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.“I kind of asked Stephen to teach me to fight.”Naomi looked pained.“Please tell me you’re kidding.”“Nope, sorry.”“Two, he’s going to kill you!”“Nah … but he’s going to break me for a while.”Naomi sighed, flopped down on the couch next to Two, and put her head in Two’s lap, looking upward.“You’re going to get all muscle-y.”Two shrugged.“I like you soft,” Naomi continued, tracing a finger along one of Two’s arm.“It’s something I need to do, Naomi,” Two said.“I … it’d help me a lot if you were OK with it.”Naomi sighed again, but said, “I understand.I just … don’t let him make you too hard.Not your muscles, but …”Two smiled a little as Naomi’s voice trailed off.“I get it.I won’t.But I’m not always warm and fuzzy now, hon.”Naomi rolled her head sideways and kissed Two’s navel where her shirt had pulled up.“I can think of a few places that are,” she said.Two shivered, but didn’t respond, running her fingers through Naomi’s hair.The vampire sighed, shifted, drawing herself up so that she knelt, straddling and facing Two.The two of them regarded each other for a moment.She is so pretty, Two thought to herself.Naomi, forever seventeen, fit, and toned, with her perfect face and body, was probably the most physically attractive person Two had ever met.There were times when Two wanted not to be with her, but to be her.Sometimes Two would wake in the afternoon and just watch Naomi lying naked and asleep on the bed, her body an ocean of curves, supernaturally devoid of blemishes.Two couldn’t conceive of anyone, male or female, not wanting the vampire in those moments.“Are you happy?” Naomi asked her, those big grey eyes wide and filled with concern.Two very nearly lied to Naomi in that moment, very nearly told her that everything was fine.Instead, she shrugged and gave Naomi a sad smile.“I don’t know,” she said.Naomi frowned, her eyebrows pulling tight.“I want you to be happy,” she said.“I want … I want to make you happy.”“Naomi …” Two paused, trying to determine how best to explain the way she felt.“You do make me happy.This is all … it’s strange and confusing, and I’m not always sure we should be together like this.We don’t even know if I can be a vampire, and I’m still getting over Theroen, and I have so much other baggage … but you do make me happy.But even though you make me happy, that doesn’t mean I’m always, you know … happy.”Naomi tilted her head, questioning, and Two sighed.“I don’t have the words.”“Sometimes a sad person can laugh,” Naomi said after a time.“Yes.”“And they can still climax …”“That is not the only way you make me happy,” Two said.In truth, there were times where even as her body was peaking, Two would think of Theroen and be filled not with joy but with an almost overwhelming sorrow.Sometimes even while lying in Naomi’s arms after sex, Two felt as alone as she had ever felt since Theroen’s death.Naomi touched her face, searching with her eyes as if trying to look into Two and read her thoughts.“What can I do?” she whispered.“How can I help?”Two looked away, suddenly near tears.“You can change the subject,” she said.She felt Naomi’s eyes still searching, but couldn’t meet the vampire’s gaze.Finally, Naomi said, “Can I fix your hair?”Two smiled, nodded, turned back to Naomi and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.“I was waiting for you to ask.”* * *I’m going to hurt her, Two thought.She was sitting in bed, the sheets pooled around her waist, her body bare and exposed in the dim room.Outside the day was just dawning, its light held back by the heavy curtains on the windows.Two could hear pattering against the panes of glass and assumed that the cold rain that had been falling for the better part of four days was continuing to inundate London.March was nearly over, but the winter seemed not yet ready to loosen its grip on the city.Naomi had brought a chair into the bathroom and worked on Two’s hair for nearly an hour, styling it, washing it, restyling it, making small cuts here and there and chattering away.She had told Two stories of early America, of vampires that Two would never meet and events that Two knew of only through watching the History Channel.Naomi’s aura had washed over Two, strong and sensual, and Two had welcomed the respite from the melancholy she had been feeling.By the end of it, she had been warm and wet and waiting for Naomi to finish so that they could go to bed.“There,” the vampire had said at last, and Two, who had been resting with her eyes shut, looked into the mirror.The haircut was controlled chaos, urban and trendy, and Two had thought that yes, it looked very good.In a way, it suited her more than the long hair had.She had wondered if she would be able to style it without Naomi’s help and thought that probably with some practice she could manage.“That looks great, Naomi.Like some of the girls at L’Obscurité.I just need a big pair of sunglasses and some of those jeans that only come halfway down my shins.”Naomi had laughed and clapped her hands.“You would look adorable!”“Oh, God no …”Naomi had shrugged, bitten her lower lip, and favored Two with a wicked smile.“Well, I think you’re adorable anyway,” the vampire had said, and then the two of them had been kissing, and standing, stumbling their way into the bedroom.In short order, Two’s carefully sculpted hair had become a tousled mess.Eventually, Naomi had fallen asleep and Two had sat up, the aura and the afterglow of sex gone, her mind ready again to fear and worry and think itself into knots [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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