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.And the Gods of the NetherworldThe Second Circle.And whosoever shall be casting a curse against meThe Inner Circle.Let them suffer their own curseI am protected by this Pentacle upon my breast.Let these candles be their candlesWhich bears the name of (your Spirit Guide)This burning be their burningI bid thee, Spirit, Reveal thy Earthly name!This curse be their curseLet the pain they have caused me and mineRepeat this conjuration three times.Fall upon themselvesPerform a nine card Tarot Divination for the Spirit'sname, unless the Spirit replies in some other manner.Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close toAsk: Have you a message for me?midnight as possible) and each nightPerform a Tarot Divination or use the Witches' Bowl tochant the spell until the candles are spent.ask questions.Spirit, is it true that.?SPELL TO CONJURE SPIRITSDeal gently with the friendly Spirits and they will leadyou to the Greater Mysteries.*During your questioning, observe the Spirit Candle.If it wavers or rises and falls, or flickers unevenly, useTwo tall purple candlesthe Tarot to see if the Spirit has a message.*You may ask 3 questions, after that you must ask:May I seek further guidance?Two tall green candlesAsk only 3 more questions.*Bid the Spirit depart, saying: (Name), Good Spirit, ashtray or any fireproof dish.Thou hast diligently answered my questions and I dothank thee.I hereby give thee license to depart.Depart, Invoke the power of fire and it's elementalthrice - blessed Spirit, and be thou willing to return when spirits.next I conjure thee.By the sound of this bell (Use your Repeat three times:Witch's Bell), do I bid thee leave.Depart, Depart.Depart! "Firedrakes and Salamanders,Aid me in my quest,Protect me from all evil forms,Turn back the negativity being sent."After repeating it three times, say:"So mote it be."FOR DRIVING AWAY EVILDemons and evil spirits could be forced to leave a personalone if the following spell waswritten on parchment or paper which was to be kept closeat hand at all times.SDPNQCNSPELL TO SUMMON A SPIRITDPNQCNPNQCNTo create an incense portal for summoning the ancestorNQCNspirits from the otherworld, you will need an altarQCNcomplete with pictures and items to honor them.In aCNstrongly protected circle, place lavender, cinnamon, andNwormwood on the coals.REVENGE SPELL 2Call out only to benevolent and loving ancestor spirits bysaying:*Please use the utmost caution when performing arevenge spell.Remember, if the person you are casting"Blood of my blood, you spirits of love,this spell on does not truly deserve it, YOU could be theCome from below and from above;who gets hurt.Think long and carefully before doing anyEntities loving who wish me well,spells that may harm another human being.Come to this circle when I sound the bell."Take a piece of paper and write the name of the personIntone (ring) a bell three times and welcome thethat is to be bound on a 3"x3" piece of paper, using aancestors spirits.Afterwards, ring the bell seven timesblack ink pen or a pencil.to send them back through the portal so you can closeyour circle.While you do this visualize the face of the person on yourmind.When you have written the name cross it with anTHE BOOMERANG SPELLinverted pentacle (5 pointed star within a circle).Reverse any negativity or hex being sent your way.Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie theAnnoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil.On a piecepaper with it.Raise it to your temple and chant threeof white paper write the following in black ink.times the following."To be protected from you,"All blocks are now removed." Fold the paper threeThis magic charm i will do,times.Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl,With this words i bind thee, For you to let me be, powerful vegetable drugs.Again, as in the instance of theTo be protected from your harm, Mars variety, be careful.I now seal this charm".LOVER S DISSENSION SPELLNow place the paper on your right shoe and slam yourWhen the moon is waning, cast your circle; in the altarfoot on the ground nine times (doesn't have to be so loudtriangle place your chalice.Wreathe thethat everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth timetriangle as for your Hecate-Nocticula spells.Within it,say.place the following items:"So mote it be!"A pinch of grated orange peel, a pinch of salt, and a fewgrains of pepper, cumin seed, and powderedGRAVEYARD DUSTrue.On top of this, pour a small amount, say a quarterTo the experienced practitioner of witchcraft, this may cup, of boiling, distilled water, which shouldmean one of three things: also be on hand.As you pour the water onto the mixture,chant the following charm, and visualize1.Either purely dust or earth taken from a churchyard.strongly those persons caught in the hostile predicament2.Dried, powdered mullein herb (Verbascum thapsus.) it is designed to effect.3.Bone ash and asphaltum, also known as mummy dust, I [witch name] make this philter.originally obtained by grinding up Egyptian May it bearmummies.This is a great rarity nowadays for obvious malediction, deep affliction,reasons.here upon this married pair,Any or all of these graveyard dusts may be used singly or [X] and [Y] [their names].in combination in Saturnian hex powders or May they never be united,sachets, designed to bring inertia or restriction of some may they quarrel every day,sort.Similarly the following "simples" may may their marriage-bond be blightedalso be used: ere a year has passed away!This shall be the life between them,Pulverized myrrh wood let that life be as it may!Black poppy seeds Seal the spell with "So mote it be!" and three crosses"Holda" berries, leaves, and flowers (elderberry or made with the left hand.Finally, introduce theSambucus nigra) philter as you would any other, in chocolates, cookies, aRue (Ruta graveolens] - edible but bitter bottle of homemade wine or in whatever wayBitter aloes you can best accomplish it.You may also wish to reinforceSourgrass (sorrel) - Rumex acetosa (edible but sour) the potency of the philter by backing it upHawthorn blossoms (Crataegus oxyacanthus) with this third process, which may be put into operationPeriwinkle blossoms (Vinca major or minor) on the same evening, within the same circle.Pulverized juniper wood and berries (JuniperusBONES OF ANGER HEXCommunis)Pulverized yew wood and berries (Taxus baccata)Gather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for aFelonwort (bittersweet or woody nightshade - Solariumfew days [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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