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.Then I’ve got an appointment at Brian and Sterns myself to talk about Serena’s custody battle over Bud.Hopefully, someone will give me something about Jack Leon or Andrew Brian.”“You going to let them know you’re working on the Leon case?” Tyler asked.“What they don’t know can’t hurt them.” Dallas picked up a pen and rolled it between his palms.“Did you get anything else on Andrew Brian?”“Just that he got into some trouble the first year in college.Drug trouble.”“How bad was it?”“Don’t know.I discovered it through an old newspaper clipping.Daddy got him off.”“That’s the one kind of trouble that has a tendency to follow people.See if you can find anything on him having a drug habit now.”Austin put his empty coffee cup on his desk.“I’m going to hit the streets and see if I can uncover any more DeLuna deals in the making.I got a tip there’s a new guy hanging out at the pool hall off Jefferson.”“You don’t trust Roberto to keep us abreast?” Tyler asked.“Yes.But why not do a little legwork myself?”“Be careful,” Dallas said.Austin grinned.“I’m always careful.”Tyler laughed.“Which explains how you got Maced.”“If I don’t get anywhere, I was going to snoop around Jack Leon’s place and see if any of the neighbors are talkative.Maybe find out who he’s been banging lately.I’m still betting this revolves around some woman.”“Good idea.” Dallas looked at Tyler.“You got any new questions?”“Just one,” he said.“How come you two got women hanging all over you, and I don’t? I mean it’s obvious I’m the better-looking one.”“That’s, easy.” Austin wadded up a scrap piece of paper and tossed it at Tyler.“It’s because we’re both hung like racehorses.”CHAPTER TWENTY-THREEFIVE MINUTES LATER, after snagging a doughnut, Dallas wondered if Nikki might have changed her mind about breakfast.Remembering how he ran out on her, he put the last chocolate-covered doughnut on a plate and took it to Nikki as a peace offering.He stepped into his apartment and heard Nikki moan.She stood, holding on to the living room chair, one foot held up in the air.“What is it?” he asked.She grimaced.“Glass.”“Shit.How bad?” He dropped the doughnut on the coffee table and knelt beside her.“It’s nothing.Just hurts when I walk on it.”He wrapped his hand around her ankle and stared at the bottom of her foot.“No blood.” He ran a finger down the arch.Even the woman’s foot was soft.“Where’s it at?”“The heel.” She looked over her shoulder and down at him.“You see it?”“No.But the light’s bad in here.” He stood and scooped her into his arms.“Whoa.” She pressed a hand on his chest.“What are you doing?”As he started down the hall, he remembered picking her up in the hospital and passing a hand over her bare ass.Something told him she was thinking about that, too.“Carting you off to my bedroom to play doctor.” He grinned.“What I wanted to do last night.” Damn, she felt good in his arms, light and feminine.She rolled her eyes at him.“Seriously?”“Seriously.” He pushed the door open with his foot and Bud followed.“The light’s better in the bedroom and I have tweezers in here.”“You didn’t have to carry me.”“You said it hurt when you walked.” Leaning down, he placed her on his bed.Bracing himself on one knee, and bracketing his arms on each side of her, he stared at her.“You look good in my bed.” Grinning, and supporting himself with one arm, he decided the no-touching rule was null and passed a hand over her cheek.“Let me gather my supplies.”He ran to the bathroom to snag the alcohol and cotton balls, and then came back into the bedroom for his tweezers and a needle.She watched him.And he, her.The short time with her in his arms had gotten his blood singing.“Do you know what you’re doing?” She pushed up on one elbow.“I was trained by the best.” He sat down and brought her foot into his lap.“My brother and I hated wearing shoes.Mom was constantly getting splinters out of our feet.”“How long ago did she pass away?” she asked in a soft voice.“About eleven months ago.” He saw a flash of sympathy in her eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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