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.I pretended to know what he was thinking and to agree with him.I looked out the window.Inside Riona's studio, morning had turned to afternoon.On the drive, afternoon had turned to early evening and now the lake outside reflected the setting sun.Turning to Jake, I nodded at the hall."I'm going to find the biggest tub this place has and soak for a bit.I feel like I've been playing rugby all day."His sharp gaze searched my face for a few seconds and then he nodded."I'll cook us--""I don't think I can eat anytime soon without getting sick.I'll find something later if my stomach convinces me otherwise."I started to move away but Jake caught my hand."Alexa."I shook my head and then I bent and placed another kiss on his cheek.A fleeting kiss.A last kiss.********************A long soak in the garden tub of the master bedroom didn't change my mind about leaving.How could it? After he had learned about Ruth and Donald, I had stopped being the woman Jake desired and become the woman he pitied.I didn't doubt that he cared for me, but that wasn't enough to keep me with him.After my bath, I let Jake fix me a sandwich, but I took the plate -- and my purse -- into the bedroom to eat alone.I waited long into the night until I was certain that he had turned in for the night.With my boots and purse clutched to my chest, I snuck past where he had fallen asleep on the couch.With a prayer on my lips, I discovered Marjolein's keys and the clicker for the gate exactly where he had placed them on our arrival.I eased them gently from the breakfast bar and left the house.Heart pounding in my chest, I climbed soundlessly into the Ford's driver seat and put my boots on.With the guest house perched atop an artificial hill, the drive had a slope to it.Settled behind the steering wheel with the car in neutral, the parking break off and my door open, I just had to push off with my left foot the tiniest bit to set the car rolling down the drive.The momentum carried me about a hundred feet past the tree line to where I could start the quietly running engine.I felt as big a coward as Donald ever was and almost as slimy for stealing Marjolein's car, but I kept driving until I reached the DFW airport.I parked in the overnight lot, put the keys and lot ticket in the trunk and went inside, where I purchased a ticket for the evening flight to Chicago.There were earlier flights, but I wasn't getting on the plane.When Marjolein had briefly run away to Boston, I had been fascinated by the way the Kehoe brothers and Mishka had tracked her down.Once Jo-Jo was found, Mishka had somewhat gleefully educated me on the many ways a person could be located.It was almost as if the big Russian had been warning me in advance.See how easy it would be to find you, little goddess.I planned on avoiding all his tricks.I just hoped he hadn't held back any details during the impromptu seminar.Before leaving the airport, I hit the ATM and withdrew the daily limit from my personal checking account, annoyed with myself because I had kept the amount at a sensible two thousand dollars.Then I went through security because the DFW airport is basically a mall surrounded by planes and runways.I bought a carry on bag, a notepad, and some toiletries from one store; a pair of jeans, head scarf and several long sleeved shirts from the western wear store; and a bra and some panties from the newly opened Victoria's Secret.At the FedEx substation, I scribbled out the location of Jo-Jo's car and keys plus three paragraphs of apology for sneaking off in the night without saying good-bye.After overnighting the letter, I exited the airport and hailed a cab, directing the driver to take me to the Hilton Anatole.From there, I caught a second cab that took me to the train station, where I bought an economy ticket to Memphis and another one for New Orleans.Almost dizzy with the arrangements I had made over the last few hours -- and the money I was quickly blowing through -- I jumped on a city bus headed for the Greyhound terminal.Once there, I took the SIM card out of my phone and ground it under my heel in the ladies room.I left the phone on the counter above the sinks for some lucky stranger then bought a ticket for the early morning bus to Los Angeles with the intent of getting off in Phoenix.Hopefully I would figure out my next move before crossing into Arizona.JakeAn angry, blond-haired breeze blew into Riona's studio with two mugs of fresh coffee.She slammed one down in front of me then took a seat.After an almost solid thirty-six hours of no sleep, I needed the coffee.What I didn't need was the torrent of questions Marjolein was about to unleash."So, what the fuck happened?" she asked.I rubbed at my eyes, my thoughts momentarily averted from the hunt that had occupied me since waking the day before and finding Alexa gone.The walls of my chest started to squeeze around my heart and lungs at just the thought of her.I rubbed my eyes again and reached for the mug.Jo-Jo slid the coffee away from me.For a second, I glowered at her, thinking that she had become a little too feisty from all the time these last two months that she had spent around Riona and.Before I could think of Alexa's name again, the pressure in my chest multiplied.Air wheezed past my lungs and I felt like I couldn't draw another breath.I needed the coffee to stay awake and find Alexa.To get the coffee, I had to talk about Alexa with Marjolein.Only, I didn't want to talk about my runaway lover until I had found her, tied her up, and then thoroughly spanked and fucked her into submission."Fine," I acquiesced as I rubbed at my eyes for a third time in as many minutes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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