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.Women can sometimes come across as aloof when it comes to the sexual attentionof men, but you must understand that their problem isn t finding sex (for most women,that s easy) but finding quality sex with a man that they can feel totally free to open upwith emotionally.When you begin drawing this kind of immensely pleasurable responsefrom a woman, almost against her will, you will have demonstrated beyond a doubt thatshe has stumbled upon sexual nirvana in your skillful arms.At this point, the seduction has reached a pinnacle of consummation and hercomplete submission is all but assured.Beyond that you now have a ravenous sex /romance addict on your hands.And you, my friend, are her drug of choice!(Chap 7 -- Pg.234) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big PictureYeah Baybee!.Your Perfect PadYeah Baybee!.Your Perfect PadYeah Baybee!.Your Perfect PadYeah Baybee!.Your Perfect Padfor Shaggingfor Shaggingfor Shaggingfor Shaggingou realize, of course, that the complete picture of seduction goes beyondjust communicating your intentions as a dominant male on the prowl.AtYdifferent stages along the way, you will slowly reveal more and morethings about yourself and your lifestyle that give her important clues as to what kind ofman you are.One of those clues concerns the style in which you live and the look andfeel of your apartment or home.Women will consider the way in which you livesubstantially into the calculus they use to determine if you re the kind of guy they want tohook up with.It really is an important consideration for you in painting the overallpicture of your desirability as a potential mate.Any woman that s worth your efforts is searching for a man, not an overgrownboy.The two are light-years apart, trust me.I ve been both at different times in my life,and being a man is better.You can score a much higher quality of woman if you roundout your image to that of a young man instead of an irresponsible boy.The best womenout there have outgrown their  boy phase and are looking for real men now.A largepart of that masculine character will reveal itself in how you currently choose to live.Women understand that things like a hot car and sharp clothes can be faked, but yourliving quarters will act as a kind of lie detector to separate the real men from the fratboys.They know you won t go through the effort of faking your living style just to lookcool, it s too much trouble.But how you live proclaims a lot about your male status,dominant or otherwise.I would even go so far as to say that it can break or seal the deal,if you know what I mean.There are two things to keep in mind when designing the look and feel of yourliving arrangements:1) a woman should feel comfortable and welcome at your place, but.(Chap 7 -- Pg.235) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big Picture2) it should look like a man lives there.You have to walk the delicate middle road somewhere between  bear-cave and aplace that suggests you might be moonlighting as an interior decorator.Know what Imean, sssss-sweetie? Rather than sit here and list everything that I think you shouldchange about the way you re currently cribbing, I ll just paint a little contrast betweenhow a man s approach to living differs from that of a boy s -- and let you decide whatkind of impression you re making with your present lifestyle.Then you can considerhow you might wish to change some of those things in order to make your dominantmale  stock begin to soar.Inviting a woman to your apartment can be a pivotal moment in a seduction.Youhave an opportunity to really move the needle on your  sexy guy meter in a positivedirection, so take heed.When a woman enters your place for the first time, she's lookingto discover what kind of guy you really are -- a man, or a boy.Boys: Have posters of heavy metal bands and half-naked WWF Ring Girlson their walls.! Men: Have a few classy art prints hanging around.You can findinexpensive prints that look great just about anywhere.They only need tobe interesting and non-offensive, and even better if they have a commontheme that suggests a passionate interest of yours.Men also like to displaya few photos of family members, friends and adventure memories in thehalls and living room.but NO ex-girlfriends or wives, please!! Boys: Own a big, self-centered CD collection containing only the kinds ofmusic (Metallica, Hole) that they like.! Men: Have a nice variety of CD's in their rack.rock, jazz, blues, rap, abit of classical, and even something offbeat like reggae.This is toaccommodate the varied tastes of the different guests they entertain from(Chap 7 -- Pg.236) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big Picturetime to time (other than their usual football-drinking buddies -- who allthink exactly alike).! Boys: Have nothing but beer (their own brand, of course) and Gatoraide intheir fridge, maybe some Pepsi too.! Men: Might have some wine (red table wines and white zinfandel), aclassy beer (a mellow microbrew like Sam Adams, or something a littlewilder like Corona), and a variety of soft drinks and juices.Why?Because, once again, he entertains people other than just his football bros.! Boys: Still sleep in the single bed they've had since they were a kid.! Men: Sleep in a small double bed in order to accommodate the femalecompany they have over from time to time (yes indeed, this is what itsuggests!)! Boys: Are still getting mileage out of their ratty old the Star Warscomforter that they got for their 12th birthday.! Men: Own a dark solid comforter and bedding, use a cool top sheet andhave two sets of pillows always made up and ready.When she peeks intoyour bedroom, a woman should be able to imagine herself tucked in therewith you, get it?! Boys: Have their porno collection laying all over the place so their buddieswill think they are grown up and cool.! Men: Will hide most of their nasty stuff but keep a few  soft X titles(Candida Royale, Playboy specialty tapes, or  hard R movies) storedinnocuously where she might find them one day when she s in a friskymood.See how you can outsmart your opponent if you just use a littleplanning?(Chap 7 -- Pg.237) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big Picture! Boys: Have their Playstation 2 on prominent display as the centerpiece oftheir home entertainment universe.! Men: Have a 20"+ TV, a stereo, a VCR or DVD, and a backgammonboard under the couch.You should have some interesting things to do withher other than just veg out and watch tv all of the time.! Boys: Have mismatched chairs and an old, lumpy couch that they either gotfor free or paid $25 for at the flea market.And it stinks like old stale beer.! Men: Own a soft, comfortable sofa or love seat which is great for cuddlingon those cold winter nights.And it s clean too.what a concept.! Boys: Houseplants? Isn t that like totally gay, dude?! Men: No, not really.dude.Real live plants (the kind that you actuallyhave to water now and then) add a touch of class and some atmosphere toyour apartment.Women take notice of this kind of stuff when it comes todeciding whether she s dealing with a boy or a man.So just where wouldyou like to end up in her mind.dude?! Boys: Since mommy s no longer around to yell or pick up after them, thebathroom generally looks like one of Osama bin Laden s cavemanhideaways shortly after a B1B bomber pays a visit.! Men: Have accepted the responsibility of cleaning up after themselves.This goes for their entire apartment, but especially for the bathroom.Itshould be clean, and the toilet should be spotless, at least when you knowthat female company will be visiting.Women grade highly on thisparticular test [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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