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.(v)record (n & v) restaurant (n)" to keep a record (n) result (n)retire (v)" to break a record (n)return (n & v)" to record a song (v)" to return home (v)recording (n)recover (v) " a return (ticket) (n)review (n & v)" to recover from an illnessrevise (v)red (adj & n)reward (n & v)reduce (v)rice (n)refreshments (n)rich (adj & n)refrigerator (n)ride (n & v)refund (n & v)right (adj, adv & n)refuse (v)regarding (prep) " the right time (correct) (adj)register (n & v) " the right person for the job" He took the class register.(n) (suitable) (adj)" He registered with a new doctor." my right foot (adj)(v) " Everything will be all right.(adj)registration (n)" Go right there.(directly) (adv)regret (n & v)" Fill it right to the top.(completely)regular (adj)(adv)relation (n)" the right to vote (n)" to visit a relationring (n & v)relationship (n)" stand in a ring (n)relative (n)" a wedding ring (n)" a relative came to stay" Give me a ring tomorrow.relax (v)(phone) (n)relaxation (n)" Suddenly the bell rang.(v)reliable (adj)ring back (phr v) ring off (phr v)Sring up (phr v)ripe (adj)rise (v) sad (adj)safe (adj)" The sun rises in the East." to be safe from harm" Prices are rising.safety (n)river (n)sail (n & v)road (n)salad (n)roast (adj & v)salary (n)rob (v)sale (n)robbery (n)salesman/saleswoman (n)rock (n)salt (n)" rock (music) (n)same (adj & pron)" a hard piece of rock (n)sand (n)role (n)sandwich (n)roll (n & v)satisfactory (adj)" a roll of film (n)satisfied (adj)" a bread roll (n)saucer (n)" to roll into a ball (v)sausage (n)roof (n)save (v)room (n)" to save someone" the sitting room" to save money" There s lots of room in here." to save timerose (n)say (v)rough (adj)" to say something to someone" a rough road" I really can t say.(give an" a rough ideaopinion)" rough workscene (n)round (adj, adv & prep)scenery (n)" a round object (adj)school (n)" the wrong way round (adv)science (n)" to sit round a table (prep)science fiction (n)roundabout (n)scientific (adj)route (n)scientist (n)row (n)scissors (n)" a row of seatsscooter (n)rubber (adj & n)score (n & v)" rubber tyres (adj)" The score was 3-0.(n)" a rubber (eraser) (n)" to score a goal (v)rubbish (n)scream (n & v)rude (adj)screen (n)rugby (n)sculpture (n)ruin (n)sea (n)rule (n & v)search (n & v)" the rules of grammar (n)seaside (n)" to rule a country (v)season (n)ruler (n)seat (n)" draw a line using a rulerseat belt (n)run (v)second (adj & n)" to run in a race" to be second in the race (adj)" to run a business" sixty seconds in a minute (n)run out of (phr v)secondary (adj)" He ran out of time and didn t" secondary schoolfinish.secret (adj & n) secretary (n) " a sharp knifesecurity (n)" a sharp cornersee (v)" a sharp picture" to see something (with the eyes)shave (n & v)" to see the joke (understand) she (pron)" to see someone about a problem sheep (n)(consult) sheet (n)seem (v)" sheets on a bedseldom (adv)" a sheet of paperselect (v)" information sheetself-service (adj)shelf (n)sell (v)shine (v)send (v)ship (n)sensible (adj)shirt (n)sentence (n)shock (n & v)" words in a sentence" to suffer from shock (n)separate (adj & v)" The film shocked me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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