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.Since there was a chill in the air at night, the top was up.It was April and soon enough we’d be able to drive with it down.“The football field.Brandon, Chris, Shane, and the rest of the team are meeting us there, but we have to pick up Jenny, her car is in the shop.Her father won’t let her use his because she got two speeding tickets last time he lent it to her.”I laughed.Jenny didn’t care about other people’s belongings.To her it was her father’s duty to give her whatever she wanted, simply because she was his child.She was a little shallow, self-centered…and annoying.I asked myself often why she was my friend.I pulled into Jenny’s driveway, which was just down the road from my house, and honked the horn.“Don’t you want to go in?” Mandy asked me.Her hand was resting on the door handle, about to open it.“No, if we go in she’ll take forever.Do you want to wait or hang out with the guys?” I leaned over to the stereo, flicking through the songs on the car’s mp3 player.“That’s true; she isn’t one to rush when people are waiting.”I rolled my eyes at that.She was the kind of person who would take her time because we were waiting.Twenty minutes later Jenny strolled out of her house.Like mine, hers was a mansion, but while my family’s home was old and understated, with beautiful gardens and landscaping that wrapped around the classic architecture of the grey stone house, Jenny’s house screamed, “Look at me, I’m rich.” The outside was a salmon-colored stucco.The gardens were beautifully done but overshadowed by dozens of tacky sculptures.The worst was the cherub holding a bow and arrow.It stood in the centre of their fake pond, peeing.Classy, I know.“Hey, guys, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting,” Jenny said sweetly, climbing into the back seat.She shoved Mandy a bit harder than necessary when she pushed the front seat forward.“Oh, of course not.We’ve only been sitting here for twenty minutes,” I said coldly, annoyed with her already, and the night had barely begun.“What’s your problem? I didn’t know you were here.” Jenny’s voice took on a defensive tone as she looked into her small makeup mirror.She fluffed her shoulder-length blond hair and scrunched up her lips, adoring her reflection in the mirror.“Yeah, right,” I mumbled but decided to let it go.Mandy gave me a pleading look, begging me not to pick a fight with Jenny tonight.I nodded at her and pulled out of the driveway.Jenny tucked her mirror into her clutch purse and asked, “So where are we going?”Mandy turned in her seat to face Jenny.“The football field with the guys.I told you already when I called you to say we were on our way.Remember?”“Oh, right, I forgot.I got into it with my dad again.He’s still refusing to pay to fix my car.He was going on and on tonight at dinner about being responsible if I want to have a car, this was my third accident, blah, blah, blah.I tuned him out after that.God, he’s getting so annoying, like it’s the end of the world because I’ve had three accidents.I can’t believe he thinks I should pay to fix it.”I rolled my eyes.“Oh yeah, life is tough, isn’t it? How can he expect you to take responsibility for your own actions?”“I know, right?”Apparently, sarcasm was lost on her.I opened my mouth to tell her off, but a look from Mandy silenced me.For some reason, Mandy liked Jenny, and since Mandy and I were best friends, and had been since her father started to work at my dad’s firm ten years ago, I had to put up with Jenny, even if it killed me.Five minutes later, I pulled into the nearly empty school parking lot, next to Shane’s enormous black SUV.God, it was obnoxious, but then again, so was Shane.No wonder he and Jenny were a couple; they were perfect for each other.I tossed my purse in the front seat of the car, locked the doors, and followed my friends through the back of the school to the field.“Look who’s finally here.” Shane sauntered up to Jenny, wrapping his arm possessively around her.“It took you long enough.Let me guess, Jenny kept you waiting,” he asked me, but his girlfriend started speaking before I could.“Don’t encourage her.She’s already pissed at me, just because I took a little extra time getting ready.I had to look my best for you.” Her lips puckered into a pout as she leaned up to kiss him hungrily, almost making me gag.I had to turn away from their disgusting PDA before I hurled right there on the football field.“Okay, that’s gross,” Brandon said, walking over to stand next to me.“Really, guys, if you want to be alone, go in the bushes.We really don’t need to see it.” Chris approached us, wrapping his arms around Mandy.They had been going out for six months, and they were so cute together.They even looked alike with their black hair and blue eyes.There was quite a difference in size though.While Chris was almost six feet and broad shouldered, Mandy was short with a tiny frame, and her pixie haircut just made her appear smaller.Shane pushed Jenny away but wrapped his arm around her shoulder.“So do any of you girls want a drink?” Shane gestured with his hand to a cooler with what looked like a twenty-four of beer inside.It was sitting on the grass in front of the bleachers.I passed on the beer, climbing up the benches to sit down on the bleachers about four rows up.Jenny and Mandy helped themselves to a drink, choosing to sit down on the first row.“Megan, you want one?” Brandon asked, holding a brown bottle up for me.“No thanks, I’m driving,” I said, wondering why I came.“So am I, but you don’t see me being a downer and saying no,” Shane said, twisting the cap off of a bottle.“You’re right.I don’t ever see you saying no.” I stared at Shane coldly, unable to hide my irritation.He glared at me, his jaw locked.“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, taking a few steps toward the bleachers, his chest puffed out in a sign of aggression.Brandon grabbed his shoulder.“I’m sure she didn’t mean anything.She was just agreeing with you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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