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.Tennetty, always alert for game or at least a chance to kill something broughther loaded crossbow up, but didn't take the shot.My guess is that she didn'thave a clear shot, and a crossbow has little stopping power if you don't naila deer through the spine, heart, or (much more likely) lungs, you've got along chase ahead of you."So much for a good dinner tonight," she said.* * *We camped that night by the side of a straight section of road, hanginghammocks between paired trees rather than trusting the ground.Snakes and all.Even I couldn't have crept through the brush silently, and the road stretchedout straight a quarter mile in either direction, so we lit a cookfire andrelaxed, knowing that we'd see anybody coming up on us in plenty of time.Jason took first watch, while Ahira sat up with him, the boy nervouslystirring at the fire, the dwarf rewinding the leather and wire wrapping of hisaxe-hilt.Me, I couldn't sleep, not yet, so I improvised aGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlpad of blankets in front of my saddle, and sat with them, stropping my dagger.It's hard to have too much of an edge on a knife.Tennetty's eyes were sleepy as she joined the three of us, a brown blanketwrapped around her shoulders.I looked up at her."You look tired."She nodded as she dropped a folded blanket to the ground next to me and seatedherself tailor-fashion on it, huddling in her sleeping blanket."I feel tired," she said."Just too wound up, I guess." She stared off intothe dark like she was expecting something to leap out of it, then shook herhead."Happens, sometimes."I scooted over a bit, to let her use my saddle as a back rest.She gave aquick Tennetty-smile lips together, their ends barely curling up and leanedagainst it, and against me.I could feel the warmth of her body through theblanket, which told me that it had been far too long since I'd been with awoman.Still, I guess those are the times that I most like out on the trail the endof the day, when there's nothing to do but sit and talk until sleep drives youto your bed, whatever it is.Tennetty's arms were folded under her blanket.Knowing Tennetty, each handwould be resting on the butt of a loaded pistol.I don't mean to becondescending; it felt reassuring.One thing I could always count on is thatPage 86 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlTennetty would be ready for sudden violence.Too ready, maybe, but ready.The dwarf was rewinding the leather in some sort of intricate weave that Icouldn't quite follow, his thick fingers moving with their familiar delicacy,while his eyes and mind were elsewhere.On the ground in front of him was afresh spool of bronze thread combined with the leather, it would give a good,solid grip, be the handle or hands wet or dry.(Whenever it all hit the fan,my hands were always wet, as soon as I noticed them.)Picking up the theme, Jason had his revolver and cleaning kit out, thecartridges, bottles, cleaning cloths, and other paraphernalia neatly lined upon the blanket in front of him, steel and brass flickering in the firelight.He cleaned and oiled the pistol in just a few moments doesn't take much if youhaven't fired it then wiped it down with an oily rag before reloading it andslipping it back into his holster, thonging it into place."Other one in your bag?" I asked."Eh?" He looked over at me."Other oh: the other revolver." His smile was atrifle too easy."I doubt it.I left it with your daughter.""Jane, I trust, and not Dorann?"He decided to take that as a joke, which it was."Just in case," he said.Tennetty, her eyes still sleepy, nodded in approval.I stropped my dagger some more.Nehera, the master smith, had made it from asingle piece of iron, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmllightly sprinkled with just enough charcoal, then heated and folded over,hammered on hundreds of thousands of times, making it strong despite thethinness of the blade.It would bend rather than break, but it could stillhold enough of an edge to cut through muscle and cartilage.The surface wascovered with the marking of the process: dark striations, like a fingerprint.I could have recognized the pattern among a hundred similar knives.I tested the edge of the blade against my thumbnail; even with a light touch,it bit hard into the nail, which was more than good enough, so I wiped it downwith oil and slid it back into its sheath.When I looked up, Jason was eyeing me, perhaps a bit skeptically.I tried todecide whether he was thinking that I was acting out some nervousness, or justunable to keep my hands still, but I've never been much good at mind reading,so I slipped one of my throwing knives out of its sheath and started to workon that.I don't have to keep my hands busy, mind; I just like to.Can quitany time I want.Jason caught Tennetty's eye and smiled tolerantly.Ahira had caught the byplay."You make the common assumption, JasonCullinane," he said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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