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.His ice-white shirt worn with a stylish striped silk tie in gray, gold and black,accentuated his deep tan, the thick raven hair and his extraordinary eyes.She had a sudden mental imageof them both in bed, knowing when the moment came she would welcome him.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%2./5%20home%20to%20eden%20TXT/home%20to%20eden.txt (88 of 124)11/05/2010 14:36:05 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20way/koomera%20crossing/5%20home%20to%20eden%20TXT/home%20to%20eden.txt"So tell me about Dot," he said after the waiter had taken their order and moved away from theirsecluded window table."I suppose you've already set about improving her life.""She doesn't want to come back to Eden.""Now that surprises me.I thought she was a fixture."Her eyes were troubled."It might come down to Dot's mental health.""Really?" Drake raised an eyebrow."I would have thought Dot had her head screwed on right.So whatare we talking about-early stages of dementia? That's not fair.That demon Dot married gave her hell.Godknows how many times she was hospitalized during their marriage, but she kept going back to him.Inexplicable to me.""It happens," Nicole sighed."Perhaps the abuse turned her mind.She confessed she left Eden becauseshe was afraid of Alan.""Alan?" Drake's reaction was the same as hers.Naked disbelief."So she's lost it?""I've had to consider that, but in every other respect she's perfectly normal, the same as ever.Dot wasalways quiet, but she was a pretty shrewd observer.She said he's a born actor, which he is.She said hewas 'crazily'-her word-in love with my mother."Drake shrugged."Okay, I can accept that.Lots of men fall for fascinating women.But it would havebeen a look-not-touch situation.""I'm certain my mother hardly noticed him."His look was somber."Given that all the action was elsewhere.""What tangled lives we've led," Nicole observed."It had a lot to do with sex-charged people being under the same roof.Virtually living in isolation formost of the time," Drake said."That sort of intimacy can be suffocating.So we have a hotbed ofintrigue.Alan was never in love with his wife.I think we all know why he married her.Siggy was leftfeeling unloved and unfulfilled.Corrinne had two men madly in love with her-""Three, if Dot is correct."He grimaced slightly."Okay, three.Siggy is attracted to the hugely virile Heath.You've got a lot ofconfusion and despair there.Small wonder Joel has problems.Devalued by his grandfather, largelyignored by his father, pressured by his mother.That only left you and Louise, who spoiled the both ofyou.As for you and Joel-''"Do you think we should talk about Joel if we want to enjoy ourselves? I told you our relationship isfine.""Okay." He apparently had the sense not to push it.In the end, after two delicious courses, Nicole couldn't resist dessert."Chocolate, the ultimate aphrodisiac," Drake joked, then joined Nicole in a slice of a luscious darkchocolate truffle tart on the sweets trolley.They lingered over coffee, both conscious of the building sexual tension."What now?" she asked, awareher voice wasn't quite steady."To your suite, I hope." He was staring at her intently, his eyes drinking in her face."I want to feel yourbody against mine.I want you in bed with me.Anything strange about that?"Her skin sizzled, yet she shivered."Sex, excitement, the two of us dressed up for dinner.What's the realagenda, I wonder?""You think I'm after more than your body?" He frowned.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%2./5%20home%20to%20eden%20TXT/home%20to%20eden.txt (89 of 124)11/05/2010 14:36:05 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20way/koomera%20crossing/5%20home%20to%20eden%20TXT/home%20to%20eden.txt"I know you are.They tell me you're becoming famous as a strategist.""Tell me, what's my strategy with you? I know you have a vivid imagination."She lifted her chin."So I'll let it have its head.You could want to take me further into the regions ofsuffering.You could want revenge for your family-Callista would back you in that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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