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.And then I'm going totouch you again.All you need to do is feel.""I'm.I'm very good at that, Peter.I'm very good at feeling.""Yes, I've noticed.The best I've ever had, Samuel.That's what you are." With those words, hesmacked Samuel's ass.Samuel gasped but didn't pull away, spread a little wider."Mmm.yes." He gave Samuel another smack and then went over to his chest for the rope.He kept speaking, low words telling Samuel how beautiful he was, making sure Samuel couldhear him.Samuel moved for him, rocking a little on the mattress, soft little moans sounding."You're thinking about it, aren't you? Imagining what it'll be like, how the ropes will feel."He found the red rope.It was about a third of an inch in diameter and was looped around andaround.Perfect."No.No, I'm thinking about you."He stopped mid-turn."Oh." He hadn't expected that.Not at all."What are you thinking aboutme?""About your eyes, about how you felt inside me.About how you smiled when I made youscones." Oh.Sweet, dear love."You're a keeper, Samuel." He knelt on the bed next to Samuel, and began to run the rope overthe pale skin.Samuel's skin goosepimpled up, fingers curling into fists."I hope I am."Sammy's Place - 106 "Oh, I know you are." He tugged the rope over Samuel's ass, let it drag along his lover's crack.Samuel almost chuckled, ass clenching tight.Bending, he kissed one ass cheek."Here we go," he said against Samuel's skin."What do I do?""I may need you to move now and then as I wrap the rope around you.I'll let you know, though,so you can just relax and feel it, enjoy it." He left a small length of rope hanging, and wrapped aloop around Samuel's balls and up his cock."I.Oh.I wasn't expecting.""No? This will keep you from coming, and it looks incredible.How does it feel?" He tugged alittle, tightening it."Tight.Close.Sexy.""Good.I'm putting two knots in the rope," he said, more so Samuel had the sound of his voicethan for information."And I'm sitting them so one presses against your perineum and the otheragainst your hole." He matched action to words."Oh." Samuel moaned, flushing dark and shivering for him."Thank you.Thank you, Peter.""Feels good, doesn't it? Strange, but undeniable." He had the rope follow Samuel's crack andthen his spine."It.I haven't.I don't know, Peter.It's." Samuel looked back at him, eyes so dark."I don't havethe words."He smiled and reached up, stroking Samuel's face."That's okay, Samuel.You don't have to sayanything at all."The bruises on Samuel's back weren't lurid anymore, but they framed the red rope beautifully.Hewrapped the rope over Samuel's shoulder and down across his chest, making sure the ropepressed against Samuel's nipple.Samuel closed his eyes, moaning softly, one hand reaching to stroke his thigh.Peter hummedhappily and started talking again, telling Samuel what he did as he did it.He tugged the ropearound Samuel's hips and then back around the front, to cross over the other nipple."Okay, tilt over now, Samuel, I'll help you.""Okay." Samuel trusted so prettily, leaning into his hands, letting him help.Sammy's Place - 107 He guided Samuel to lie on his side and brought the rope down to wrap Samuel's legs together,circling the red rope around and around from thighs to ankles."My heart is pounding, Peter.Throbbing."He reached up and covered Samuel's heart with his hand, feeling cool skin and the rope."Mmm.so it is.Excitement?""I think so?""You'll tell me if it's too much." It wasn't a question.Peter trusted that Samuel would safeword ifhe needed to.He shifted the rope over Samuel's nipple and then went back to the binding, tugging the ropearound one foot and then the other.He slid the rope through each set of toes, splitting the big toeoff from the rest in both cases, and then bringing the rope up, bending Samuel's legs back a bitand looping the rope around both Samuel's wrists behind his back."This shouldn't be painful, so let me know if your arms or legs are straining too much.""I.I want to move.I just.I don't know what to do, Peter." The first time in heavy bondage couldbe unnerving, the urge to jerk and pull at the ropes irresistible."I'm almost done with the binding, Samuel.You can hold on for another moment, and then I'mgoing to touch you, ease you.You're doing so well.And you look amazing.You truly do.""I'm doing okay?" Samuel was panting, skin flushed."You're doing wonderfully, Samuel.So beautiful."Peter made short work of getting the rope around Samuel's arms, holding them behind Samuel'sback.He would take longer next time, and a little longer the time after that.He tucked the end inbeneath the rope around Samuel's arm."There.All done.""Don't.Don't leave me, now, right? You'll stay with me.""I'm not going anywhere, Samuel.I am right where I want to be." He slid his fingers overSamuel's face, tracing each and every feature with fluttering fingers.Samuel's eyes closed, lips parting on a soft moan."I feel you.""Good.Good.I want you to feel every touch, everything." He kissed Samuel's lips, his fingerscontinuing to touch and stroke, loving the sensation of rope and skin.Samuel leaned into the kiss, reaching for him.Moaning, he slipped his tongue into Samuel'sSammy's Place - 108 mouth, tasting how binding Samuel had changed the flavor.It was subtle, soft.Samuel relaxed abit, focusing on the kiss, on him."That's right, Samuel.Sink into it.Let the ropes hold you." Peter pressed kisses over Samuel'sface and then his neck, his chest, licking along next to the ropes.The sweetest little sounds filled the air, Samuel moving from relaxed, to tense, to relaxed again.A man could learn to need those sounds.He licked at Samuel's prick, lapping at the drops that had collected at the tip."Peter.Peter." Samuel groaned, shifting, tugging at the ropes."Yes, right here." He wrapped his lips around Samuel's cock, tongue playing over rope and skin.His own prick jerked at the sensation.That earned him a sharp cry, Samuel's cock dripping onhis tongue."Mmm.You taste wonderful, Samuel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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