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.Although they hear the evangelists proclaim out loud the Lord’s miracles, they‘twist them to their own destruction’ [2 Peter 2.16], saying: ‘Christ did not restore any blind person’s sight, he cured no cripple, he did not raise the dead; these are only parables.The evangelists present sins which were cured as if they were diseases.’ Nor do they believe in the crowds in the desert fed on five loaves; they say, ‘What was there was not bread, but the gospels of the four evangelists, and the fifth was the Acts of the Apostles.’ In short, they have ‘twisted the sense of everything to their own destruction’.Their prayers swarm with thousands of errors.They pray, shutting themselves in their houses four times a day and four times a night,21 and they open the five doors22 which should be kept closed.As they pray, they say, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven’, but even this condemns them, because in their words they call the creator of heaven and earth Father, when they make his creation the creation of the devil.As they pray, they do not make the sign of the cross on their face.We ask them this question.If, as your madness claims, the devil created this visible world, why do you eat bread and drink water, since all this is the devil’s work? Why do you wear our clothes? You condemn us at the same time as the one who made them, but without your volition, it is God to whom you referred; God is the creator of us and of all things visible and invisible.Your thoughts and words are sown by the devil; when he could find no place for himself under heaven, he made his nest in your hearts and there, like a bird, hatched out your thoughts and your doctrines.Indeed, who taught you to fast, to make prostrations, to give yourselves to manual work on the day of the Lord’s resurrection [Sun-21 EZ [25], c.19: ‘seven times a day and five times a night’.P22 Of the senses.130CDH113011/28/97, 10:49 AMTHE DISCOURSE OF COSMAS AGAINST BOGOMILSday]? You say that it is men who have instituted these rules; it is not written in the gospels.You do not observe any of the feasts of the Lord or any commemoration of the holy martyrs or holy fathers.See all the tangles of their delusion, the signs of perdition.I omit the other abominations they teach, which are a web of various errors; the sort you might expect from them, as they are not in their right mind.If they had their reason, they would not claim that the most holy mother of God sinned; if they had their reason, they would not call the devil the creator of heaven and earth; if they had their reason, they would not call the holy cross the enemy of God; if they had any sense, they would not blaspheme against the holy institutions of the Church, which have been handed down to them; if they had any sense, they would not label as deceits the miracles which take place over the holy relics, but would listen to the Lord, saying, ‘He who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these’ [John 14.12].When the heretics refuse to give glory to any saint, they are also decrying the miracles of God.Let a man ask them, ‘Is this what you do and say?’ – then they deny it and swear on oath, ‘We are not such as you believe.’ They deny their practices and prayers so forcefully that you would think there was no harm in them: ‘Everyone who does evil hates light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed’ [John 3.20].This is a trick they teach their followers, to whom they explain, ‘If our prayers and our works came to be known among men, then all our labour would have been wasted.’ They try to conceal themselves behind the words of scripture, which the Lord uses: ‘When you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so that their fasting may be known among men.But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door, and pray to your Father in secret.And in praying, do not heap up empty words, but Our Father who art in heaven [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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