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.“Yes, she said she had some ideas for the task force.I’m looking forward to hearing them.”Taylor smiled.“I’m sure you’ll have a great time.Mindy’s always fun to be with.”He looked uncomfortable, his gaze darting around her desk top.Finally he spotted the packet from Oxford.“You must be excited about the teaching fellowship,” he said.She nodded.“Yes.It’s very exciting.”“We’re all very proud of you, you know? It isn’t every day a teacher from a small school like this wins such a prestigious appointment.”“Thank you.”“We should plan some sort of formal send-off for you.A reception or assembly.”“That really isn’t necessary….”“No, we really should do this.” His expression brightened.“I’ll ask Mindy.She’ll know what to do.”“You do that.” But he was already out of the room.She stared after him.Now that she was leaving, people wanted to make a big fuss over her? It didn’t make any sense.She shoved the packet back into the drawer.All she’d ever wanted was to blend in, to be accepted.Obviously that was never going to happen in a place like Cedar Creek.BETWEEN SETTING UP his practice and running for office, Dylan had plenty of work to do.Unfortunately his brain refused to concentrate on anything but erotic memories of Taylor—in the shower at the gym, in the front seat of his truck, on the sofa in her living room.Not to mention less-erotic images of her smile, her laugh or the way she tilted her head to one side when she was thinking.If his brain had been a TV, it would have been tuned to the All Taylor, All the Time network.And where his brain went, his body followed, so that he spent all his time with a hard-on.Not exactly good conditions for getting anything constructive done.He couldn’t remember ever obsessing over a woman this way and he didn’t like it.He didn’t like that even when he wasn’t with her, she was still controlling his thoughts.He’d never thought of himself as a man ruled by his sex drive, but that’s what he felt like now with Taylor.He’d left her only a few hours ago and he was ready to be with her again.He was on edge not only from desire, but from his chaotic emotions.Was Taylor his friend? His lover? A passing fancy or an enduring flame?Determined to get something done, he pulled out a case file and forced himself to concentrate on a question of real estate law.Within a few minutes he was scribbling notes on a legal pad, plotting his defense of the case.He paused to pull a book from his shelf.When he opened it, a sheet of paper fluttered to the ground.He retrieved the paper from the floor and found himself staring at a letter his father had sent while Dylan was in law school.Characteristic of his father, it was short and to the point.Dear son,I hope you’re doing well.I’m sure you’ll find some use for the enclosed check.Everything here is the same.The book is out and my publisher tells me they are pleased with sales.A few local folks have made a fuss, but I guess that means they are reading the thing, which is good.Your mother sends her love.Love,Dad.The sight of his father’s familiar handwriting made him catch his breath.He could almost see his dad, seated at the old desk in his study, scribbling these few lines to his son.A few locals have made a fuss, he’d written, reducing to a few words the irate letters to the editor, public protests at city council and school-board meetings and the banning of his book from the school library.How much that public derision must have hurt his father, a quiet, private man who had spent his life giving to the community, only to have his most personal gift thrown back in his face.How much the memory hurt his son now.Dylan re-folded the letter and replaced it in the book.If nothing else, he owed Taylor a debt of thanks for re-introducing his father’s legacy to a new generation.Not that the move surprised him.Taylor had always put personal freedom ahead of public opinion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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