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.LESSON TESTGRAMMAR1 Choose the correct answer.1 This is an example of the present perfect continuous:I have lived here since December./ He has been living abroad for two years.2 We use the present perfect continuous to talk about continuous activities that started in the past and continue to now / recent actions not connected to the present.3 We often use the present perfect continuous tense with for or since / ago or during.4 The best phrase to complete this question is How long / For how many years._________________ have you been working there?5 The tenses in these two sentences show a past action with a present result / a past action continuing into the present.He hasn't been eating enough.Just look at how thin he is._____ / 5 pointsVOCABULARY2 Complete the table with the words in the box.award-winning bronze concrete print polystyreneplaster prize-winning sculpture striking uniquePositive adjectivesMaterialsTypes of art1 __________2 __________3 __________4 __________5 __________6 __________7 __________8 __________9 _________10 ______________ / 10 pointsFUNCTIONMatch the result sentences on the left with their causes on the right1 She's got no money left.A She's been doing it for too long.2 The battery on her phone is low.B She's been watching too much TV.3 She's fed up with her job.C She's been sitting at the hairdresser allday.4 She's bored with all the programmes.D She's been dancing all night.5 She's worried about her exams.E She's been buying clothes again!6 She's so excited about going skiing.F She's been doing too much washingup.7 Her hands are all red and rough.G She's been chatting to her boyfriendfor hours.8 Her hair looks great.H She hasn't been studying hard enough.9 She really wants to go to sit down.I She's been worrying too much abouteverything.10 She's getting nervous and ill.J She's been wanting to do it for ages._____ / 10 pointsTotal : _____ / 25 pointsLesson test Inspiration 4 unit 2, lesson 1This page has been created for Inspiration 4 Tests.It is photocopiable.Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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