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.LANGUAGE TEST 6BLanguage Test 6B Unit 61 Choose the correct answers.The zebra / lion / elephant is the biggest land mammal.1 The snail / oyster / octopus is the only mollusc with eight legs.2 Storks / Chimpanzees / Reindeer are really intelligent mammals, very similar to humans.3 My favourite bird is the albatross / rabbit / turtle - it can fly so far without flapping its wings.4 I hate bees / butterflies / spiders because they've got eight legs and are quite scary.5 Do you like reptiles? I like snakes / crocodiles / turtles although some of them are poisonous.6 Jane would like to cross the Sahara Desert on a toad / flea / camel./ 62 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.You usually see Chris on Thursday evenings, don't you? If you see (see) him today, will you give (give) him a message from me?1 I don't have much free time.I ________________ (go) to the park with my dog if I ________________ (have) more time.2 Susan is skipping a lot of classes at the moment.She ________________ (not/do)well in the exams if she ________________ (not/work) harder.3 I want to see Jane tomorrow.I ________________ (not/go) to the cinema tomorrow unless she ________________ (come) too.4 There aren't any sharks in the sea round Britain.If I ________________ (see) a shark there, I ________________ (be) very surprised.5 I've got a part-time job to earn some money and save for holidays.If I ________________ (have) enough money next summer, I ________________ (go) abroad.6 The weather is fantastic this summer and the weather forecast is excellent.But what ________________ (you/do) if it ________________ (rain) tomorrow?7 Cats are my favourite animals.They ________________ (live) for many years provided that you ________________ (take) care of them./ 73 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.There are two extra words that you do not need.allergic breeding experiments mazes pests predators prove recreateI'm allergic to cats, I sneeze if I'm near one.1 Scientists have managed to ___________ that primates are intelligent.2 Rats can remember how to get through ___________ without getting lost.3 We're doing some ___________ at school to find out more about microbes.4 Some kinds of beetles are serious ___________ to farming because they destroy the plants.5 The zoo has a ___________ programme to prevent tigers from becoming extinct./ 54 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.That director has a great reputation.REPUTE1 Sarah is really _____________.She never helps at home.LAZINESS2 They are very badly-_____________, they don't listen to their parents.BEHAVIOUR3 My dog is very _____________, it always does what I tell it to do.OBEDIENCE4 Dolphins love having fun with people, they are very _____________ animals.PLAY5 In my opinion, pets are very good _____________ for people.COMPANION6 Do you think dogs are _____________ to their owners? LOYALTY/ 65 Choose the correct answers.If dogs _____, we could chat with them.a can talk b talked c could talk1 I'll go home _____ you want me to stay.a as soon as b as long as c unless2 If I _____ you, I'd get a new pet.a am b were c will be3 I enjoy school _____ the lessons are interesting.It's boring if the lessons aren't good.a unless b as long as c as soon as4 If I go to the aquarium, I _____ and see the turtles.a will go b would go c went5 What _____ if your dog got lost?a do you do b did you do c would you do6 When my cat _____ at the door, I let it out.a scratches b scratched c will scratch/ 6TOTAL/ 30PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Intermediate© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp.z o.o.4Name _________________________________________________ Class ________________________PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Intermediate© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp.z o.o.1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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