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.You tell them they must get loose without untying orcutting the ropes.They can do the Magic this time!There are no acrobatics or concealed scissors needed.Just fold the center of one rope and pass it through thecircle of rope round one of the other person's wrists.111 You will see the ropes simply slide apart.You say thatyou tie the ropes fairly loose to make sure that they arenot hurt but it is really so that there is enough space inthe loops around their wrists that you can push thefolded rope through to get them free.Adjust the length of the ropes according to how friendlythe volunteers are.Try to pick 2 out-going people whowill enter the spirit of the stunt to ensure that everybodyenjoys it.112 BookBankYou hold an open hardbound book flat on your handand ask a spectator to drop a few coins on it.Ask him to confirm the number of coins, then cup histwo hands together.You tip up the book and poor the coins into his cuppedhands.You say, "I call this 'the Value of Reading'!" as youclose the book and ask your friend to count the coins.While he put, say, 5 coins on the book he will find eightwhen the coins he holds are counted!While this seems amazing, especially as the book canbe left with your friends (there's nothing to find), themethod is almost as incredible.You hide the extra coins inside the spine of the bookbefore you start.They will slide into your friend's handswhen you tip the book forward to let the visible coins gofrom the book to his cupped hands.113 Be sure to check in advance that the coins you want touse will slide easily from the spine of the book whenneeded and there are no damage to the inside of thebinding which could obstruct their path.114 CatchingCards nCoinsYou probably have seen many magicians in stageshows and television specials catch hundreds(apparently) of playing cards or coins by just raisingone hand skyward.I cannot give you their methods here and you should begrateful because it takes them longer just to acquire theskill to produce those cards or coins without showingthe effort they are expending than it will take you tolearn everything in this book.This is the Ezy way! It works almost as well and takesless time to prepare than boiling an egg.You wrap a small band of double-sided tape aroundyour middle finger of the hand which will gather thecards or coins.Then you attach just one card (or coin) to the tape onthe back of your hand.115 Here is the trade-off, you need to tape the card with theback out because you don't want to show that everycard you catch is the same.The professionals catch whole decks of cards andshow the faces almost all the time.If you want to usetheir method, start to learn now and come back to thisbook in a couple of months when you have mastered it.For the rest of us, with only limited time to study, we willbe satisfied with just showing the back of the card.You just reach up with the hand that has the gimmickon it and bend your fingers into your palm when youwant to show you have caught a card.You prepare the bag or box which you are dropping thecards in by putting a jumble of cards in it before youstart.When you bring your arm down and your hand(with the card displayed) goes into the box, make sureyou take your whole hand below the edge of the box.Then you straighten your hand out again and raise it upwith the palm toward your audience, ready to catchanother card.If your are using coins, use a metal bucket instead of abox to put them in and tap the inside of the pail toimitate the sound of each coin you put in.116 The Ballin theBagForgive me for this trick please because it is not reallyMagic.You show a large paper bag and tell everyone youhave a new superfast high bounce ball in your otherhand.But it's invisible.You pretend to throw the ball up gently and bring theopen bag across so the "ball" will fall in the bag.And it does! Well, at least everybody hears it land.You have to act as if there really is a ball and you arebouncing it around.That is part of why this can go very well.The rest of the"secret" is how to make the sound of the ball bouncinginto the bag [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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