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.We had tried it once before, but complications had arisen.Complications named Dedrick and Benjamin.This was our chance to be alone together with no one around.Just him, the California coast, and me.“Good, we leave tonight, so go home and pack.I will pick you up at five.” He kissed me and left.I dressed hurriedly and ran down the stairs to grab my keys, running smack into Landon on the way down.He stumbled, but caught himself on the handrail.“Whoa, someone’s excited about their trip,” he joked.He still looked like he did last night, maybe even worse.“You knew about it?” I asked.He nodded.“Yeah, have fun.” There was something in his voice that left me cold.As I watched, he walked up the stairs and didn’t turn back.I packed my bag with every intention to not forget anything, although I knew once we got there I would realize I had forgotten something.The plus side to being a plain Jane was I packed very lightly.Ianni was still at work so I had the apartment to myself for now.I made a fresh cup of coffee and sat out on the balcony to watch for Dallas.I remembered how many times I had watched the sun rise from this same spot.Those days were long gone and I was thankful for it.The sooner my life went back to normal the better.I ended up waiting a whole hour past five, when Dallas said he would be here.I called several times and got no answer.Of course panic set in about 45 minutes earlier.Finally, after pacing my apartment over and over, he called.I answered in a rush.“Are you all right? Is everything okay?”“Listen, there are some complications,” he started.“I have to cancel on our weekend.” I was dumbstruck.Finally we had a chance for us to getaway and it turned out to be too good to be true.I sighed heavily as he continued to talk about some big-time food critic coming into Evolve tomorrow night.He said how sorry he was, but all I heard was excuses.I had lived a life of not being able to trust and rely on a man, especially since my father left me when I was young.I felt a deep sadness that Dallas would do this to me, too.“First Valentine’s and now this,” I said nervously.I hadn’t wanted to bring up my unhappiness of Valentine’s Day disaster, for fear that we would get into a fight.When a relationship is new you’re afraid to voice your opinions because you don’t want to argue, but this was enough.I had had it.“I said I was sorry for Valentine’s Day, Avery.You know, you may not think work is important because of your job, but I do.This is my career.” My mouth literally fell open in shock.“My job? What is that supposed to mean?” Now my voice was higher and I was starting to get angry.“You know, your job.It’s not a real career.”“It’s not?” I asked.“No, it’s not.You basically babysit old people for a living.You can’t call that a career, Avery.I am sorry to cancel, but my job takes precedence over our trip.” I heard him loud and clear.It was more important than me.I swallowed hard at the realization that Dallas wasn’t perfect after all.He had some major faults that were being shown to me at this very second.“So you’re canceling on me, and to make yourself feel better, you are insulting me?”“No, that’s not what this is.I want you to go.If you don’t then they will charge my credit card.”“Fine, Ianni and I will go.” I started pacing again out of frustration.He was lucky he wasn’t here or else I would be throwing dishes at him.“I need her here, she is the best presence we have,” he said.“Wait,” I paused, realizing he was saying he needed her because she was pretty.“You need her looks to help you get a good rating?”“Come on, Avery, we both know I didn’t hire her for her desire to work or her skills.Honestly, she is the best-looking one here and she helps bring in more customers.People see her and want to stay for dinner.““I can’t believe you are really saying this? I don’t know who I am talking to right now.Is this Landon or Dallas?” The way he talked about her reminded me of how Landon would talk, like women were prizes to show off.It wasn’t the Dallas I knew and loved.“She’s a fallen angel.She needs the work and I need her looks,” he whispered.I was sure he didn’t want everyone to hear him say that.“You know I wanted to get away with you, to take us out of all of this weirdness.My cousin is a zombie lately, he hardly sleeps.And Ianni is like a newborn that has to be taught everything.I just wanted to get away from the entire weird world we now live in.I am truly sorry that I can’t go.Please, go without me.” And he hung up.He actually hung up on me! I slammed my phone down on my counter and took a deep breath.Without thinking I grabbed my bag and left.I was not going on this rendezvous alone and I knew exactly who to take with me.Chapter TenAcheI knocked on the door, trying to ignore the bad feeling in my stomach.Butterflies danced around and my palms were sweaty.I wasn’t sure this was going to go over well with Dallas, but I knew what I was doing.The door opened and the sun shone in his blue eyes.“Hey, what are you still doing in town?” Landon asked as he shielded his eyes from the sun.“Long story, here’s the short version.Pack your bags, Dallas can’t go so you’re coming with me,” I said as I pushed myself into the house.He stood at the door, dumbfounded no doubt.“Let’s go because we don’t have much daylight left.”“Wait a second.You’re taking me on your little getaway? Why?” He stood in front of me, his hair a complete disaster and looking every bit the lost little puppy.I knew it was crazy, but Dallas said it himself, Landon was a zombie lately.He needed to get away as much as I did.“You heard me right.You are my friend, am I correct?”“Yeah, but …”“No buts.We are going to be staying at the Monterey Ocean Resort.We will wine and dine and have spa treatments.You will like it.Trust me, you need it,” I admitted.“Wait, why do I need it?” he asked with caution.“You are sleeping in your car, Landon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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