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.Tell me, what’s going on?”“Listen, I appreciate your concern, but this is personal.I have.a past, one that isn’t pretty and one that I refuse to discuss with a perfect stranger.And I would appreciate it if you would let me go, I need to get out of here.” I say and he lets my arm go.“Have lunch with me.We can hit the deli around the corner and talk, get to know each other.Then I won’t be a perfect stranger anymore.”Yeah, you’ll just be a perfect distraction.“Fine, we can have lunch.But don’t expect me to divulge any of my secrets.” I tell him as I march towards the door, feeling just a bit better about all of this shit.I make a silent pact to myself to call Leslie later, cause if I continue on this investigation, I’m going to need her a lot.Chapter 5GabeI’m not sure what to make of this, but I’m going to run with it.I get a distinct impression that she can help crack this case wide open, but I fear for her sanity.Chuck refused to tell me what their little altercation was about, so I decided to find out for myself.I grabbed the files off of his desk and took off after Sydney.Sydney DeCarlo.DOCTOR Sydney DeCarlo.Wow, I had no idea when I spotted her atBlazer’s last night that she was a doctor.She’s beautiful and apparently damaged, so I may be making a huge mistake by asking her to lunch, but I find myself wanting to get closer.To get to know her, the woman.Though, I expect internally she’ll be ripping me apart with her psychological bullshit.I’m not perfect by any means, but I know a beautiful and intriguing woman when I see one.And her eyes, yes.Those eyes I feel hold many secrets and I plan to dig deep to find them out.She’s got this natural, wholesome beauty about her.Almost like innocence lost, and I pray that isn’t the case.After her episode in Chuck’s office, I know there is more to Doctor Sydney DeCarlo then she’s making out to be.And I also plan to find out her connection to Chuck Matthews, Chief of the NYPD.I follow her out the door onto the blustery New York streets.It’s lunch time in the city, so the streets are full of taxi’s and people on foot, rushing to get a quick bite to eat before heading back to the grindstone.That’s one thing I love about this city, it never sleeps.My eyes immediately travel to her back side and I feel my dick jump.Easy Gabe, this is not a pick up session.You’re just getting to know her, try not to dry hump her as soon as you sit down.I get my arousal in check and follow her to the corner.The wind blows her brown locks across her face, her dainty hands tuck the errant strands behind her ear as we wait to cross the street.She’s not paying me any attention, and I find that.shit, Gabe, get your mind out of the gutter.It’s lunch with a colleague.The light turns green and we join the crowd crossing the street and turn left towards the deli.As we approach the door, I see there is no line which is unusual for this time of day.I don’t argue with it and we make our way to the counter.“I’ll have a turkey on wheat bread, light mayo and extra tomato.” She orders.“Oh and a diet Coke.” I start to wonder why she needs diet anything but I shake off those thoughts.I order the Rueben and we seek out a table in the back.Most people like to sit near the window and watch the craziness that is New York City.But being a cop, I prefer to hide myself from it as much as I can.We sit down and stare at each other, the silence deafening.She smirks at me, like she’s waiting on me to start grilling her, which I really want to do.But I have no plans to scare her off, especially since we really need her on this case.I just wonder what happened in her life to qualify her as an expert in these types of cases.Chuck says he’s used her before as well as the FBI, but she’s in private practice, I believe.I decide to just make friendly conversation.As she gets more comfortable with me, maybe she’ll let her guard down.“So, what brought you to New York?” I start out with the cheesy one liner for lack of anything better to ask.“Work.”Wow, she’s really going to make this hard on me.“Private practice?” I ask.She nods, not answering my questions.“Where did you go to school?” Great, now I really sound lame.“The University of Illinois, then I interned at Northwestern.”“Ahh, a Chicago girl.No wonder this wind didn’t bother you outside.”She smiles at that, and boy is it a beautiful smile.Perfect full lips, white teeth with just a small gap between the top two.But those eyes, they light up when she smiles.I have to make sure I make her smile more often.“No, I’m used to it.I grew up in Lincoln Park and decided to stay close to home for school.” She says as she looks down at her hands, which are balled up on her lap.I get the feeling she wants to tell me more, but she refrains and changes the subject to me.“Where are you from?” She asks.“Born and raised in Brooklyn.Papi was a cop and mama stayed at home.” I see the interest in her eyes, so I continue.“Mama raised three boys and one girl while Papi worked double shifts to keep food on the table.” I know she can now see sadness in my eyes as I remember when Mama got sick.I was seventeen, and I’m the oldest.With Papi working, I ended up being the one to raise my siblings after she died.Not a job for a seventeen year old boy, but I did what I had to do.I debate briefly if I should tell her this, but I decide it’s too much information right now.“So you’re a true New Yorker.” She says in her Midwestern accent, attempting to sound like a New Yorker.I chuckle at her attempt, cause no one can fake a New York accent.Well, lots of people try but very few succeed.“Yeah, never lived anywhere else.Never wanted to.The Big Apple is inside me and this is home.” I say, smiling at her.The waitress brings our sandwiches and I watch her take a bite.She even eats a sandwich sexy.I know she doesn’t mean to, but she exudes sexy.Her personality is so nonchalant that I don’t believe she even realizes how beautiful she is.I take a bite of my sandwich and freeze with a mouthful as her tongue sneaks out to lick a drop of mayo away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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