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.She doesn t understand that I need to run, tobe able to chase squirrels, rabbits and cats.Why won t she let me chase cats? I hatethose things.But more to the point, where is my creator?I sniffed again and tasted the decaying air, the swamp air that always smelled likedeath.I knew the maker smelled of death so being in this death-filled air wasn t helpingme to track him.I ruffled my haunches and tried to feel for his power, that unbelievableand unmovable power that rolled off and hit me like a pile of bricks.I couldn t feel him.I couldn t smell him.My paws paced on the swampy ground,frantic and desperate just to get a whiff of that glorious rosemary and sage scent.So I listened.I pointed my ears forward and stopped panting.I had to be quiet tohear everything, to hear every detail.I focused on listening and then, a soft howl calledfrom miles away.He was already on the edge of the other side of the forest.I couldn tkeep up with him.He was running too fast.Even for me.I howled into the night sky and allowed my panting to once again continue.I justwanted to be close to him, to touch him, to feel his muscles ripple close to mine.Wasthat too much to ask for? He was my master, he was supposed to take care of me.A sharp whistle exploded behind me forcing my attention towards the sound.Iclosed my mouth so I could better hear.The sharp high-pitched sound erupted again andI ran towards it.I wanted to kill whoever was driving that insanely shrill noise deep intomy ears.It was a loud, annoying sound like a damn mosquito biting in the same placeagain and again.I bounded through the woods intent on tearing apart whoever was making thatnoise when I came face to face with the end of a gun barrel.It smelled like fire andsmoke and I knew that it could hurt me.I didn t know how I knew it would hurt me, butI did.I snarled my teeth at the gun and then the unmistakable scent of my humanwashed through me.I could smell the metallic blood seeping inside the cooler and Irushed towards it.I knocked the man over and ripped into the plastic carrier.My teethchipped as I fought desperately to get inside it, to eat my human.Once the lid flew back, I saw the most beautiful body parts gleaming and stewingin their own juices.My drool washed over the heart and lungs and I swallowed themwhole.I was in ecstasy.The muscles were so perfectly raw and tender and the bits ofbone and fat made for the most refined au jus.Every single part of her tasted so goodthat I wanted to wallow around in it, lick each part delicately, but I couldn t help myself.I just stuffed it in my mouth unaware that I was being locked away again as the humancame forward. LEGEND: THE WOLF Erin Dameron-Hill 97For some reason, I could never remember not to eat myself, because if I did, thehuman would return and I would be caged again in that dark cave.Next time I come out,I won t be tempted back inside.I won t let her cage me again. LEGEND: THE WOLF Erin Dameron-Hill 98Chapter FourteenFetid blood danced over my body as I began to see my own skin.A clear goopstuck eagerly to my fine arm hairs and I tried desperately to shake it off, to shake thefeeling of shape-shifting.Sweat poured down my throat and over the tops of my breastsand it was then I realized exactly where I was and what had happened.I was curled up in a pile of blood, black fur, and other human and wolf pieces thatI didn t have a name for.If I majored in Biology or Anatomy I could name everythingthat was splayed before me and on me, fortunately enough, I don t have names to go withthis oozing and bloody goop.I just knew that I had eaten my heart, my lungs, and mybrain.The leftover bits and pieces that was me didn t matter anymore.My human bodyhad already regenerated.I shivered in the hot and humid swamp, hearing several cicadas and cricketschirping in the distance.The forest was back to being alive again.All around me lifemoved and flowed as God intended it to.Alligators were swimming deeper into the bogin order to withstand the heat from the summer sun; white-tailed deer were runningchaotically from a snapping branch; and I was still shivering amongst them.I then heardthe tell-tale heart beat of the Hunter who still had his gun pointed directly at me.My shivers stilled instantly into a cold freeze and I took a deep inhale.I neededto calm myself down, after all, the Hunter wouldn t shoot me, would he? Just minutesbefore he had told me he wanted to make love to me, didn t he? So, my being awerewolf couldn t have scared him that much, right?My heart began to beat faster as I knew that the Hunter was about to fulfill hisduties as a hunter.He killed werewolves.It didn t matter that there was sexual tensionor even a longing between us, he was the Hunter and I was the Hunted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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