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.He has two souls.When he chose this at his death part of his soul left and went wherever souls go.The second part becomes what animates his body.It’s no longer a soul, though.When he dies again, his body will cease to be.His soul is already where it will be.I just tap into the soul to keep their bodies alive.That’s why they must drink blood like the vampire.They must drink others essence to stay strong, to keep the magic going.Does that answer the question, mother?”“Thank you, yes.” I didn’t share my answer just yet.“Sen, as an ancient one can you change into anything like the rumors say?” Aries asked.“Honestly I can’t answer that yet.It is a promise I made long ago.Suffice to say, though, that as unbeatable as Angel may be, or will be.I could hold my own with her.If I were to truly fight her after she turned and gained ALL her powers, it would be close.Something I wonder about daily.” He shared, and then went off by himself deep in thought.I felt his shield strengthen to keep me out.I doubted I could have read him before.Why wonder if he could beat me? I left that thought for another day…I led Aries upstairs.I had decided something after hearing Kali's answer; I knew he had not fed recently, and his strength would be affected shortly.I didn’t know if he could die without it, but from Kali's answer, I was pretty sure I didn’t want to know.I led him to the bed and stood beside it.“Drink,” I said showing him my neck.Aries stepped back and put his arms up.“Not yet I’m fine,” he told me refusing.“If you don’t drink I’m going to get selfish on you,” I replied thinking of different comebacks or blackmailing techniques, whichever I thought of first.“How?” he asked suspiciously.“If you’re too weak to keep me safe then what good are you?”I regretted it as soon as it left my mouth.It had not come out the way I had intended.Aries face scrunched up as he thought about that and must have realized it was all true.I thought I had emotionally wounded him.He cringed and berated his nature, cursing the fact that he had to do this.He laid me down and held me close.I kissed him hoping to ease his fears.Before I knew it I was wrapped around him moaning and out of my mind.His hand had made its way underneath my shirt and moved from my stomach to my bra.His other hand cupped my neck as he kissed me.He was up on his knees straddling me, bent to reach my face.My hands traced the contours of his back down to his pants line and found their way up under his shirt and then back down over his firm backside.My legs were around his waist and made this a little difficult.His fangs grazed my jaw line and sent shivers down my body.I wanted him fiercely in every way I didn’t understand.He sunk his fangs deep as his fingers released the latch of my bra.He traced my nipples and slowly, tenderly massaged them both.He released my neck after a moment and moved his head down for a taste.My back arched, and I gasped.His razor like fangs nipped at me and teased.Then bit down.The blood didn’t flow the same, but it was more erotic.While he suckled, his free hand found its way beneath my pants and inside my thong.His fingers traced their way over the sensitive flesh.Becoming impatient he pulled his hand free of my neck and ripped my pants down.I whispered his name and spread my legs wider.As his finger entered me, I clung to him.He moved in a slow, steady rhythm as he sucked harder, in and out in circles.My body felt electrified.As something in me built, ready to snap I felt my powers grow, as well.Fire burned within me; electricity tingled along the surface of my skin, and the room trembled.As I came the fire lashed out at Aries.The electricity jumped from me to various parts of the room.CHAPTER NINETEENAries flew from me to the floor, yelping.I was so relaxed I didn’t care.I’d know if he was seriously hurt.The fire dissipated, and the electric currents went through the walls to the wiring I suppose.I couldn’t move.I could have fallen asleep as calm as I felt.After a few minutes, I remembered Cross and called out to Aries to make sure he really was alive.“Yep, just let me rest here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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