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.I do this so smoothly, most people don t realize thatthe pair is made up of the top and bottom cards.It all happens so fast, you can give theperception that the two cards came from the top of the packet.Now, repeat this procedure,each time, depositing the pair in a row to the right of the first pair.When you ve finished,the face down pairs will be made up of 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6 and the single odd card will bethe 5.Clever huh? Now you ask the person to place the face down odd card on top of anyone of the four pairs.Turn your back as this is done.Tell him to total the values of the three cards in that pileand to remember the sum total.Naturally, no matter where he places the 5, the total willautomatically be 15.Tell him to replace the three cards on the table and to gather all thecards into one packet.Now, with your back still turned, you have him shuffle the packet.You have very simply and very cleanly forced the number 15.and destroyed the evidencein the process.Think about it, you could now draw everyone s attention to a list of 24anything you want (see the previous listing of list ideas).Naturally, when you ask him toconcentrate on the object next to his secret total (it ll be the 15th item on the numberedlist) you can proceed to reveal it in any way that you wish.Let s force the number 18.Once again, begin with the display of the face of the numericallyordered packet.Overhand false shuffle the packet using any of the previously explainedsequences.Now, deal four cards, one at a time, in a row from left to right.Pause as yousay something about making four pairs of cards.Deal the next top card, the 5 on the 4,the 6 on the 3, the 7 on the 2, the 8 on the 1.This leaves you with the face down 9 in yourright hand.Same as before, ask the spectator to place the final odd card on any pair.Asabove, the resulting total will be 18 in ever instance.Now, you can force the 18th item inyour list.Terrific for repeat performances, since a different object is the target object.668 Commercial Material - Ads & InstructionsVariation #4:This is not a force, but the resulting pairs are in a predictable order.So, if you know whichpile the  odd card is placed on, you ll know the resulting total.I ll explain the procedure,then show you how to be able to use the four resulting totals, 15, 17, 19 and 21.Begin by showing the cards in numerical order.False shuffle as explained previouslyexplained.Deal the cards, one at a time from left to right until you have dealt a row offour faced down cards (the 1-2-3-4).Now return to the left and deal the fifth card on the 1,the sixth card on the 2, the seventh card on the 3 and the eighth card on the 4.Readingfrom left to right the totals of the four pairs is 6, 8, 10 and 12.The 9 will be the remainingodd card in your left hand.You can see that if the odd card (the 9) is added to the 6, theresulting total will be 15.Added to the second pair produces a total of 17.Added to thethird pair results in a total of 19 and finally, 21.So the order of possible totals, from left toright, is 15-17-19 and 21.Here s how to use this procedure.After you ve handed the spectator the ninth,  odd card, ask him to place it on any pairthat he wishes.Begin to turn away, but time your turn so you catch a glimpse of whichpile he has placed the  odd  card on.That s it, you now know the final total.Now, you regoing to do an object duplication.Make up a list of 24 objects (see artwork at the end ofthe explanation).Since you know that the spectator will end up with a total of 15, 17, 19or 21.the rest is duck soup.Simply ask the spectator to confirm that there are 24 differentobjects listed on the card.He will answer in the affirmative.Ask him to memorize theobject next to the number he is concentrating upon, which is the total of the three cardshe randomly selected.Turn and hand the spectator a drawing pad and a marker.You pickup a second pad and marker.You stand back to back with the spectator (really fun whenit s a  she ).Tell the spectator to visualize the object he is concentrating upon and to drawit on his pad.Let s say his total is 21.He draws a  doughnut. So do you.Hold your picture against you chest and instruct the spectator to do likewise.One thecount of  3 you tell him to show what he drew to the audience.Naturally the are practicallyidentical.This is an outstanding design duplication.It s simple to do and extremely fair.The spectator has an apparently free choice of number.He confirms the 24 objects aretotally different from one another (he doesn t know about the drawing bit).And you readhis mind!Variation #5:Let s assume that for whatever reason, when your performing using the reflective principle,you can t see the reflected image of the spectator s chosen number.At the point whereyou ve asked the spectator if he can remember his number, and the two packets are 4-5inches apart, disregard his answer by saying,  I want you to be absolutely sure. At thispoint, there s a packet in either hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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