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. I like burgers, Might said. They neverserved us those in the lab, so now it s a specialtreat whenever I get one. How was it in the lab? Adan asked.Might pointed a finger at him. No, you don t.You promised to tell me some stuff about youfirst.If Adan thought he was going to wiggle hisway out of this one, he was one mistaken Wolf.Might had been around too many sneaky people42 Might s Karmafor that to happen.Adan let out a heavy sigh. Okay, what do youwant to know about me? How did you survive on your own? Youdidn t have a pack to rely on, so you had to getmoney somehow.Personally, I don t see youworking at a 7-11. I did what I was best at during that time.Istole it from others.Might let out a gasp, not over what Adan hadjust admitted, since Might knew the guy hadnever claimed to be an angel.It was just the wayAdan so easily talked about it, like it was no bigdeal. Don t look so excited, little Eagle, you alreadyknew there were a whole bunch of skeletons in mycloset.In fact, it s so full of them, that I m runningout of room for clothes, Adan said, a flicker ofhurt going over his face. No, it s not what you think, Might had tostop talking when he saw the waitress approachtheir table.They put in their orders, and Might waited forher to leave before he finished his sentence. I wasjust shocked at how flippantly you admitted it.Adan leaned across the table so their faces werecloser together. Oh, come on.Don t tell youhaven t heard all the rumors about me.How Iused to defy the Alpha s orders all the time, steal,lie, fight, and just cause trouble in general.43 Stephani Hecht And you probably heard the rumors that Isleep with every man I can and that my favoritething to do is have sex, Might countered. Well, is yours true?A heat came over Might s face. Yes.Whatabout you, are all the rumors true about you?Adan popped off with a sly smile. You betyour ass they are. So I guess that makes us both the bad boys inour pack. Might couldn t help but laugh at thatone. And here we are on a date together. The pack elder women must be ready to havea heart attack over that one, Adan said as hebegan to laugh as well. So what made you decide to come back to thepack? Might asked. Some jerk named Rand wouldn t get off myass.I knew it was only a matter of time before hegot me, so I came to the pack and asked forsanctuary.Might shook his head. That may have beenwhat finally gave you the push, but I think youmissed the pack. Really, and how would you know that? I just do. How so? You ve only known me a couple ofdays, Adan demanded. I can read people pretty well.It was a skill Ihad to develop when we were on the run. How long were you on the run? Adan asked.44 Might s KarmaSince he d answered some of Might s question,Might decided that it was only fair he answersome of Adan s.Although some of them werebound to bring up the nightmares.But then again,Might rarely went through a night without them. It was quite a while.We had to keep movingfrom place to place because they always seemed tobe able to find us, no matter where we went.Nowwe know that was because Defeat was leakinginformation to our master.It wasn t until wejoined with the Wolf pack that we were reallysafe.Adan reached across the table and took Might shand. How did they treat you at the lab?Might gave a slight shrug. I m not going to lie.Some of the stuff they did to us would have madeMengele proud.They always said it was for thegood of science, and it didn t matter if it hurt us ornot since we re animals anyway.Adan let out a growl of anger, even as he beganto gently caress the palm of Might s hand. Ishould hunt the bastard down and kill him.Might had never heard anything sweeter in hislife. You would actually kill for me? That s sonice.Nobody has ever offered to do that for me.Might knew he better watch it around Adan.He might accidently let himself get too close to theWolf and do something stupid like fall for him.45 Stephani HechtChapter Fivedan braced himself as he sat in the back of aAvan racing to an abandoned big box store.This was officially going to be his first mission,and he d be lying if he said he wasn t more than alittle nervous.Especially since he d found out thatthey d be fighting against a nest of Scorpionshifters.The buggers had already killed five humans,and the human government had stepped in.Theyhad ordered Chris s pack to go into the store andclean it of all traces of the Scorpions.While the pack didn t go out on as manymissions for the government as the felinecoalition, they were still called on from time totime.Since the pay was always so good, Chriswasn t about to turn them down.It took a lot ofcash to keep a pack running, and that was beforeRand had declared war on them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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