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.We ought to set out on the hike by dawn.172 English Verb Drills Exercise 97Rewrite each sentence with the modals provided in parentheses.1.I was in by midnight.(should, should have, have to)2.She tries to warm up to him.(must, can, need to)3.You head for the coast by noon.(should, ought to, want to)4.Does he throw up in the car? (need to, have to, could have)5.She doesn t always put up with him.(could, like to, may)6.Mary is out for the day.(might, be supposed to, must have)7.Bill doesn t let on about his new job.(should, must, can)Functions of Phrasal Verbs 173 8.Where do they drop off their laundry? (should, have to, should have)9.The driver backs up here.(can, could have, want to)10.The clerk takes down the man s testimony.(need to, ought to have, could)Adverb PositionIn certain phrasal verbs, the position of a preposition used as an adverb is not static.For example,the phrase to work up means  to prepare or compose. The preposition up in that phrase can standeither before or after a noun direct object.But if the direct object is a pronoun, the preposition canonly be placed after the pronoun.I can work a new report up for you.(noun as direct object)I can work up a new report for you.(noun as direct object)I can work it up for you.(pronoun as direct object)Here is another example, with the phrasal verb to lay off ( to fire,  to dismiss ):The boss laid five people off.(noun as direct object)The boss laid off five people.(noun as direct object)The boss laid them off.(pronoun as direct object)174 English Verb Drills Exercise 98Use the string of elements provided to write two sentences, and place the preposition in each sentencein the two positions possible.Write a third sentence with the direct object noun changed to a directobject pronoun, and place the preposition in the appropriate position.I / to fill out / formI fill out the form.I fill the form out.I fill it out.1.he / to back up / car / into the street2.John / to ask out / pretty girl3.mother / to drop off / children / at school4.to take down / injured man s statement5.little boy / never / to turn down / candyFunctions of Phrasal Verbs 175 This page intentionally left blank Mastery CheckExercise 99With the subject and verb provided, write a present tense phrase that includes a reflexive pronoun.For example:he / hurt he hurts himself1.she / burn2.I / enjoy3.they / amuse4.we / perjure5.you (sing.) / push6.it / raise7.he / calm8.the women / fan9.Bill and I / help10.you (pl.) / dressExercise 100Rewrite each infinitive with the subject provided in parentheses in the two forms of the present tensepassive voice.For example:(it) to start it is startedit is being started1.(it) to steal177 2.(she) to kiss3.(I) to punish4.(the engineer) to hire5.(they) to break6.(you) to invite7.(the words) to spell8.(the men) to warn9.(she) to reward10.(the boy) to punish11.(the new hotels) to build178 English Verb Drills 12.(trees) to grow13.(no one) to suspect14.(who) to take15.(something) to loseExercise 101Rewrite each present tense passive sentence in the tenses shown.1.My wallet is stolen by a pickpocket.Past:Present perfect:Past perfect:Future:2.Who is accused of the crime?Past:Present perfect:Past perfect:Future:3.He is being chased by a skunk.Past:Present perfect:Past perfect:Future:Mastery Check 179 4.The mirror is smashed with a hammer.Past:Present perfect:Past perfect:Future:5.They are praised by their teacher.Past:Present perfect:Past perfect:Future:Exercise 102In the blank provided, write the letter P if the past participle in the sentence is in the passive voice.Write the letter S if the past participle is in the stative passive.1.Is the bedroom painted?2.The windows are being washed today.3.The children were not allowed to play in the alley.4.She is being fired today.5.The flower garden is finally planted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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