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.Before she could say anything, the red and gold King and Queen made their presence known to the court by calling out to the fairies.“Brothers and sisters” said the King, “Sons and daughters” said the Queen.The King continued his speech, “Winter is upon us.” His hands elegantly swept to the side, drawing the eyes of the fairies to see the forest.Grey clouds trekked across the sky, muting the red shades the sun bestowed onto the leaves, making the colors placid and quiet and grey.A gust of cold air gathered up fallen leaves in a swirling circle and swept them aside into the dry branches of a bush.The quaff of air presented the rich scent of wet leaves and dirt.Winter would turn that smell into a fresh, frozen, scentless air.“We have done well this season.We helped all the squirrels to gather their acorns and seeds, and we helped all the birds and bears repair their nooks and caves from the damages last winter.Our forest is ready for us to take our leave and it will be as beautiful and as full of life next year as we find it every year.So with happiness and anticipation, we will gather our belongings and make for better climates.”The fairies immediately scattered to get their things and take flight away from the creeping grey clouds, but Linden remained in place.She watched the flurry of color that spun around the tree until it dissipated enough for her to approach the royal King and Queen.“Please, don’t send us all on our way yet.We can manage a few more days until the winter fairies own the forest.Will you please stay?” she begged.“We’ve stayed as long as we were meant to,” the King said.“Now, it is time to let the next season take its course.We won’t stay out of season here, it isn’t our place, and you know that.”Her wings drooped with a burden of sadness that weighed her down.Linden turned to look over the trees that housed fewer fairies than they did a week ago.Her heart felt the emptiness as her family left the forest and she wondered how long she would last, if she stayed behind.If? She corrected her thought, how long would she last when she stayed behind.She would miss her family, and her family would miss her, but if she left now, she would be leaving Aleida, and that was not an option.The Queen glided forward.“You will come with us, won’t you child?”Linden took a deep breath.The air wasn’t terribly cold yet, but the clouds overhead threatened snowflakes at any minute.“I cannot.” she admitted.The Queen nodded her head with sorrow.The King stepped forward, ready to say something and the Queen caught his arm to pull him back.The Queen was gentle and tender, and she knew they would be leaving Linden behind this year.She would not leave her child behind with the burden of their sorrow.Linden took to the air, fluttering through the trees where winter fairies began to strip the leaves from the twigs.The skeletal limbs stretched upward, bare and gloomy in her opinion, though it was only deep slumber the trees were under.The lone fairy came to the edge of the forest where she watched Aleida’s farm house.The windows glowed with candles and the light of life and activities.The chimney breathed dark smoke rich with the aroma of cooking food.Here she waited, on a cold and bare branch for Aleida to come to the forest.She kept her eyes on the little farm house in an effort not to see the steady stream of autumn fairies leaving her behind.oOoAleida came armed to fight the ogre, now knowing she would have to do it without the aid of a stronger male body.She carried her father’s ax on one hip and the iron poker on the other, both hanging from steady loops in her belt.In her hand, she carried the longest blade she could find in the barn, which she hoped would be as sturdy as it looked.She’d never killed anything.Her brothers and father killed animals that tried to prey on the livestock.Afterwards, she would clean the blood from the weapons.She did not know what it would be like to shove that blade into something living and watch the life shudder from its body.She assured herself it would not be as bad as letting the same fate come to that little girl captured by the ogre.If she thought to long on either topic, it threatened to make her sick.She hoped to see Linden as quickly as possible to sooth her mind.Linden fluttered down to greet her as she always did.“Aleida! Are you as ready as you look to face the ogre?”Aleida’s heart crawled up into her throat.She swallowed hard to push the knot back down, though it left a lump of anxiety which made it hard to breath.Knowing how terrible the beast from the stories could be filled her with apprehension.She’d never been so afraid of anything, not even when wolves got into the barn after the young calves.Aleida was certain she was not ready at all, but she would not turn back.“I am ready to bring Jacquelyn’s sister home,” she stated, focusing on the objective.Linden fluttered between the trees to lead the way.The cool air became steadily colder as the dark winter clouds sealed the light from the sky.As much as Aleida wanted to hug herself, she didn’t dare change her grip on her weapon, which was poised and ready to strike at any moment.Birds preened one another and chirped cheerfully while deer grazed lazily on the sparse grass.The forest was at peace and unaware of the trepidation resisting each step Aleida took.The quiet sounds of the forest were joined by an additional sound, the soft whistle and hum of the mysterious music.Linden returned to Aleida’s side and perched on her shoulder.Aleida swallowed hard again, “You don’t have to come with me.I can find it from here, I’m sure.This isn’t your fight, and it wouldn’t be fair for me to ask you to fight an ogre.” She turned her head to study Linden’s small body and wondered if it was her imagination, or if her vibrant colors were beginning to fade.The lively pink glow on her cheek had become a tired pallor and her shimmering wings were a softer shade that commanded less attention.The fairy urged Aleida forward, “I’m with you to the end.”Aleida breathed easier knowing the fairy would stay at her side.The companionship made this beast easier to face.The music was louder and the ogre was certainly near.Her grip on the sword loosened without her knowledge and she whispered, “I don’t know what to expect, Linden.What if I’m not strong enough?”“Love will make you strong [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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