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.‘Membership costs on request.Isn’t that polite-speak for saying, if you’re bothered about prices, this isn’t the right place for you?’ She looked up and felt her lower abdomen tighten.They were on Fog Lane.Her house was just ahead.‘I’d better ring this in, in case they don’t follow up on it straight away.’‘Definitely.Which number are you?’‘Fifty-four – it’s a bit further along.’ Her call was picked up by Stuart.She barely had time to relay the information to him before Martin slowed to a stop.‘What did he say?’‘Was taking it straight to an indexer.’‘Good.Well, here you go.Door to door.’‘Thanks.’ The silence suddenly engulfed her.He seemed to be sitting there with an air of expectation.She stuffed the phone into her handbag then scrabbled to undo her seat belt.There was a click and the strap across his chest suddenly went slack.She’d hit the wrong button.Oh, no, that looks like I was – ‘Wrong one.Shit.Sorry.’The clip edged its way across his thigh then caught in the folds of material at his crotch.She threw her own seat belt off and grabbed at her door handle.‘Thanks, then.Shall we say four o’clock?’‘Four o’clock it is.’ He was reinserting the clip, smiling as he did so.‘Sweet dreams.’It sounded inappropriate, saying it to a colleague.‘See you later.’She shut the door and scuttled up the front path, knowing her face had turned bright red.Nightmare! Total nightmare.And I swore.Oh God, I never swear.I was like a flustered schoolgirl and he just sat there, cool as anything.I made a total fool out of myself.Oh God.Oh God.She heard his car pulling away but couldn’t bear to turn round.The alarm gave its robotic protest as the front door opened.It sounded like something off a game show.Neee.Neee.Iona just failed.Neee.Neee.‘You can shut it,’ she murmured, keying in the code to cut it dead.Silence.Emptiness.The chill of a house with no one in.The moment when his seat belt lost its tension was trying to nudge its way back into her mind.Would he have thought … A car revved outside and she hurried into the front room to peer through the net curtains on to the street.What if it was him coming back? What if he climbed out and knocked on the door? Would I let him in? I’d have to.But it was only a red saloon accelerating away.She glimpsed the rim of a baseball cap on the driver’s head.Martin wouldn’t have thought I deliberately undid his seat belt, would he? But scrabbling around and swearing; that was even more obvious.And he was smiling.Smiling!There was a note on the kitchen table from Jo, a junior architect who worked for a big outfit in town.Hi Iona, not seen much of you lately! Any chance you can leave a tenner? We stocked up on essentials the other day, receipt’s in the jar.See you soon, doll.Me and you are way overdue a good catch-up over a cold bottle of SB.Love you.XXXXXIona slid a ten-pound note from her purse, trying to work out the last time she’d had more than a quick cup of tea or slice of toast from the house supplies.It seemed like weeks.Her bedroom felt cold as she kicked off her shoes.Flicking the fan heater on, she stood before it and let warm air wash across her feet.Once some feeling had returned, she drew the curtains and climbed into bed.Almost eight thirty.Seven and a half hours before he’s back to pick me up.She set her mobile’s alarm for half-three then lay down.Club Soda.Was there a chance the place was involved? A tacky-looking club thousands of miles away? Jim’s last call popped into her head.Christ, he’ll be expecting me to have rung back by now.Khaldoon’s sister.Awake by now? If not, they must have sedated her.Will Nirpal talk soon? Assuming he’s anything to do with it.And I’m not sure he …Opening her eyes, she immediately looked at the bedside clock.Great.One hour eighteen minutes of sleep.She stared at the ceiling.Something popped into my head, just now.It woke me up.What the hell was it? Jasmine.Something related to Jasmine.She said it was a woman who’d mentioned Club Soda to Chloe and Madison.Gangs sometimes used women to lure girls in for them.A trust thing.You just didn’t think a fellow female would set you up like that.To be raped.Iona clamped her eyelids together.That wasn’t it.Think! It was something else … something to do with it not being a man.A woman.Her eyes snapped open.The CCTV.The woman in the footage when Teah Rice went off the motorway bridge.Why didn’t she stay at the scene? She’d been speaking to the girl.Could she be the same woman who’d approached Chloe and Madison? The lure.Another thought hit home.One that made Iona sit up in the bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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