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. You alone tested my restraint to the limit, and when I failed the test time andagain, I was torn between happiness and guilt as I have never been before. You were torn? You certainly never showed it. You think so only because you don t know me as I was.But Keiran quickly saw thesigns of change in me and so did Ruomi.Naeth stared at him. Ruomi did say your moods had grown almost as unpredictableas Keiran s, he admitted. And then he said he was glad of it.Is that what you mean?Smiling ruefully, Reijir nodded. They suspected you were no longer a mereindulgence to me but a necessity.Yet stubborn fool that I am, I refused to admit howmuch I needed you even to myself. You re not a fool! Naeth indignantly said. Well, stubborn mayhap, but that seemsto be in your blood.Keiran is just as bad.Maybe worse. So loyal, Reijir remarked with a grin. Well, whatever your reasons, it was mostfortunate for the both of us.Else I wouldn t have known that you d left the main road. You mean you used our link to locate me? Naeth asked, awed. Of course. He ran his thumb along Naeth s lower lip and smiled when Naethinstinctively pursed his mouth to draw the finger in. By the way, shall I lift my imprinttoday or on our binding night?Naeth raised his eyebrows in surprise.He released Reijir s finger. Why bring thatup now? I said I would do so when I wed, Reijir reminded him. And soon I will. Oh. Naeth looked at him a little anxiously. Will I-will I still feel you when webind?Reijir smiled and nodded. Even more strongly than you do now. Then I want to wait, Naeth decided. I don t ever want to feel your absence.Reijir s smile widened. Then we shall wait, he agreed.He leaned forward and caught Naeth in a gentle kiss.But the kiss soon turned hardand torrid, boding further intimacy.Naeth eagerly lay back and pulled Reijir between hislegs.There was little foreplay.There was no need after the thorough plowing Naeth hadborne earlier.Reijir paused only long enough to ease oil into Naeth and smear a generousamount on himself.The pleasurable friction of ample flesh sliding up his backside rendered Naethwantonly pliant.No word of protest or complaint escaped him when Reijir spread himwide for deeper penetration, only a litany of semi-incoherent pleas to be cleaved as thoroughly as needed to make him indisputably feel Reijir s ownership.* * * *They came down to breakfast the following day to find themselves the topic of avery lively conversation.Accepting Keiran s invitation, Rohyr and Lassen had stayed thenight as had Eiren.Naeth groaned when, upon spotting them at the dining hall entrance, Keiranexclaimed,  Sweet Veres, kitten, did my brute of a brother let you sleep at all?Reijir glared at him and said,  I assure you Naeth got more sleep than Ruomi everdoes when you re in rut.He looked at Rohyr with both eyebrows raised, daring his royal cousin to make anypotentially discomfiting remarks.But Rohyr smiled and said,  It s good to see you vestraightened out your misunderstanding, Rei.May we expect another binding in thefamily before long?That swept away Reijir s cautious mood, and he smiled back and said,  Indeed youmay and soonest, too.My intended has a habit of getting misplaced if I don t keep himunder lock and key.Naeth pouted and nudged him hard in the ribs.He seated himself between Reijir and Lassen and across from Eiren who promptlyannounced,  He seems none the worse for wear save for a slight hitch in his stride.Telling but not surprising.Do be gentler next time, Rei.Naeth s arse can only take somuch attention.A muffled imprecation escaped Naeth.Saints! Even Eiren was as bawdy of tongue ashis relations!Lassen leaned over and said,  Best get used to it.It s one of the hazards of marryinginto this family.But you ll count it well worth the blushes, that I can guarantee.Naeth chuckled in resignation. I ll take your word for it, Dyhar, he murmured.To his relief, the talk turned to politics and other events of current interest to thecousins.Naeth applied himself to having a good meal despite the growing difficulty offinding a comfortable position.Try as he might, he could not keep from squirming in his seat.He did not regret theactivities that had induced so acute a discomfort in his backside, but that lack of regretdid naught to lessen said discomfort enough to allow him to sit still for any length oftime.As Naeth carefully tested another position, he vaguely noticed Lassen conferringwith Ruomi.The sedyr stepped out of the dining chamber.Just as Naeth was wondering whether he would get through the meal without makinga spectacle of himself, Ruomi suddenly appeared at his side holding a soft cushion.He softly said,  Lassen-dyhar suggests you sit on this.Naeth refused to look up as he settled himself on the cushion.It was indeed a blessedrelief for his arse but now he had to contend with the embarrassment of providing ampleevidence of Reijir s concupiscence and his own eager complicity in his obvious undoing.He kept his eyes glued to his plate. Naeth seems to be nursing an ache of some consequence, Rohyr murmured as hemeticulously sliced a sausage. You wouldn t happen to have something for that on hand,Ren, would you? As a matter of fact, I do, Eiren replied with a long-suffering roll of the eyes. With kinsfolk like you, it s always best to come prepared. He placed a small jar on the tableand pushed it across to a crimson-faced Naeth. Use it with a lavish hand.But don t letReijir administer it else you ll wind up with a new ache before the old one s been dealtwith. Chapter Twenty-TwoClosureAlthia, IlmarenVoices rose in song to the strains of gittern, harp and flute.Long boards groanedbeneath the weight of a bountiful feast s worth of food and drink.It was a celebration fitfor a great Ylandrin fief-lord and his new consort and binding-mate.Reijir and Naeth bedazzled their guests as much with the radiance of their smiles aswith their resplendent attire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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