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.Not in this lifetime.And then there was Jason.Jason who hadn’t called her all day.Not once.However…a few months ago, he’d taken the time to research every piece of information on the Internet about her.What did that mean?Hearing him come closer, she hustled into the kitchen, picked up a sponge and attacked the counters.She felt him staring at her.“Okay,” he said.“Spill it.”She looked at him.“Spill what?”“What ever it is that’s making you clean countertops that don’t need cleaning.When Maggie takes a sponge to clean counters, I’m usually about to get an earful.”Tossing the sponge in the sink, she started out of the kitchen.He grabbed her around the waist, swooped her up, and sat her down on the clean, freshly wiped and wet granite.“What’s wrong?” He tilted her chin up to look at him.“Talk.” He smiled.“I’ll bet if I kiss you, you’ll start talking.” He leaned in.“No!” She felt the counter’s dampness seep into her jeans.He pulled back.“Then tell me what’s wrong.”“I used your laptop today.” She studied his reaction.He stared at her.“And?”“And I just happened to stumble across a list of your favorite websites.”He didn’t look concerned.“And?”“And I just happened to notice that ten out of twelve were about me.”“And that’s a problem because…” He motioned with his hands for her to finish his statement.“It’s weird.”“Weird? I read your books.Your books listed your website.I checked out your website, and then I checked out the links listed.” He stepped back.“Isn’t that why they’re posted? To get people to read about you?”“But you bookmarked them.And you had to have Googled me.”“Since when did Googling become a crime?”Okay, now she felt as if she’d overreacted.Had she? She tried to think clearly.All of a sudden, every fear, every doubt she’d had about Jason Dodd came barreling back to her.If she hadn’t been good enough for him four months ago, why was she good enough for him now? And if she wasn’t good enough for him, why was he checking up on her on-line?“But…but you could have asked me anything, talked to me and gotten that information from me personally.And you didn’t.You didn’t even come to my autographings.”The words rolled out of her and she decided to just let them flow.“You didn’t give me the time of day until four months ago, and then you followed me outside on the patio and kissed me senseless.And then you asked for my phone number and…and never called.”He wrapped his hands around her waist.“I called you last night…and the night before.Don’t those phone calls count?”“You didn’t call me today.” She bit her tongue, hating that she sounded like a jealous girlfriend who’d been ignored.She wasn’t his girlfriend, wasn’t jealous.So why had she spent a good portion of the day envisioning Jason on the arm of some other woman?She had almost been relieved when Benny called to say Jason had been by.At least she’d known he hadn’t completely forgotten about her.“I was working on the case,” he offered.“Yes, my case.And you don’t call and tell me anything.Do you think I don’t care?” Okay, that sounded legit.He leaned forward until his forehead touched hers.“You’re right.I should have called.I’m sorry.” He moved flush against the counter until his waist fit between her inner thighs, until she had a close-up view of the heat simmering in his dark blue irises.“Forgive me.” The palms of his hands glided down over her hips to palm the tops of her thighs.He inched them lower on her legs and ever so slowly moved them up again.His thumbs came dangerously close to the V between her legs.Sue’s breath caught.Every muscle in her body clenched, including the muscles that created liquid warmth between her thighs.She managed to put her hands on top of his and push.She only moved them an inch, but her gesture sent the message.He removed them.She studied him.“Did you bring my computer home?”“It’s not finished yet, but I spoke with Bob.” When he saw her shift to get down, he caught her and helped.“And?” she asked, stepping out of his hold around her waist.“And we now know that someone broke into your files, but we can’t trace it.” Jason turned around to the oven.He opened the door, pulled out a slice of pizza and sank his teeth into it.“Thank you,” he said, gesturing.Sue drew out a plate and handed it to him.“Paul is doing better.They think he’s going to make it now.”Jason dropped the pizza on the plate.“You called and checked on him?” He appeared annoyed.“Chase called for me, after I called him.My investigator ran off.” She offered him a beer from the fridge.“I didn’t run off.I was chasing leads!” he argued.He motioned for her to set the beer down.Sue remembered another reason why she was upset, more things to add to her gone-wrong list.“Does working this case include accusing my friends of trying to hurt me? Calling—”“That reminds me,” he interrupted.His voice had changed to a deeper tone.“Why did you tell Fritz I was coming?”“I told everyone in my critique group.They’re my friends.I don’t believe any of them did this, and I couldn’t let you show up accusing them and think I suspected them.”“This Fritz guy wants to be a lot more than your friend, and I’m not so sure he isn’t behind this.But I’ll give you credit, the other two seem completely innocent.”“Benny just misses his wife.” Sue picked up the beer she’d gotten Jason, opened it, and took a sip.“And he didn’t do this.Neither did Melissa, and she said you called and accused her of setting all this up.” Sue shot Jason another hard look.“And my editor called Melissa wanting to know about the cop who was calling and leaving messages.You can’t go messing with my editor.That man has my career in his hands.”“All I wanted to do was ask a few questions about the assistant editor and the art guy, both who gave you the creeps.As for Melissa…she’s still a suspect.”Sue shook her head.“That doesn’t make sense.Those people are thousands of miles away.How could it be them trying to break into my house and following us around in a gold Saturn? Most people up east don’t even drive.”“It’s only a four-hour flight.And some Yankees drive.They just suck at it.”“Wait!” Sue held up her hand.“What happened to the theory that this was Paul’s wife who was behind all this? That she shot Paul for the same reason?”Jason frowned.“Well, that doesn’t seem likely now.”“Why?”He took the beer from her and had a long sip.“I interviewed her this morning.”“What? You interviewed her and didn’t even call me?” She squared her shoulders, truly peeved.“Did it occur to you that I might like to hear?”“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure she was telling the truth.”Something about his expression said there was more.“And now you are?”“Yes.” He hesitated.“The detective assigned to Paul’s shooting just called me before I came here.”“What happened?”He took another long pull of beer.“Paul came to.He remembered who shot him.”Air hinged in Sue’s lungs.“Who?”He took his sweet time answering.“He said…his girlfriend.”That air came out of her lungs.“I did not shoot Paul!”“His other girlfriend.”“Other…girlfriend?” Did she want to know?Jason seemed a bit embarrassed to explain.“The doctor was a very busy man.It seems he was dating two different nurses at his office.One of the nurses didn’t appreciate it.”“He was cheating on me?” Sue asked.“With two people?”Jason picked up his plate and half-grinned.“Three, if you count the wife.”“Ohhh!” She started pacing.“How long before I can shoot him?”He laughed for real.“Let’s give him a few days [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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