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.Krace climbed to the platform and looked down at them,beckoning for Klei to join him there. Krace says that he has important news for us, Klei said. I will repeat what he tells me,exactly as the words come to me.If I misspeak, he will tell me, he added, looking to Krace.Krace nodded in acknowledgement. He has been away longer than he planned.He went to check one of the guardian stones.He had visited it several years before, when he was locating the stones not merely the guardianstones, but others within the ancient system as well when it was possible, cleaning them andstraightening those that had begun to lean.Many of the lesser stones had disappeared, but all sixof the guardian stones remained in place, and that is crucial, for those six stones anchor thesystem; if one is missing, all are missing.If one is changed, the system can no longer function asit functioned in the past. At his first visit, the stone in question had been in good condition, but now he had begunto fear that it had been moved.For years, he s practiced aligning his thoughts with the lines ofpower that connect the stones.But now this exercise had grown difficult; both his mind and bodytold him that the stone no longer stood in the right position. The stone in question was placed on a rocky ledge above the northern sea a week sjourney east of Tarnak.Its location is a desolate place now, but once it stood above a thrivingseaport much like Tarnak today built where a river met the sea.But the river has dried andthe town is a ruin.However the stone was there before the town was built, and it s likely that thepeople of the town ever knew of its presence, for the ledge it stands on is a difficult climb evenfor one of the People.Yet Krace had ascended it once, and now he did so for a second time. When he reached the top, he was astonished to see that someone else had been there,and not long ago.There were traces of human footprints all around it not the prints of thePeople, but of men who wear boots and the stone had been moved to one side and pivoted onits axis.Krace looked around at the men and women who were listening to his words.Do you understand what that means? he asked. Krace wants to know if you understand the meaning of what he saw?Most eyes gazed at him in confusion, but a few did not.Sem to Jon s surprise spokeup.  It meant that someone has been trying to change the order of the world to take powerfrom the Rand and reapply it in a way that will be inaccessible to them.And if the stone wasactually moved, as you say it was, then the contest we ve been engaging in here is meaningless.How did Sem know that? Jon asked himself.But of course Sem was completely rightexcept for what he d said about the game.It might be meaningless for the players, since thesignificance of their moves no longer followed the old rules; nevertheless the game must havebeen reconnecting them with the power of the guardian stones in some way, even if one or moreof them had been moved.Otherwise the stones on the board would not have allowed themselvesto be shifted in place so easily.But their ease of movement, when movement was allowed, aswell as their resistance to illegal moves, also meant that whoever controlled the altered systemwas connected with them as well.Krace looked at Sem. He says that you are right, Klei said. Someone is trying to take control of the patternsof energy and bend them to a new purpose.What that purpose is, he doesn t know, but he fearsthat the purpose may be bad. And so he went south across the desert.It was very difficult to find water even theplaces where he used to be sure of a small well or a spring had dried at least many of them.Butthen, at the southern end of the desert everything changed.As the land gradually rose, it grewcolder, and he began to find ice lying in the shadow of rocks.The farther south he went, the moresnow he encountered he d never been anywhere so frigid not even the passes in the Westernmountains in the darkest months of winter.Once men and women had lived upon this plateau,making their homes in valleys and river bottoms, but now, even in springtime, all was coveredby layer upon layer of snow.Unless they d been wise enough to flee, they were buried beneathit, he thought.But they had not been wise almost beasts rather than human beings, as heremembered them. It took him many weeks, but eventually he found the next guardian stone, hidden in anarrow valley among the southern mountains.To his horror, he found that it too had been turnedin place, twisted at least fifteen degrees to the right.He turned first to Fila and then to Crljena. All of our plans rested on the possibility of regaining what we once lost.But now theconnections to the past that would have made that possible are warped and twisted.We can no longer count on the old alignments, Klei repeated, echoing the desolation in Krace s thoughtwith an involuntary weakening of his own voice.Fila stood up angrily.Who has done this, Father? And why can t it be made right?Krace refused to answer her directly. He says it cannot be made right, because we do not know how to do it.Whoever movedthe two stones has a knowledge that the People lack at least if it was done with intention. What do you mean? Jon asked. They may have been merely testing what they found trying to see if by moving thestones randomly they could achieve changes in the world around them.And if they have movedthe guardian stones, it s likely they may have moved some of the nodal stones as well.Together,such actions could transform the continent in ways we cannot anticipate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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