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.He was an elflord, and it was a mark of their understanding that-in all the years sincethis had been arranged-they had never touched.He had stayed behind, with the people, whileAlhana returned to find her father.She had strayed into this world of humans, and her senses reeledfrom the shock.She detested them, yet was fascinated by them.They were so powerful, theiremotions raw and untamed and just when she thought she would hate and despise them forever, onestepped apart from the others.Alhana looked up into Sturm's grieved face and saw etched there pride, nobility, strict inflexiblediscipline constant striving for perfection-perfection unattainable.And thus the deep sorrow in hiseyes.Alhana felt herself drain to this man -- this human.Yielding to his strength, comforted by hispresence, she felt a sweet, searing warmth.Steal, over her, and suddenly she realized she was inmore danger from this fire than from the fire of a thousand dragons."We better go," Sturm whispered gently, but to his amazement Alhana pushed herself away from him."Here we part." she said, her voice cold as the night wind."I must return to my lodging.Thank you for escorting me.""What?" Sturm said."Go by yourself? That's madness." He reached out and gripped her arm."I cannot allow-" The wrong thing to do, he realized, feeling her stiffen.She did not move but simply stared at him imperiously until he released her."I have friends of my own;" she said, "as you do.Your loyalty is to them.My loyalty is to mine.We must go our separate ways." Her voice faltered at the look of intense pain on Sturm's face, still wet with tears.For a moment Alhana could not bear it and wondered if she would have the strength tocontinue.Then she thought of her people-depending on her.She found the strength."I thank you for your kindness and your help, but now I must go, while the streets are empty."Sturm stared at her, hurt and puzzled.Then his face hardened."I was happy to be of service, Lady Alhana.But you are still in danger.Allow me to take you to your lodgings, then I will trouble youno more.""That is quite impossible." Alhana said, gritting her teeth to keep her jaw set firmly."My lodgings are not far, and my friends wait for me.We have a way out of the city.Forgive me far not takingyou, but I am never certain about trusting humans."Sturm's brown eyes flashed- Alhana, standing close, could feel his body tremble.Once more shenearly lost her resolve."I know where you are staying," she said, swallowing."The Red Dragon Inn.Perhaps-if I find my friends-we could offer you help-""Do not concern yourself." Sturm's voice echoed her coldness."And do not thank me.I did nothing more than my Code required of me.Farewell," he said, and started to walk away.Then, remembering, he turned back.Drawing the sparkling diamond pin from his belt, he placed itin Alhana's hand."Here" he said.Looking into her dark eyes, the suddenly saw the pain she tried to hide.His voice softened, though he could not understand."I am pleased you trusted me with thisgem," he said gently, "even for a few moments."The elfmaid stared at the jewel for an instant, then she began to shake.Her eyes lifted to Sturm'seyes and she saw in them not scorn, as she expected, but compassion.Once more, she wondered athumans.Alhana dropped her head, unable to meet his gaze, and took his hand in hers.Then she laidthe jewel in has palm and closed his fingers over it."Keep this," she said softly."When you look at it, think of Alhana Starbreeze and know that, somewhere, she thinks of you."Sudden tears flooded the knight's eyes.He bowed his head, unable to speak.Then, kissing the gem,he placed it carefully back into his belt and he reached out his hands, but Alhana drew back into thedoorway, her pale face averted."Please go." she said.Sturm stood for a moment, irresolute, but he could not-in honor-refuse to obey her request.The knight turned and plunged back into the nightmarish street.Alhana watched him from the doorway for a moment, a protective shell hardening around her."Forgive me, Sturm." she whispered to herself.Then she stopped."No, do not forgive me." she said harshly."Thank me."Closing her eyes, she conjured up an image in her mind and sent a message speeding to the outskirtsof the city where her friends waited to carry her from this world of humans.Receiving theirtelepathic answer in reply Alhana sighed and began anxiously to scan the smoke-tilled skies,waiting."Ah;" said Raistlin calmly as the first horn calls shattered the stillness of the afternoon, "I told you so."Riverwind cast an irritated glance at the mage, even as he tried to think what to do.It was all verywell for Tanis to say protect the group from the town guards, but to protect them from armies ofdraconians, from dragons! Riverwind's dark eyes went aver the group.Tika rose to her feet, herhand on her sword.The young girl was brave and steady, but unskilled.The Plainsman could stillsee the scars on her hand where she had cut herself."What is it?" Elistan asked, looking bewildered."The Dragon Highlord, attacking the city." Riverwind answered harshly, trying to think.He heard a clanking sound.Caramon was getting up, the big warrior appearing calm andunperturbed.Thank goodness for that.Even though Riverwind detested Raistlin, he had to admitthat the mage and his warrior brother combined steel and magic effectively.Laurana, too, he saw,appeared cool and resolute, but then she was an elf-Riverwind had never really learned to trustelves."Get out of the city, if we don't return," Tanis had told him.But Tanis hadn't foreseen this! They would get out of the city only to meet the armies of the Dragon Highlords on the Plains.Riverwindnow had an excellent idea who had been watching them as they traveled to this doomed place.Heswore to himself in his own language, then-even as the first dragons swept down over the city-hefelt Goldmoon's arm around him.Looking down, he saw her smile-the smile of Chieftain'sDaughter-and he saw the faith in her eyes.Faith in the gods, and faith in him.He relaxed, his briefmoment of panic gone.A shock wave hit the building.They could hear the screams in the streets below, the roaring whooshof the fires."We've got to get off this floor, back to ground level," Riverwind said."Caramon, bring the knight's sword and the other weapons.If Tanis and the others are-" he stepped.He had been about to say,"still alive," then saw Laurana's Face."if Tanis and the others escape, they'll return here.Well wait for them.""Excellent decision!" hissed the mage caustically."Especially as we have nowhere else to go!"Riverwind ignored him."Elistan take the others downstairs.Caramon and Raistlin, stay with -me a moment." After they were gone, he said swiftly, "Our best chance, the way I see it, is to stay inside, barricade ourselves in the Inn.The streets will be deadly.""How long do you think we can bald cut?" Caramon asked.Riverwind shook his head."Hours, maybe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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