progesterone cream.The benefits can beprofound, and the risks of not supplementing potentially include an increased risk ofbreast cancer, endometrial cancer, and osteoporosis to reiterate just a few.And for men, since they are not immune to the effects of xenoestrogens, low lev-els of natural progesterone supplementation can help with depression and can helprelieve prostate problems and help prevent prostate cancer.Estrogen: In most cases, estrogen supplementation is not called for.The problem isusually related to a lack of progesterone, not estrogen.But in those cases where it isrequired, make sure your doctor uses either all-natural triple-estrogen in the normalbody-ratio of approximately 90% estriol, 7% estradiol, and 3% estrone or use pureestriol.As we discussed earlier, this is the exception, not the rule; and most doctorsare unaware of the difference.Testosterone: Extracts of wild oats and nettles can safely help increase testosteronelevels in the body by releasing the bound testosterone already there and helping toprevent conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in men.For men, zinc sup-plementation of approximately 50 mg a day is also advisable to help prevent produc-tion of dihydrotestosterone in the body.HGH: Supplementation with a secretagogue, a homeopathic HGH formula, or thenew sublingual polymer matrix HGH makes sense for anyone over 35.All of these areokay to use on a daily basis as they do not suppress the body's own production ofHGH.Of the three, however, the polymer matrix HGH is the most effective.You alsomight want to try increasing your exercise levels.Aerobic exercise can double HGHlevels in the body, but weight training can increase levels by as much as 400-800%.DHEA: I do not recommend supplementation with DHEA at this time without moni-toring DHEA levels in your blood.If you insist, try the new 7-Keto formulas.In anycase, supplementation with pregnenolone and/or HGH will help raise DHEA levels inthe body.If you choose to supplement, do not use daily, as supplementation may sup-press the body's own production of DHEA.Pregnenolone: Start with 5 mg a day and increase by 5 mg a day (to a maximum of30 mg) until you "feel" really good.Then try backing it down to the lowest level thatstill produces that same feeling.Finally, start backing off on the days that you use ituntil you are using it only 2 or 3 times a week (so as not to suppress your body's own1Make sure you avoid the synthetic forms of progesterone such as Provera.Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved www.jonbarron.org Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 84 - Balancing Hormone Levelsproduction).As needed, as you age, you can increase the days and dosage.The finalrecommended dosage is age dependent.If you're younger than 50, you might considerdosages in the range of 10-20 mg 2 to 3 times a week.If you're over 50, you may endup using 15-30 mg daily.Melatonin: Melatonin, in small doses,1 several times a week (so as not to suppressyour body's own production), makes sense for supplementation.There's virtually nodownside; it can help restore optimum sleep patterns, and it's a powerful antioxidantand immune enhancer.As you get older, you can increase the amount and frequencyas needed.There is, of course, another option.Use black-out curtains in the bedroom,and turn off any nightlights [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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