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.We ain't poor you know.We've been making a good living out of this track for many a year.""No, we ain't poor, Sara," Mike confirmed.Sara checked the box."But this seems to be much more money than I had.Much more.""Well, we bet on Henry of Navarre fer ya'.We knew he'd come in second.When you were disqualified, we knew Henry would be pushed up." Porky said between clamped teeth as he lit up a cigar."So did we make ya' happy, Sara?""I couldn't be any happier," she smiled, looking up at Jack.But no more gambling for me.I already have a sure thing."Jack shook Porky and Mike's hand."Thank you, gentlemen, you've made Sara very happy.""You just take care of her, Jack Wheeler, or you'll have to answer to us." Porky threw back his shoulders in an attempt to look tough, but it just made his stomach look rounder.Mike pulled him away."Come on, you old goat.Let the young people dance."After they left, Jack hugged Sara."It's good to see you so happy.""I was just going to tell you the same thing.I've seen how you keep glancing at your parents." Sara nodded in the direction of George and Agatha Wheeler.They were sitting at a front table surrounded by attentive revelers, among them her father and Aunt Trixie.Bond summoned them with a wave and they walked over to their table."I have a business proposition for you both.""Uh-oh.seems like I've heard something like this before." Jack put his arm around Sara."Nothing you could say or do would make me leave Sara.I love her.I already told you that I can take good care of her."Bond stood and put a hand on his future son-in-law's shoulder."It's nothing like that.It's just that Bea and I intend to do some traveling in Europe, and I'd like you both to oversee the selling of my horses.Get a fair price and all that."Sara handed the box to her father."Sold!" she said."Jack and I want them."Bond looked into the box."Sara, if you want the horses, they are yours." He tried to hand the box back to her, but she shook her head."I'm not selling them to my own daughter and future son-in-law for heaven's sake.""Bond," Jack said, "Sara wants to buy them from you fair and square.""But-""It's important to her, so it's important to me.So, that's the way it's going to be," Jack said.Sara loved the way Jack stood up to her father, so tall and proud and handsome.Not many would.or could."That's the way it's going to be, Daddy," Sara echoed, slipping her hand in Jack's."Will you keep them at the house?""For a while, if you don't mind.Just until our barn is built on my land." He winked at Sara."And my office and our home, too.That is.if Sara wants to live in Saratoga."This was a curious turn of events.So many things were happening all at once."I do love it here, but where's your land, Jack? You never mentioned before that you had land here.""I own the meadow we walked through and about a five hundred acres south of it, and-""And the spring that we.um.fell into?" Sara blushed remembering what had transpired there.Jack winked at her."And the spring."Sara smiled up at Jack.Her heart was so full of happiness, she didn't know if she could take anymore, and she didn't know if she could wait a year to marry Jack.But he needed to finish Cornell, and she would be busy consulting architects and the like."Oh, Jack! Really? What a wonderful surprise!" Sara said, squeezing his hand.She wanted to get married in Saratoga.Right here at the United States Hotel.Clara would be her maid of honor, and there'd be hundreds of people to invite.From now on, she wouldn't have to look forward to each season in Saratoga.Each and every day in Saratoga with Jack was going to be a wonderful day.THE END.About the AuthorChris Wenger has worked in the criminal justice field for more years than she cares to remember.She has a dual master's degree in Probation and Parole Studies and Sociology from Fordham University, but the knowledge gained from such studies certainly has not prepared her for what she loves to do the most - write romance!Her first book, The Lady and the Cowboy, a western historical, was written for beginning adult readers and was sold to Laubach Literacy.In 1998, it was chosen by the Publishers Liaison Committee of the Public Library Association's Adult Lifelong Learning Section as one of the "Top Titles for Adult New Readers."One of the biggest thrills of her life was receiving "the call" from Susan Litman at Silhouette Special Edition in January of 2004 that they wanted to publish The Cowboy Way.Yeee-haw!!The Cowboy Way was released in January 2005.A native Central New Yorker, she enjoys watching professional bull riding and rodeo with her favorite cowboy, her husband, Jim.Connect with ChristineFor more information about Christine Wenger visit one of her pages online.Webpage: http://www.christinewenger.comSmashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ChristineWengerAlso Available:The Lady and The CowboyChapter OneNEWYORKCITYMAY l880“A letter for you from Wyoming, Miss Trask.” The gray-haired postman handed her a white envelope.Caroline’s heart lifted when she saw her father’s big, bold handwriting.She took a deep breath and opened the envelope carefully.The letters from her father brightened her lonely days.He would tell of the latest calf or foal being born.He would tell funny stories about the cowboys who worked the ranch.Maybe, just maybe, this letter would say that she could come home.How she wished.In every letter she wrote to her father, Caroline begged him to let her come home to Wyoming Territory.To their ranch, the Lazy Circle T.Right after her mother died, her father had sold some cattle.He used the money to send Caroline to boarding school in New York City.Her parents had come to Wyoming from New York years before.When she turned l7, the headmistress found Caroline employment at the home of Lewis and Mary Foxworth.She was the governess to the two Foxworth children.It had been seven years now that she had been away from the Lazy Circle T.Seven long years.Though she begged her father to let her come home, he always gave the same reason why she couldn’t, He was afraid the hard life would kill her as it did her mother.He always said that in his letters [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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