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. The man squeezedShelby s arm harder, painfully. You got that?Shelby blew out a steady breath as he tried his best not to hurtthese men. Let.Go.Of.My.Arm.The six men laughed as the one holding Shelby jerked his armpainfully back.He had warned them.Shelby was lightning quick as the other hand came around tosmash the human s nose, blood pouring from his face as he releasedShelby to grab his nose. You little prick.Slipping underneath the Neanderthals, Shelby ran quickly to thedoor.He hadn t come here to fight, and he wasn t sure how thankfulJacob would be if he hurt his friends.Shelby ran outside and aroundthe building to disseminate, only to be knocked to the ground.This was not turning out to be his night.Getting quickly to his feet, Shelby cursed under his breath whenhe saw two vampire rogues standing there before him.He knew hewas about to get his ass handed to him.Maybe it would have been For the Rest of Eternity 43better if he had defied Christian and went out to dinner with Jacob.Atleast he could have gotten fucked instead of fucked up. A snack. One of the rogues laughed as he lunged for Shelby.Hespun around to avoid the man tackling him when he was kicked in hisside.Shelby went down, hard.That was going to leave a damn bruise.Jumping to his feet, Shelby jumped onto one of the rogues, bitingdeeply into the vampire s neck, feeling the wretched taste of taintedblood on his tongue as he tried to tear the damn thing s neck out.He was jerked away, hitting the ground on his back, knocking thewind out of him.Shelby didn t have time to think.He rolled away justas the rogue vampire tried to stab him.Oh shit, the vampire had afucking silver knife.Shelby saw the wooden handle and swallowed hard right beforethe vampire he had bitten smacked him dead across his face.Shelby shead snapped back, but he managed to stay upright.He leapt again,sinking his teeth in deep as he yanked his head back and forth.Shelby was never comfortable biting into flesh, but if it saved hislife, he d bite every damn rogue out there.The rogue howled as Shelby tore the bastard s throat out.Heknew he couldn t take on two rogues, but one was going down if hewas.Shelby may be slight in build and on the short side for avampire, but Christian, Christo, and Isla had taught him well on howto defend himself.Too bad he hadn t kicked Taras s ass that day inThe Manacle.Being caught off guard and threatened hadn t helped him.Taraswas a lot stronger than he looked.And Shelby hadn t been fightingfor his life that day either.Now he was fighting not only for his life,but to get back to his mate.If Jacob ever forgave him.When something hard hit him on the back of his head, Shelbyknew he had to get the hell out of there.He had been lucky with thebastard he had killed.But luck wasn t going to smile down on him 44 Lynn Hagentwice.And as much as he didn t like those men inside the bar, hecouldn t chance one of them stumbling out here and getting killed.Jumping from the dead rogue, Shelby quickly disseminated to theclub.Unfortunately, he hadn t thought of the prince s office.Heappeared right next to the bar, bloody and bruised, and swayingslightly. Shit! Winston shouted as he ran around the bar, grabbingShelby up into his arms and carrying him down the hallway toChristian s office.He knew he looked a mess.The rogue s bloodcovered the entire front of his shirt and his neck and face.His ribswere killing him as well. What happened? The prince growled out the question asWinston laid Shelby on the leather couch.Damn, his body was sore ashell. I don t know.He just appeared in front of the bar looking likethis.Christian knelt in front of Shelby, lifting Shelby s shirt and thenclenching his jaw. Who did this to you, Shelby?He was so fucked. For the Rest of Eternity 45Chapter FourJacob felt like an ass.He had stormed out of the club withoutthinking of Shelby.He knew in his heart that Shelby wasn t the typeof man to be hung up on appearances, and the man s kiss had provenjust how much he wanted Jacob.With his tail tucked between his legs, Jacob walked back into theclub.He glanced around when he saw people packed over by the bar,excited voices filling the air around him.Jacob didn t know thepeople Shelby worked with too well.He had just been introduced, butthe bartender, Winston, seemed kind of nice even if Jacob hadthought of him as the wax man.Jacob pushed past the crowd as hewaved Winston over. What s going on? Follow me, Winston said as he walked from behind the bar.Jacob once again pushed his way through the crowd as he followedWinston down the hallway that contained the prince s office.Hefrowned when the bartender opened the office door, waving Jacobinside.Jacob crossed the room in long, angry strides as he saw Shelbylying on the couch, a bloody mess.A low, threatening growl rumbledinside of him when he saw the bruise marring Shelby s face. Whathappened to him?The prince he gave up on trying to call the man anything elsestood, his jaw tensing. It seems Shelby disobeyed me and left theclub. What are you, his father? Jacob snapped in anger.So Shelbywas telling the truth.Didn t he feel like a rank jackass? 46 Lynn Hagen Close enough, the prince said as he glowered at Jacob. Was hewith you?Damn, what did the guy mean close enough? Jacob was confusedas hell, and only getting more confused as the night wore on. I swear, Prince, Jacob had nothing to do with this.I mean, hewasn t with me, Shelby defended as he tried to sit up.Jacobimmediately pressed Shelby back down to the sofa.The man lookedlike he was in a lot of pain.He tried to study Shelby s face for anysigns of where the blood had come from, but he didn t see any cuts orgashes, and a bloody nose wouldn t have produced so much blood. You are to go to the manor and stay there until I figure out yourpunishment, the prince said as he walked over to his desk, angerevident in his dark eyes. Wait, Jacob said as he stood, holding his hand up in front ofhim. I understand that Shelby disobeyed you.But he s a grown man.I don t think  It would be wise if you didn t, the prince said as his face beganto evolve into something truly frightening.It darkened until the mandidn t resemble a damn human any longer. He may be your mate,but until you take full responsibility for him, he is under my care.Jacob was so fucking lost [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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