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.The book received a lot of good./.in the press, and went on to become one of the year's bestsellers.2.Before the./.of the home PCin the mid-80s, not many people knew how to type.3.Unlike his much-loved father, the young leader lacked./.and failed to become popular with his people.4.The best English dictionaries are those for English-language learners: dictionaries in this./.tend to give very clear definitions with good examples.5.The board ordered the./.of all research, with the result that it was another five years before a cure for the illness was found.6.Technological./.have changed the world in the last 20 years.7.Large./.of unskilled,unemployed people in certain parts of the country have resulted in a rise in crime and street violence.8.I'm not an economics./., but even I know that a drop in unemployment often leads to a rise in inflation.9.With./.from her teachers, she was able to start an international languages club at the school.10.Our new Economics tutor has a strange./.that all students are lazy and irresponsible.11.You will find the problem easier to solve if you try breaking it down into its separate./.12.His promotion to Director was a remarkable./.for someone so young.13.Our head of department gave us a / an./.: get down to some serious work or get out.14.Despite several changes to the pay structure, there is still a./.in pay between graduate trainees and non-graduates.15.All./.from the sale of part of the grounds will be re-invested in the college.16.His irrational behavior eventually led to a serious./.with his sponsors.53Similar meanings: Verbs 1Look at the words and phrases in bold in the following sentences, and choose a word from theboxes that has the same or a similar meaning in the same context.Write these words after eachocabularysentence (the first one has been done for you), then use them to complete the crossword on page56.You do not need to change any of the word forms.Across (Ö)General Vallow alter answer assert assume attain baffl e convey derivedetect direct enrich exceed evolve refi ne relate remove resistreveal settle submit verify2.His job is mainly to control the activities of everyone in the company with a view to makingoptimum use of the workforce.direct4.We normally suppose that most people nowadays have a computer at home.5.Shakespeare said that some people achieve greatness, while others have it thrust upon them.6.Did you notice a hint of pessimism in her report?.11.He was asked to disclose government secrets in exchange for money.12.If you want people to take you seriously, you should state firmly your reasons for change.13.Antibodies help our bodies to fight infection.14.Several attempts were made to improve the system.15.Computer software will continue to develop in response to users' needs.16.They asked us to give our thanks and best wishes to the chairman.19.The two countries have often tried to resolve their differences, but to little effect.21.It took him some time to tell the story, and it was late when he eventually finished.23.The department was asked to propose some ideas for increasing student enrollment.25.A revolutionary new scientific method may soon help to alter people's physical appearance withoutthe need for surgery.27.His explanation seemed to confuse most people.29.Wouldyoureply to his question as briefly as possible.32.The device is able to confirm whether a banknote is genuine or a forgery by analyzing the paperand print quality.33.Some plants, such as beans, benefit the soil in which they are planted.35.The rules are designed to eliminate obstacles that may discourage investors.54General V36.Everyone believed that the results of his research would surpass their expectations.ocabulary37.Not all foodstuffs that come from animals are properly tested to ensure they are fit for humanconsumption.Down (Ø)accuse affect assist create demand elicit endure forbidgather handle hasten launch mirror misuse oblige obtainpermit refuse1.I don't know who broke your computer, but you can't blame me because I haven't been anywherenear it.3.He was asked to deal with the situation with tact and discretion.7.To make a new folder, click on the new folder icon at the top of your computer.8.We were unable to obtain the information we needed from the committee.9.There was general approval when the announcement to ban smoking on college premises wasmade.10.His inability to act quickly enough will probably accelerate their decision to dismiss him.12.Even a small change in economic circumstances can influence our spending habits.14.Alternative therapies are often suggested for patients who reject conventional medical treatment.17.The report was based on information that they managed to collect from all parts of the country.18.The college rules require students to refrain from smoking and drinking inside the faculty buildings.20.Trends come and go, but there are a few that will always stay.22.To ask for a loan, you will need to acquire a form from the student welfare office.24.It is often argued that not enough laws exist to punish those who abuse the Internet.26.The new technique will facilitate rapid identification of possible threats from unstable areas.28.The company announced it will introduce a new version of its software in January.30.The senator's relaxed attitude to the problem didn't reflect those of his constituents.31.The governor was asked to insist on new measures to combat crime.34.We do not allow the use of mobile phones in the building.5512ocabularyDIRECT345General V67891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363756General VSimilar meanings: Verbs 2Exercise 1Rearrange the letters in bold at the end of sentences 1 – 16 to make words with the same or asimilar meaning to the underlined words and expressions in the sentence.Write your answers inocabularythe spaces on the right.The shaded letter in each space is the same as the letter in the boldsquare in the next line.The first one has been done for you.1.The machine was designed to grind rocks for industrialpurposes.srhcucrush2.The television campaign helped to increase public awarenessof the drug problem.iehthngeh3.During the election, the Republicans made a great effort towoo younger voters.tactart4.Many retail outlets are substituting cashiers with automaticmachines.nelarcpig5.The new building symbolizes modern American architectureat its best.pefeliixems6.Everyone endorsed the treaty as it was critically important tothe peace process.redpupost7.If you want to reclaim the money you have lost, you will haveto fill in a claims form.evroerc8.He was asked to account for the changes he had made to thecurriculum.pinelax9 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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