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.Theday after that, in 1859, Rigaberto Religetti, now 18 years old, took overhis father's job as a keeper of the grounds on the estate of the Duchess.Rigaberto's mother remarried  for she was still a young woman -and she moved to the quarters of her new husband, anothergroundskeeper on the estate.Rigaberto had long been determined tomake a machine that placed a man in a state of perfect Robotic mind.When he had learned about the bones and the scale from his father, hewas struck by the notion that he could maybe use them to make such amachine.So he was glad to get his mother out of his way.He figuredhe'd need the space for the machine, even though he hadn't the slightestnotion how such a thing might be made or what it might look like.118 Chapter 6 The Gospel Of the Very BeginningVerse OneYou may recall, from two earlier chapters, references to certainheretofore unchanneled Gospels.The first was the Gospel of the VeryBeginning.Well, consider it unchanneled no more.Now for a Curtisarian like myself, the opportunity to channel thislong sought gospel is huge.However, for the non-Pantheonic scholarsreading this work.Disclaimer follows:The Gospel of the Very Beginning is difficult to understand, andnot very fun to read, simply because the truths of the very beginning areineffable.It is here rendered faithfully from the perfect vision of Curtishimself, but this history, nevertheless, will likely not be of interest tomany readers.Verse three actually tells what happened after the very beginning.It explains why the things that have happened thus far, happened the waythey did.It explains what the prophecies were and why they came to be.In other words, it's helpful to know this stuff, but if it's tootheological for you, just skip this chapter.Don't get stuck here, please.Frankly, I almost wish Curtis had delivered this gospel to someone else,because I'm afraid this is going to lose me some readers.But he's thegod of text, so, I'll just stick it here like he says and hope for the best.It'snot too long.119 Verse TwoIn the very beginning, before there was anything, there were thepeople and the world like always.And the people were just as they arenow, or at least they looked about the same.One big difference, though,was that back then all the people ever did was work, and all the workthey did was perfect, but it didn t mean much because the people stillenjoyed a state of glorious Robotic mind.The very beginning, of course, predated mortal time, and becauseit was a period of exclusively immortal time, there were really only twotypes of work that the people did.This is so because when we speak ofwork, we speak of manifesting the Truths of the Articles into media.And there are only two types of media that can resonate without mortaltime.Those arts are manifestations of the Truths of the Article Spaceand the Article time.They are what we call math and musicGranted, the people also channeled the Truths of the ArticleAgence in the very beginning, but though they did so, it was not in anyrecognizable way.The Truths of Agence are manifest in language.SuchTruths do have an immortal state, because they are born of an Article ofthe Universe, but in their immortal state, the Truths of the ArticleAgence are Truths exclusively of form, which is to say they are divestedof all meaning.So while, in retrospect, it may appear that whatever works in thisdomain were being made in the very beginning were very much the sortof thing which Curtis oversees - namely, manifestations of the Truths of120 the Article Agence, - if these manifestations could not yet delivermeaning, then Curtis could not possibly have been there.This must betrue because although the resonance of text with Truth is a function ofform, the purpose of text is to deliver meaning.And in the verybeginning, before the people understood meaning, form became thepurpose of the words.And if the purpose of text is meaning, and if formwas the purpose in the very beginning, then it follows that form was themeaning.And where form is meaning? Well, that is no sort of dominionover which Curtis could possibly rule.Now regarding the Article Light, its truths also have immortalform.But such truths are simply the sight of the things themselves.Andif the people sustained a perfect state of Robotic Mind in the verybeginning  as we know that they did  then to manifest the Truths ofthe Article meant nothing more than to simply look upon the things ofthe world.The creation of image did not occur until static, mortal truthswere introduced unto the world, because for one person to create imagethere must be at least one who has the capacity to infuse the image heviews with meaning.Otherwise, there is no impetus to make the imagein the first place.Unlike melodies or maths, images do not containwithin themselves their own purpose, see.Like text, the purpose of animage is to communicative.And in the very beginning, there were nomortals with that capacity to infuse meaning.So like the Article Agence,the Truths of the Article Light are immortal in origin, but without mortaltime, the Truths have no meaningful manifestation.Therefore, GWIToo FaTS was not there in the very beginning.121 And neither was Baby Lady Bae, nor Alienator, norEntropotripocles, nor the Beholder, nor the god of time, nor any of theother Demigods.In the very beginning there were only Precreator and Accutronand the people.But don't conclude from all this that immortal time andmortal time are mutually exclusive.There is nothing implicit in eitherthat precludes it from coexisting with the other.It's just that in the verybeginning mortal time had yet to be introduced.And that's why the only gods who were there in the verybeginning were Precreator and Accutron.122 Verse ThreeEach High Lord (except Alienator) corresponds to an approachthat a mortal might take to transcend the static truths that it is his instinctto cling to.It is desirable for a mortal to transcend that instinct, becauseto indulge in it is to be dragged down by the truth to which he clings.At first, those approaches were very limited.But Baby Lady Baeeventually would ascend to indicate the avenue of compassion, andEntropotripocles the avenue of indulgence, and the Beholder the avenueof the pursuit of divinity through the refinement of aesthetic vision [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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