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.She disappeared out the opening, her stomps fading in the distance.He turned his back to the door and slid down to his buttocks, hiding his face in his hands.He remained that way for a long time, finally rising to his feet when his rear fell asleep.He munched on a bag of potato chips as he stared at the TV, the images not truly registering with him.When the clock on the wall indicated it was nearly nine thirty, he called Autumn’s phone.He left a message when there was no answer.“Hey, sorry about the spat.I was worried about you.If you’re all right and don’t want to talk, just send me a blank text or something.I love you.”He set the phone down and stared at the ceiling, eyes hard.With a grunt he rose to his feet and got his keys off the table.Worry drove his limbs as he dashed down the stairs and into the cold, dark night.Suckling the warmth from his body like a hungry infant, it seemed that the night itself was against him.The leather seat of the car was icy on his back as he roamed the night streets, eyes scanning to either side of the road for Autumn.He followed her path to the store, then back to the apartment, and then checked her other neighborhood haunts.Growing frustrated, he decided to drive to Queens, figuring that even if Autumn was not there he could give Sal a piece of his mind.He parked on the street before the shop.He spotted Sal’s vehicle, a bright green family-sized caravan, parked a few feet down the street from him.The sight made him grow angrier.The bell at the top of the door tinkled merrily as he entered the parlor, contrasting his black mood.The waiting area was largely empty at that hour, Sal seated behind the receiving desk.“Hello.Steve, isn’t it? We haven’t met yet, but I’ve seen you picking up Autumn.I’m Sal.”Steve strode over to loom over the much smaller man, even more dwarfish in his low seat.His waist was hidden below the desk, but his upper body seemed to be in good shape.Muscular arms covered with tattoos both new and faded gripped his armrests.Everything about him, from his bald and waxed pate to his youthful green eyes and pierced lip seemed to make him a more obvious mate for Autumn.Steve found his bile backing up in his throat, and he wanted to throttle the man on the spot.“Yeah.So I’ve heard.Is Autumn here?”Sal seemed very uncomfortable, scratching behind his bald head.“She’s in the back, but she doesn’t want to see you right now.”Steve pivoted on his heel, stalked toward the door which lead to the work area.“Where are you going?” Sal asked in alarm as Steve’s hand gripped the knob.“Wait—”Steve ignored him, swinging the door open.“Autumn?” As soon as Steve looked inside, he froze with his mouth wide open.She stood, filter mask and latex gloves on, next to a young woman in a chair.The stranger had no clothing on from the waist down, her feet up in stirrups.She lifted her face to stare in shock at Steve, then at Autumn.“Get.Out,” said Autumn through gritted teeth.Steve shut the door behind him, growing red.“I tried to tell you,” said Sal with a nervous laugh, “that she was doing a below the belt piercing.”Glad to have someone on whom he could vent his anger and frustration, Steve stalked over to him and glared.“Why is she working? I thought she just went for a walk.”“She called me, wanted to hang out awhile.I asked if she could help out with this chick who didn’t want a dude to see her with her pants off.That’s it.”“Hang out awhile?” said Steve, leaning on the counter to loom down at the man.“That’s a euphemism for ‘wanted to stick my dick in her,’ right?”“Steve,” said Sal, spreading his hands out wide, “it’s not like that, swear to god.”“Oh, you think you’re pretty clever, don’t you?” Steve smiled, though his eyes seemed cold.“First you offer her a job, then you comfort her after we have a fight, and then you’re in there, aren’t you buddy?”Sal’s jovial features turned dark.“I don’t like being talked to like this in my own shop.Autumn and I are just friends.That’s it.”“Oh, you don’t want to hear me say it in your shop? Then how about this: You get up and walk out from behind that counter and we step outside for a minute.Just for a minute, because that’s all the time I need to shove my foot up your ass.”“Steve, calm down,” said Sal, holding his hands up in supplication.Both of their heads turned as the door opened and Autumn entered the waiting room.“Nice job!” Her fierce glare took in both of them.“Now she’s too freaked out to…What’s going on here?”“Sal’s about to get his ass kicked,” said Steve with a snarl.“Steve, leave him the fuck alone,” she said, eyes narrowing dangerously.“You don’t know shit about shit, so quit acting like an ass.”“It’s all right, Autumn,” said Sal from behind the desk [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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