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.Two civilian womensaw a red, luminous object 30 m away in a field.Ithad small openings and made a whirring sound.Length, 30 m; height, 6 m; duration, 90 min.(Atic)780Jul.13, 1966 Pontedera (Italy).Camillo Faieta, 35, a lineman, wason duty when a light dazzled him, and he observedthat it came from an object on a small island on theEmissario Canal.Two little men were seen briefly onthe ground before the departure of the object.Thereare four other witnesses.(LDLN 86; FSR 67, 1)781Jul.17, 1966 Rebouillon (France).Rene Pebre and two others were0345 driving back from Draguignan when they saw a grayoval, metallic object, about 5 m long, hovering atlow altitude, about 300 m from them.They noticedseveral window-like openings on the craft, whichemitted a light beam.All the dogs in the vicinitywere barking.(GEPA Sep., 66)782Jul.25, 1966 Vancehars (North Carolina).A man driving between0200 Greenville and Vancehars saw a glow in the woodsand was followed by the light even at speeds of 170km/hr.He finally stopped to observe it, but becameafraid when he saw that it came from a pulsating ob-ject that flew within 100 m of the car, 15 m aboveground.The color changed in sequence, orange to redto blue to green, and the object wobbled on its axis.It came within 30 m, then suddenly left straight up.(Atic)783Jul.28, 1966 Montsoreau (France).A photographer, Mr.Lacoste,evening and his wife, saw a red, lighted object cross the skyand appear to touch the ground.It then rose, hovered,and disappeared.The next day a wheat field wasfound flattened over an area 3 m in diameter, andcovered with an oily substance.(166; Magonia)784Jul.31, 1966 Erie, Preque-Ile Park (Pennsylvania).Young wit-2025 nesses reported an object flying erratically and land-ing 300 m away.It had the shape of a mushroom andswept the area with a light beam.A strange being,1.80 m tall, was seen.Police report.(167; FSR 66, 6)785Aug.01, 1966 Rushville (Indiana).Several young witnesses reported1945 seeing an unidentified object at low altitude.(Lor.III 109)786Aug.06, 1966 Texas.A civilian man and his family observed a dark1400 object hovering near their isolated house.It had asquare "door" emitting a yellow light.Three childrensaw a dwarf through the opening.He was dressed inshiny black coveralls.The object left slowly with asoft humming sound.(Atic; Magonia)787Aug.18, 1966 Barinas (Venezuela).Three hunters, E.Beucomo,J.Zapata and J.Ramos, observed a strange glow in theforest and discovered a very large, egg-shaped object,stationary 2 m above ground.It had large, circularopenings emitting a multicolored light, and it made awhistling sound.The hunters ran away.(APROSep., 66)788Aug.19, 1966 Donnybrook (North Dakota).A border patrolman1650 saw a bright, shiny disk on its edge, 10 m in diameter,5 m high, floating down the side of a hill, wobblingfrom side to side 3 m above ground.It reached thevalley floor, climbed to about 30 m, and moved acrossto a small reservoir where it assumed a horizontal posi-tion.A dome then became visible on top of the disk.It hovered for one min and seemed about to land lessthan 80 m away, but tilted back on edge and flew intothe clouds at high speed.(Atic)789Aug.20, 1966 Heraldsburg (California).Otto Becker, his son, andearly daughter-in-law woke up to find the whole housebathed in bright light, and they observed a "six-story"object at treetop level 60 m away.It gave off rainbowcolors which appeared to pour off its edges "likewater" in a fantastic display.Distinct engine noisewas heard before it took off vertically.Domesticanimals had been greatly disturbed, and the witnesshad inflamed eyes for several days.(Gribble Jan., 67)790Aug.20, 1966 Niteroi (Brazil).A woman called police to report aluminous object rising and descending on top of ahigh hill.When policemen climbed to the site theyfound the bodies of two men, electronics techniciansPereira da Cruz and Viana.The bodies had leadmasks on the upper part of the face.An autopsy failedto disclose the cause of death.Investigation disclosedseveral earlier incidents and an organization to whichthese men belonged.(Personal)791Aug.24, 1966 Minot Air Force Base (North Dakota).An airman2200 observed and reported by radio a multi-colored lighthigh in the sky [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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