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.“Good morning sleepy head,” he greeted.He set the bowl on the table.“Take a seat.” He motioned to a chair.I sat down, a bit confused by the idea.Kai sat at one side of me and Kalel the other; they both took one of my hands and the others joined until we linked in a circle.They bowed their heads and closed their eyes.It was then I realized they were going to pray; for some reason that hit me in the heart.I copied their moves as Kai spoke.“Ke Akua, Makua Kane, mahalo.Thank you for all you provide and all you protect.‘Amene.”“Gracias,” Gabi added.“Bueno.Comen mi amores,” she prompted.It became a madhouse of hands flying over the table as food quickly disappeared.Chatter filled the air as everyone talked and occasionally bickered with each other.I sat quietly and motionless.I wasn’t able to eat this food like them.“Sure you can,” Kai interrupted my thought.He placed two pancakes and a large scoop of berries on my plate.He lifted a gravy bowl of steaming hot red syrup and poured it over the pancakes.“This is O-positive.And before you argue with me, the berries are sitting in B-positive and you can eat any human food you’d like as long as it’s soaked in their blood,” he explained.I looked at it apprehensively.I’d longed for this before but that left me wondering if this was too good to be true.“It’s not Leka.Don’t you trust me?” he asked.Ugh! The good old trust card.Now I had to eat it.I lifted my fork and cut off a piece of pancake covered in the hot blood.I stabbed it and stuffed it quickly in my mouth.– Better to die fast than slow.I chewed and swallowed.I waited for my serum to bubble in my throat, but it didn’t.“Hmm…” I forked a juicy strawberry and repeated the test.Again, nothing.“Amazing.”Kai chuckled and stuffed a big bite in his mouth.The feeling, the atmosphere was one of family and togetherness.If I had to compare it, it felt like an Italian family’s Sunday brunch.Laughter, stories and love surrounded me.No one was excluded, even me as the newbie.Gabi even chatted with me over books and plays.By the end of the meal, I had eaten two pancakes, scrambled eggs in blood instead of ketchup, two blood cooked sausages, a ton of fruit and the ultimate Carolina delicacy – shrimp in blood with grits.I know it sounds disgusting, but I guarantee every vamp would devour it like a human would cheesecake.I helped Gabi with the dishes since the men deemed it “woman’s work.”“I hate to admit it because you’re a skinny Minnie next to me but it is nice having another woman around,” Gabi said as we towel dried the dishes.“I haven’t been this size forever.I was pleasantly plump, and that’s being nice to myself, up until my transformation,” I shared putting away the plates.Wow, vamp speed makes doing dishes a breeze.“Either way I’m envious.This is the downside of being a vampire instead of a vampeen.Whatever size you are when you’re turned, well, you’re stuck that way forever.I partially blame Kai of course.I gained four stone when we dated.He was obsessed with watching me eat because he couldn’t, back then anyways,” she explained.“How much is four stone?” I asked.“Nearly sixty pounds,” she groaned.“I shouldn’t have let him turn me at this weight, but he claimed to love me and said it was the only way we could be together forever.What a bunch of crock! Three weeks later I caught him with my favorite maid.She was the opposite of me too – a skinny, blonde haired, blue eyed French beauty.Ugh! I get mad all over again just thinking about it,” she huffed.“But you forgave him.I mean you live with him here…”“Eventually.When my parents passed and I inherited the throne, I returned to Spain.I lost my rule to democracy but retained my wealth and status.I spent a decade in Basque Country and learned all I could of my new life.I then set sail and ported here in Charleston.Kai and Kalel had created this army empire of protection in honor of their father and I, coming from royalty… Well, it only seemed fitting that we collaborate.My money, negotiating skills, and connections plus their manpower and gifts, shall we say, got us all this.” She lifted her arms as if to show off their assets within the room.“Wow.” I just stood there in awe.Gabi was a savvy business woman it seemed.And she certainly knew how to handle men.“Well, I guess we’re done,” she announced.I scanned the kitchen before agreeing.Kai walked in sporting board shorts and nothing else.I could see he still flustered Gabi [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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